Dollhouse Blogs

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Finished Kitchen, Butler's Pantry and scullery

Hello Everyone!
I hope you're all having a great week. I had the day off Friday, and spent it working on the Butler's pantry, the last part of the kitchen.  I usually just put the furniture in for my posts, but since I've shown you the furnished kitchen before I decided to take out some of my accessories for this one...I don't want to bore you!

The kitchen measures 24" x 20". As I made progress on the manor, I realized the space was big enough to incorporate a scullery and a butler's pantry.

The butler's pantry is the first thing you see when you walk  from the dining room to the kitchen. The first floor of the manor is 14" high so I decided to go as high as I could.
When I was looking up butler's pantries, the one that caught my I had a backsplash and counter top covered with one sheet of copper.The unit measures 9 3/4 inches large, and 11 1/2 inches high. The top part has 4 shelves and glass front doors with locks, and the bottom part has 4 small locked drawers for silver, and 2 larger ones for linen. the bottom drawers are glued on to a base. Because they are at the back of the room I didn't see any reason to make them is all about illusion after all.

The copper counter and backsplash is 2 pieces of 1/4 inch mdf glued together and covered in embossing copper sheets. I glued them on with The Ultimate Glue and gel Super Glue. The bottom part and counter/ backsplash was easy. What took a little thinking was the shelf section. I didn't want working doors. I don't mind putting in hinges, but the shelves are far enough that opening them and putting in dishes could be a little difficult and I'm afraid I might pull the doors off accidentaly. Once the unit is glued in place this would be difficult to fix. So here is my solution

The shelf unit is glued to the wall, and the front of the unit with the doors just comes right off. You can see in the picture above I glued a piece to go over the top of the unit, drilled holes that went through both, and glued a piece of dowell to the top unit. This way, I just lift off the door section and slip it back into place once I've put all the china in.
Here is my original drawing and the 4 units that make up the bulter's pantry. I faux finished everything in a dark walnut color and glued it into place.

So here is the butler's pantry

the scullery, finished with taps from Sussex Crafts 

the cooking area
and here is the empty room

And now the first and second floors of Dewell Manor are complete, except for lighting and a little detail work I'll talk about next time. I planned on working on the Attic floor the next few weeks, but some real life renovations might take up my time, but I will put up a new post as soon as I can.

To everyone celebrating Easter this weekend, I hope you have a wonderful, chocolat filled day, and to all my friends not celbrating, have a wonderful week. Thank you all for following my blog, for your comments and your support. It is thanks to all of you that I have stayed focused and have accomplished what I are all the best!

Big hugs,


  1. It looks awesome! :)

  2. Nice design on the pantry.
    But I am dying to see good photos of your panettiere and petrin. Who made them?

    I hope to make and carve one of those for my own project.

  3. Wonderful work Giac, I could spent hours in your kitchen if I was small enough, just love everything about it, the furniture, colors,..... and on and on. AND it looks so real!!!

  4. Hey Buddy
    great job on the cabinets, you really have nack for building furniture and cabinetry. And an effective solution to opening doors (I'd pull them off too given half the chance). I love the finish colour you went for. I can't beleive that's another room complete!
    Good luck with the renovations...
    Happy Easter Guys
    Simon & Scott

  5. Wonderful work Giac, I love the pantry! So clever of you to make the front lift off. And I really like how part of the pantry is hidden behind the wall, it makes it even more interesting!

  6. Hello Giac : ) I am again left open mouthed at your talent. The pantry is amazing I love how you always get such wonderful solutions to a problem. I love your kitchen everything is just perfect. Have a wonderful Easter.
    Hugs Maria

    Giac, you're going like a train, and everything you touch turns into an exercise in patience and beauty: you are to me a great example and support (although I have not done anything yet!).
    Meanwhile, I want to congratulate you for the extraordinary floors that you created for the dressing room: wow, is fabulous :-)
    But the kitchen is by far my favorite room in the doll houses, for the multitude of details that you can enter (W accessories!), So today I am totally enraptured by your work :-)
    I take this opportunity to reciprocate the good wishes for a happy Easter, full of eggs :-)
    I appreciate so much I can spend the day at home, playing with the miniatures and the PC, but unfortunately wait me for the dining-laws and my husband is pressuring me because I detaches me from the monitor, so ...
    See you soon :-)
    Mini hugs from Italia, ciao amico mio

  8. Une vraie cuisine digne d'un manoir , impressionnant ! par contre je trouve que tu as mis beaucoup d'éviers et peu de cuisinières ?
    Joyeuses pâques.

  9. Wonderful work. I love all small details which make big difference among the others. Cong.s.... Nurdan

  10. Wow gorgeous.
    There is so much to see in this room.
    Really very very nice, I can look at the pictures for hours.
    You have the colors of the walls and tiles,very harmoniously selected.
    Very happy Easter days , greetings, Alexandra.

  11. Hello, great kitchen, I love it, congratulations your work is wonderful.

  12. Perfect! all other have been mentiuon already! happy Easter!

  13. Giac,

    your kitchen is magnificent! As Alexandra says, I spent such a long time looking at the photos, the detail is amazing. I think if you look at photo 7 and 9 you could easily be fooled that they are real. What depth.

    Just wonderful!

    ML Fi xxx

  14. Felicidades, un gran trabajo!!

  15. Giac, you have captured the essence of the Victorian butler's pantry exactly! I am very impressed with your work and attention to detail.
    Happy Easter to you and yours.

  16. What beautiful work Giac. You have done so much work and research to build this gorgeous kitchen. I love the butler's pantry!!!
    Happy Easter! Catherine XXX

  17. Dear Giac,
    What a wonderful kitchen. You're going so fast. Everything you make looks magnificent and perfect.
    Happy Easter !

  18. Es un mueble realmente precioso, Giac!! Y el detalle de estar forrado de cobre es de lo más curioso!! Sin lugar a dudas te está quedando una cocina de lo más espectacular!! Mi más sincera enhorabuena!!

  19. This kitchen is perfect and full of details. I like the floor and the furniture.
    Happy Easter to you and your family.
    Bye Fbay

  20. Giac,

    Happy Easter to you and your family (and your sister's lovely little baby)!

    Well, once again you are amazing! What a brilliant solution to the cabinet to have the entire door section removable to make it easy to put items inside, and to glue the cabinet to the wall!

    Yours is the Butler's pantry nonpareil. I wish I could have had that in Sunnybrook-- but at least I can see yours and be happy.

    Way to go, Giac!
    Your friend,

  21. Brilliant, Giac! Absolutely Brilliant! Your solution to the tiny doors is Genius! This room looks SO REAL! I could walk right in! (I lived in a house with a Victorian Butler's Pantry with the copper counter-tops when I was young.... And this is JUST as I remember!)

  22. Hello Giac,
    Happy Easter my friend.
    Your kitchen is AMAZING...simply AMAZING! Talk about details, you certainly can capture all the details. I love your kitchen/butlers pantry. WOW! You have sucha talent for this mini world... I'm so glad I can peruse your blog and experience all the wonderful "littles" you are sharing with us all.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  23. Caro Giac, questa cucina è uno splendore! Credo che sia il sogno di ogni miniaturista avere nella propria casa delle bambole una cucina così grande e ricca di preziosi dettagli. Hai un gusto ed un'eleganza nei dettagli veramente unico.
    Vai proprio alla grande!!!
    Un bacio e buona Pasqua,

  24. Wow this place looks amazing! Love all the little details!

  25. ¡ Qué preciosa cocina ! Me ha gustado mucho el colorido de las paredes y la distrubución de los muebles. Es una cocina que parece de verdad. Me encanta es una maravilla. Besos y feliz semana

  26. Hi Giac! I love your collection of accessories. I favour white and blue dishes and accessories and yours are well set off by the dark cabinetry. So ingenious of you to build your cabinet with removable doors. When I visit your blog, Giac, I always feel like rereading my Catherine Cookson novels, the ones that take place during the Victorian era. Not all her novels do. I can rather imagine characters moving around in your kitchen and scenarios taking place. The "downstairs life", you know!

  27. La cocina es preciosa, elegante y refinada. Una verdadera joya. Me encanta. Felicidades.
    Un saludo.

  28. Hello my friend!
    You never fail to amaze! The kitchen and butlers pantry are gorgeous..........and the accessories add to the realism you have mastered. Very well done!
    Happy Easter to you and Jo and "Ozzy"
    Ray x

  29. Everytime i see the pictures of your scullery (and now the pantry too)i fall in love allover again...
    i like your well thought of solutions for problems, sometimes the simplicity of the solutions surprise me but they are all without an exception little treasures!
    Well done, Giac!
    Happy easter to you,

  30. Love your illusive solution to the shelf-unit-problem. Proof of a imaginative mind. And loads of skills too, cos the execution is ridiculously marvelous as always :)
    Enjoy The last day of Easter

  31. I've been back through your photos more than once - this room is wonderful, I love it! I like the fact that it's not just a square room, you've used the extra walls very well and your solution to the cabinet was inspirational.

    Hope you had a lovely Easter.

  32. Giac, it's such a pleasure to follow your work. Your miniatures and workmanship are outstanding.
    Happy Easter =0)

  33. Spectacular!! When can I move in? :)

  34. preciosa!!!, excelente trabajo.

    un abrazo.

  35. Giac, INCREDIBLE!!!!! I really love this room so much. The butler's pantry came out so fantastic!!!! Well done Sir!!!!

  36. Hi Giac!

    WOW! what a great room, so much fine work, and detail. congratulations, your work often leaves me quite speechless with admiration!

    fond regards
    Andy xx

  37. Hi Giac! Thank you for your lovely comment on my recent blog post! Your work is amazing! I am in awe of what you can make! This entire kitchen is fantastic. :-) Jennifer

  38. Ciao Giac sei un grande artista, le tue miniature sono delle vere opere d'arte.
    Buona serata

  39. Sorry I'm so late in offering my congratulations on your latest triumph. It's stupendous. What a marked difference from all the eleganza extravaganza in the other rooms...and yet it contains its own, quite beauty.

    Giac, you are nothing short of pure, unadulterated BRILLIANCE!

  40. que ganas tenia de ver la cocina terminada, impresionante como todo lo que hace. Agradezco mucho su comentario en mi blog,


  41. OMG, Giac! I am in total awe! What a wonderfully inviting space. I wish I could shrink down and cook in it.



  42. Wow wow wow.... I haven't words!!!!! I don't speak english very well so I cannot tell you what I really think of your kitchen..... it's wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. Wow, Your kitchen is wonderful! Great work!
    adorable details! Congrats!

  44. Bonjour,

    Un grand merci pour vos messages aussi gentils, je suis très impressionnée par votre travail, c'est un travail remarquable que serais bien incapable de réaliser.
    Sincères félicitations

  45. Hi Giac,

    You know, I have only just discovered that I was not actually "officially" a follower of your blog, I have no idea how that happened but the good news is NOW I AM!!!! YAY!!!!

    Ml Fi xxxx

  46. Oh my gosh! This is gorgeous! love everything about it but the high ceilings are just perfect and realistic. Your kitchen is just perfection!
    I will have to come and visit you again!

  47. Wow Giac, this is fantastic,with all those lovely details it's just perfect !! I love it :)
    You did a great job !!
    Have a good weekend .

    Hugs Mieke xxx

  48. Acabo de descrubir tu blog, y esa cocina me ha enamorado, es impresionante el trabajo que has hecho,es una cocina tan real que cuesta distinguir, felicidades por esas manos y por el buen gusto que tienes, saludos Pepi

  49. I would really like to have that butler's pantry in a distressed white. Beautiful!

  50. That's a very clever idea, working out how to remove the entire front of the butler's pantry in that way. It's a beautiful piece of furniture, too. Sandie

  51. Wow, I am really impressed. You are a genius of miniatures!

  52. Can we introduce your miniature kitchen in our magazine? I have sent a detail e-mail to you,if you're interested, please contact me soon.

  53. Hi Giac! Fantastic Kitchen and Butlers' Pantry! Beautiful the way you sub-divided the room to break up the planes and draw the eye in. Very inviting. You just seem to Whizz through big construction projects in record time. You do everything so well too!
    i see that You and I both like the 'Metropolitan' chandelier and Keeping Up Appearances. " This could be the start of a beautiful friendship! "

  54. Hi, your works are stunning? where did you bought the white and blue porcelain jars and vases in the kitchen?
    Thank you! Have a nice day!

  55. I love this room the inviting!
