Dollhouse Blogs

Friday, 1 July 2011

Ceilings, Wallpaper and Kitchen Tiles.

I don't like painting! When the time came to finish the walls and ceilings I decided everything would get wallpaper for the following reasons
-Wallpaper covers imperfections
-I hate painting, I can never get it as smooth as I want.

I looked at many websites and purchased all my ceiling papers on Ebay. All my wallpaper came from Les Chinoiseries in spain. Of all he dollhouse wallpaper I've seen, Les Chinoiseries is the best! The colors are strong and vibrant, the patterns bold and period appropriate, and the quality of the print is very high and they use good, thick paper. It was a pleasure to work with.

Every miniaturist has their favorite way of applying paper to walls. I went with regular good quality wallpaper paste from my hardware store. The paste is slippery which helps position the paper and adjust it. I applied the paste to the back of the paper with an inexpensive sponge brush, apply it to the wall and smooth it down using a sponge roller brush and my clean hands.
I started with the ceilings. I put the house upside down and the textured paper went onto the primed surface easily.

The next day I painted all the ceilings using a small sponge paint roller except for the library which had a gold colored paper. 2 coates was sufficient.I put the house back right side up and tackled the wallpaper. I applied it exactly the same way as the ceiling, being just a bit more careful not to get any paste on the good side of the paper (since the ceiling was getting paint I wasen't as fussy). I cut the paper to the right height, applied it, waited about 10 minutes, then cut out the window and door openings. Many of the rooms are getting wood paneling, so I left the bottom half uncovered.

The only room I had a problem with was the Girl's Bedroom. It is the only paper that ran when a bit too much paste got on the good side. In the end I can camouflage the imperfections or hide them with furniture and molding, I onle had to re-do one wall.

The kitchen is 14" high so I only tiled the bottom half. I purchased 3d laminated cardboard tile sheets. I applied them just like wallpaper. I was a bit more careful when pressin them down because the sheet is textured and if you push to hard you would damage the tile effect.


  1. Beautiful work! I love your choice of wallpaper. I never would have thought to use regular wallpaper paste from the hardware store. Such a good idea when one has to order online continually for everything. We used to have a miniature store in Ottawa but it closed about fifteen years ago.

  2. Hello Lucille,
    Thank you so much for your kind words, I appreciate it very much. Should you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm not a professional, but I would love to be of any help I can.
    Good luck on your projects,
    All the best,

  3. your collection is awesome i have also related stuff in my website keep visit imgsrc

  4. Kitchen remodeling is the work that you do not invest in more frequently. It is therefore important that you look for the most durable and best quality tiles. azulejos cocina

  5. I love how detailed your explanation of applying each type of papering material was.
