Dollhouse Blogs

Friday 22 December 2017

Happy holidays everyone!

Hello all,

I hope you are all doing well. I just wanted to take a moment and wish you all the happiest of holidays. I celebrate Christmas myself, but no matter what you celebrate, I hope it will be wonderful  and I wish you all the best for the new year.  Who knows, maybe the world will remember/learn what peace is in 2018?

Once again I had not planned to stay away so long. Many weekends since my lost post were spent in the yard renovating the deck and preparing for winter. In the past few weeks my mom had minor surgery and my father-in-law fell off a stool and broke his shoulder 6 days before he and my-mother in-law moved to their new condo. It has been a bit of a bumpy ride, but they are both doing well. Jo and I are still surrounded by no baby and the wait has been much harder then we anticipated. They tell us not to think about it and go on with life as usual...easy to say! It has all been mentally and physically draining.  As of today I am on holiday for 2 weeks so I should finally be able to catch up on sleep...and work on my minis! In the meantime, I figured you deserved a sneak peak of things to come.

I was working on the ballroom floor and finished the medallion just to realize the rest of the floor would be a lot of calculations to accommodate the colonnade...

I decided to put the ballroom aside...again...and concentrate on the countess' study. I finished the floor...

I painted the ceiling...

And I painted the structural elements...

I know ...the pictures are cruel, but as you know I much prefer presenting a room when it is finished, and given I have the time off I will definitely post the study before I go back to work.

On that note, thank you all for following my adventures and allowing me to follow yours. It is always such a great pleasure for me to enjoy your artwork and get to know you through your blogs. I wish you all a year full of inspiration!

Big hugs to all,


  1. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas! XXX

  2. Merry Christmas, Giac!
    I hope your time away from work will allow for lots of rest and lots of fun! I am looking forward to seeing your progress on the study, and anything else you share.
    Love to you and yours,

  3. Hi Giac,

    Wat een hectische periode hebben jullie achter de rug, de operatie van je moeder en de val van je schoonvader met alle ongemakken die daar mee gemoeid zijn. Fijn om te lezen dat het inmiddels weer een stuk beter met beide ouders gaat.
    En ik kan me zo goed voorstellen dat het al zolang wachten op een lieve kleine baby jullie een bijna hopeloos gevoel geven. Zoiets belangrijks in je leven dat is gewoon dag en nacht in je gedachten. Natuurlijk kan je niet maar gewoon door gaan met leven, dat is te makkelijk gesproken en niet erg aardig, veel sterkte daarmee.

    Jullie wil ik ook onvergetelijke sfeervolle kerstdagen toewensen, en alle goeds en vooral goede
    gezondheid, volop creativiteit en inderdaad VREDE op aarde, de wereld is op dit moment gewoon ziek te noemen. Geniet van jullie vakantie, niets moet en alles mag!!!


  4. I wish You a healty, peaceful and family Christmas and all the best and dream come true in the new year.

  5. Hola Giac, me alegro que los tuyos se vayan recuperando y que el nuevo año se cumplan todos tus deseos . Aunque las fotos no se vea el progreso, seguro que será un trabajo como siempre espectacular.
    Feliz Navidad y un próspero año 2018. :-)

  6. Joyeux Noël et bonne année pour vous et votre famille. Que 2018 soit l'année où votre plus beau souhait soit enfin réalisé. (Je croise les doigts)

  7. My dear Don Giacomo, I am truly sorry to hear about the health issues and mishaps going on in your immediate family.
    I hope that both your mother and father-in-law are speeding down the road to recovery.
    No doubt it must have had you and Jo running back and forth to and from the hospital, whilst squeezing out time to get your deck finished.
    It sounds like you will need a vacation from Christmas holidays. ;D
    In the meantime, Have a VERY MERRY Christmas and a remember that "good things do come to those who wait",
    ( even when waiting is a struggle )


  8. Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année Giac
    Continue à nous montrer tes créations grandioses .C'est toujours un immense plaisir de découvrir les pièces de ton chateau .Que cette nouvelle année voit tes rêves se réaliser.

  9. Dear Giac,
    Thank you for your heartfelt wishes. I extend the same to you and thank you for all the encouragement you have freely given to me - among many. I really appreciate it.
    All the best to you and Jo for this Christmas season and for a happy and healthy 2018.

  10. Oh you're so mean! I want to see!

    Though I do like the bits I can see. Hope you have a lovely holiday season!

    1. And I'm sending good thoughts in your direction for the health of your family and good baby news. It'll happen, but it'll be when you least expect it.

  11. Merry Christmas to you and Jo! The pics are such a tease, but it's sort of like seeing the wrapped gifts under the tree: anticipation for what it will be is almost as much fun as seeing/knowing how it will all come together!
    I hope 2018 brings you and Jo a baby! Babies really are a wonderful mini! Merry Christmas!

  12. Hey Giac, I hope your mother is recovered and your father-in-law isn't in too much pain anymore, and that the move went well.
    It's indeed easier said than done to just go on with your life as usual, when you're waiting on your baby. But it will happen, much strength wished while waiting!
    Enjoy your well deserved holiday, and I wish you, Jo and your other loved ones a Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2018!
    Hugs xxx

  13. Hi Giac,
    Life always steals away our blogging time, but it's good to hear things are all on the mend family wise.

    Thank you so much for your good wishes and company throughout 2017. I sincerely wish you and Jo a wonderful Christmas and look forward to reading baby news in 2018.
    Keep the Faith!
    Big hugs,

  14. Bonjour Giac,
    Que Noël soit *Merveilleux* pour vous, Jo et vos familles.
    Gardez espoir pour 2018, je souhaite que votre rêve de fonder une famille se réalise ! Amicalement. Joce

  15. Merci pour vos bons voeux Giac. Je suis très curieux de voir vos nouveaux travaux, c'est toujours spectaculaire chez vous! A mon tour je vous souhaite une nouvelle année de paix et d'heureuses surprises.

  16. Oh! Lamento los imprevistos aunque celebro que se vayan resolviendo bien :) Esperar es tan difícil, yo te entiendo... ojalá el día llegue en este año que va a empezar, Giac! Entretanto, tienes que aprovechar para ultimar ese salón de baile porque cuando llegue el bebé veréis como el universo de pronto da la vuelta y tu salón se convertirá en la última de tus prioridades, jaaaa! Te mando un abrazo y te deseo una muy feliz Navidad!!! :)

  17. Dear Giac, I'm sorry to read that the past time was a bumpy ride for you both, so I do hope that your mother and father in law will recover well and soon.
    I'm sure that you're in need for a good vacation now after this tough time. I fully agree with Elizabeth that "good things do come to those who wait (even when waiting is a struggle), keep courage, my dear friend.
    I'll wait and see when you can show us some news of miniature works, but most important is: take your time and relax. I must say that the above pictures are very promising, as usual ;O)!
    Have a Merry Christmas with your family and I wish peace, creativity and good health for you and Jo for 2018!
    Big hug, Ilona

  18. Hola Giac, espero que tus padres se recuperen muy pronto y ese ansiado bebé llegue cuanto antes.
    Estoy deseando ver el salón de baile terminado, que estoy segura, será espectacular
    Felices fiestas en compañia de tus seres queridos.
    Un abrazo

  19. Hi Giac! Happy Holidays to you and Jo!!! I hope you enjoy your creative time off.... I can't wait to see more of those hinted-at details! I guess a lovely painted sky ceiling in a lattice-garden atmosphere???? (I so want to make one of those when I finally start my Chateau... someday!) I am glad to hear you and your loved ones are all well.... it is a time for counting blessings! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

  20. I hope that your mother and father in law will recover well and soon.
    Beautiful work.
    Merry Christmas and Happy 2018!

  21. ¡Felices Navidades! Espero que el 2018 traiga mucha alegría y salud y en especial ese bebé que esperáis.

  22. You've really had some rough times... I hope your dear family members will recover soon and well. But the more you deserve some wonderful days of Christmas... and that's what I'm wishing to you: Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year! Thanks for your lovely and touching words, I can honestly say that the blogworld would not be the same without you... although I disagree with you - your pictures were not just cruel... to me this was more in the range of pure torture *LOL* Let's hope we will not have to wait too long to see more of this. Happy Holidays to you and Jo!


  23. Dear Giac,
    Thank you for your lovely wishes and your promise of things to come. I wish you all the very best for Christmas and know that good things will come for you and Jo in the coming year.
    Regards, Linda

  24. Très "JOYEUX NÔEL" à vous aussi Giac ainsi qu'à votre famille!!!!
    Vos rêves de famille se réaliseront , c'est certain!!
    Je vous embrasse!

  25. hello

    Je vous souhaite ce qu'avait écrit jacques Brel :

    « Je vous souhaite des rêves à n'en plus finir, et l'envie furieuse
    d'en réaliser quelques-uns.
    Je vous souhaite d'aimer ce qu'il faut aimer, et d'oublier ce qu'il faut oublier.
    Je vous souhaite des passions.

    Je vous souhaite des silences.
    Je vous souhaite des chants d'oiseaux au réveil et des rires d'enfants… »
    bisous et JOYEUSES FÊTES

  26. Hey buddy
    Wishing you and Jo a wonderful Christmas and best wishes re the adoption.
    Enjoy your time off work and relax.
    Si & Scott

  27. You've certainly got us all intrigued now!

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  28. Fiquei muito curiosa para ver o trabalho pronto !!
    vai ficar belíssimo com seu grande talento..
    Saúde para sua mãe e sogro, e um ano Novo muito abençoado também...

    FELIZ NATAL GIAC !! Que a paz de JESUS esteja sempre contigo !!!

  29. Dear Giac, oh my you have been busy! Lovely to be able to end the year with a holiday. I hope 2018 will be a beautiful year for you, filled with love, family and miniatures, and that it may bring you all that you hope and have waited for! Happy Holidays!

  30. Dear Giac,

    Wishing you and Jo a Merry Christmas, happy holidays and best wishes for 2018. Hope for great news for you both,re the adoption.
    Also may your Mother and father-in-law's recovery be speedy and back to good health.
    Enjoy your time off and I look forward to coming to see your next projects.
    Warm hugs

  31. Merry Christmas to you and yours and wishing you a happy prosperous and healthy new year. (2017 can't end fast enough for me)

  32. I hope you had a peaceful and merry Christmas. All my best wishes for a Happy New Year. May 2018 be full of joy and peace and hopefully a baby.

  33. A Merry Christmas my dear friend and I see forward to see more of that beautiful room you make just now.
    Hope 2018 will be a year with lot of time and many miniatures.
    A big hug

  34. Hi Giac, sorry to hear about your latest news but happy to see that things are improving. I hope you are enjoying your holidays and that the Christmas season has brought you joy, peace and happiness. I also hope that your dreams and wishes come true in 2018. Happy Holidays!

  35. Tanti auguri in ritardo Giac, un grande abbraccio ad entrambi e spero che il vostro sogno si realizzi presto. Un bacione, Rosanna

  36. Hello, Giac - I was sorry to hear about the health problems of your mother and your father-in-law, but hopefully both of them are improving and will soon be fully recovered. The countess' study floor looks beautiful; I'm excited to see more of it! You've done an amazing job on the painted ceiling; I love those wispy white clouds in the blue, blue sky. That's going to be another gorgeous room! I wish you and Jo a bright and blessed New Year - and I hope the blessings include the prompt arrival of your baby!

  37. I found your blog today and I start reading it from the very beginning... It's amazing what you have done, I'm absolutely enchanted.
    Happy New Year!

  38. Dear Giac,
    I wish you all the best for the new year 2018!
    All your dreams are about to come true and I'm happy about your work in your dollhouse :o)

    Big hugs

  39. Get well soon for your parents and in-laws!

  40. Oh Giac I’m so sorry to read you and Jo are still waiting for a baby, hopefully it will happen very soon. I’m glad to hear your mum and father-in-law are doing well. I hope you had a good Christmas. Enjoy your time off and I look forward to seeing more of the ballroom. Wishing you all the very best for 2018 xx

  41. Feliz Año Nuevo Giac.
    Que pases una feliz noche con tus seres queridos y nos vemos a lo largo del 2018
    Un abrazo

  42. Sorry i missed your this post.It shows your hard work :)

  43. Realmente bonita,es espectacular.
    Personalmente me gusta más ahora,se ve "más real".
    Cómo siempre Giac,es maravilloso.
