I hope you are all doing well and happy. You have been waiting a while for Dewell Manor updates...and you will have to wait a bit more. Because of the renovations I have not been able to work on my miniatures for weeks. I am suffering serious mini withdrawal! I have been saving up for chandeliers, but last week the withdrawal was so bad I broke down and purchased a piano for the Dining Room.
![]() |
The Alhambra piano and stool. I have wanted this piece for over a long time |
My real life kitchen renovations are almost over so I will be able to work on minis again soon. I hope to post at the end of the month or by the beginning of November. I am happy with the way the kitchen is coming along, but I hate renovations with a passion!
The most difficult was not having a sink and stove...very difficult for someone who loves to cook |
Thank you all for your caring comments about my mother. She is doing well but her operation was pushed back to November. She is not suffering thanks to the morphine, but the thought that what she has might be cancerous is constantly on our mind. We were having supper at her home a few weeks back and I had the most wonderful tea party for 2 ever
She has more intelligent conversation then many adults I know |
I have kept up with your incredible posts but I would like to apologize to some of you. About three weeks ago I did not post any comments for a week. I read your posts but I had a strong allergic reaction to something (syrup or medicated throat lozenges I think). My hands were swollen and I was covered in hives, and the medication I was taking made me incredibly sleepy. I could just not bring myself to comment. 18 days later I am still having the reaction, but it is very mild and under control. One who has been feeling much better the past 2 weeks is Ozzy. He looked pitiful during the renovations but now that most of it is finished he is back to his old self
This is an older picture but he has not changed |
And that is my update! Sorry that there is no miniature work to show...it is driving me nuts! Next week I will not be leaving comments on any of your blogs. This was a big year for Jo and I. The last week of August we celebrated 8 years together, and the first week of September we celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. We do not give each other anniversary presents, but this year, being 5 years, we decided to take a little Maritime and New England cruise that will take us from Halifax to Newport...yes, I get to see the Vanderbilt Mansions!!!
![]() |
The Breakers |
So my friends, I will be back commenting and making miniatures as soon as we get back from our trip. Thank god I had your blogs to follow...can you die if you are away from miniatures too long???
I wish you all the best and send you all a giant Giac-size hug
ReplyDeleteYou do have a lot going on in RL!
What an adorable companion and lucky you to have tea with her dolls along for added company!
Have a wonderful anniversary trip with Jo!
Hello Giac,
ReplyDeleteNo apologies are needed for your absence, dear friend…Real Life has a way of getting in the way of miniatures for all of us from time to time :-{
I hope that you are soon completely recovered from the nasty allergic reaction that you and Jo have a wonderful Anniversary trip! It will be a great get-away after all the kitchen renovations :-)
Brian and I hope that your Mom's operation goes smoothly and that all the worries about cancer will be laid to rest. Please, let her know that we are thinking positive thoughts that all goes well.
The piano is just perfect for the Manor…it has a wonderful, ornate, slightly-gothic look so beloved by the Late Victorians :-)
Enjoy your cruise! Looking forward to your future posts about the wonderful Dewel Manor.
PS. So glad to hear that Ozzy is back to his old self again :-)
Giac, I will be thinking lots of positive thoughts for your mom in the days to come.
ReplyDeleteHave a great time in your trip. Happy anniversary! I can't wait to see what ideas The Breakers contributes to Dewell Manor.
That piano is gorgeous and just right for Dwell Manor. I am so glad you got one of your dream pieces. ;-)
ReplyDeleteYour RL kitchen looks fantastic. I know what a pain renovations are I too. I hate have the inconvenience of chaos in my house. Poor Ozzy. I know how upsetting it can be for animals.
WOW! That was a horrible allergic reaction you had from that medicine. It sure took a long time to work out of your system, that's scary! I am so glad you are alright.
Happy anniversary! Have fun on your New England cruise. I hope you get to go inside the Vanderbilt mansions.
Keeping my fingers crossed for your mom.
Dear Giac, such a lovely and complete update your give us in this post. You have had a lot to pay attention to! It is a miracle to me you can comment at all combined with your busy Real Life! Anyway; congratulations with your wedding anniversary and I wish you a great cruise. I will be away from blogging for some time too.....
ReplyDeleteWell, you certainly are having a lot of turmoil. I am sorry that your mother's operation was put off--I am hoping to hear from you one of these days that she is well. Please give her my and Andrew's love and tell her that we think of her and wish her well.
ReplyDeleteI agree, I too, hate remodeling a house as I am living in it! I love to cook also, so I know how you are feeling!
Happy Anniversary--you all will love those mansions--they are incredible--not very "homey" but wonderful to see.
Dear Giac,
ReplyDeleteWe all have our moments of not commenting and also no time for playing with our miniatures.
That's the nicest piano I have ever seen.
Wow what a great job you did on your kitchen. I can imagine how it feels when you don't have a kitchen. I hope you could use the bbq.
Because take away or Mac Donalds every day must feel like a punishment.
I'm sorry to read about your mother. Hope she gets well soon.
Glad to read about Ozzy doing well again.
Congratulations with your wedding anniversary !
I wish you and Jo a magical trip filled with joy and a lot of nice things to see.
Hugs Dorien
Glad to hear the renovations are coming along, sad to hear about your Mum and the nasty reaction you had. I hope you and Jo have a wonderful break together. Big hug =0)
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear from you!
ReplyDeleteYou may not have shown any of the Manor but that piano is definitely drool worthy. That should last us until we have you back. Geez, I wish my kitchen looked as good as your does now! LOL when it is finished it will be so very fabulous!
Glad both mom and Ozzy are feeling better. Your mom will still be on my prayer list. All three of your tea mates look like lots of fun. lol
I know you will get lots of ideas for the Manor house on your trip. After you and Jo have fun at that Vanderbilt house there, you have to come down to the one in North Carolina...it trumps the NY one! Yup!
sending happy thoughts and especially wellwishes for your mother! thanks for letting us take part in all your activities! :) As to your last question...:) i suppose, once infected..always infected! :)
ReplyDeleteCe piano est une pièce remarquable! La fin des travaux approchent,ne désespérez pas!!!!!!!! Profitez pleinement de votre petit week end d'Anniversaire de Mariage!!!
ReplyDeleteA bientôt pour la suite des travaux,les minis!!!!!!!!
Dear Giac,
ReplyDeletePlease go on this cruise and have an absolutely fabulous and relaxing time with Jo - it sounds like you guys need it!
I love the piano, the suggestion of music makes a house feel more 'liveable' in, especially with one as grand as that!
I didn't get back to you about measurements as I had my inlaws staying, and things have been super busy here, but I'll email them now,
Have a great time, and congratulations on your 5th,
Love that piano. I've been to Alhambra and the name is very fitting. I think you can die of miniature deprivation. No matter how much else is going on in my life (which is too much most of the time) I neeeeed to make at least a little clothing item now and then. ;-)
ReplyDeleteHey buddy
ReplyDeleteSo good to hear your news. I'm sorry your mum's Op has been pushed back, so frustrating.
Congrats on your anniversary, the cruise sounds fantastic - you'll need a super zoom lense!
Your kitchen is looking great, I bet you can't wait to have your first Christmas in it.
Stay well and know that even though you can't update us as much as you'd like, that we're all thinking of you.
Ps loving the piano!
i love your little tea party! the most cutest quests :)
ReplyDeletecongratulations for the 5th year!! the mansion looks perfect place!
i wish A lot of good years and decades and all the best :)
Hola Giac, que alegría leerte. Siento lo de tu madre, pero verás como se pone bien pronto.
ReplyDeleteYo también tuve una reacción alérgica y también se me hincharon las manos y tuve ronchas por todo el cuerpo, pero me inyectaron un antihistamínico y solucionado el tema, siento que a ti te esté durando tanto tiempo.
Veo que a Ozzy no le gustan nada las reformas, se enfadó un poco verdad?
Felicidades por esos maravillosos 8 años juntos, deseo que disfruteis mucho de vuestro viaje, ya pondrás fotos a la vuelta y por los blogs no te preocupes, primero eres tu, y sino comentas no pasa nada, a todos en algún momento nos ha pasado.
Se te ve feliz jugando con la pequeña a las comidas, me gusta mucho esa imagen.
Y por último felicitarte por la adquisición del piano, es una maravilla, dentro de tu estilo, toda una pequeña obra de arte.
Te mando un beso cariñoso.
Hi Giac!
ReplyDeleteI hope your Mother will get better soon!
The Alhambra piano and stool are so beautiful items that it is no wonder you just had to buy them! Congratulations for purchasing them!I have never seen anything like your Piano!
You have had very cute company for tea! :)
PS Have a nice Cruise!
Surely there is a lot going in your life now, so there is no need to apologize, Giac. Hope your allergy will soon be over and you both with Jo will have a great time celebrating.
ReplyDeleteThe piano looks great.
Fingers crossed for your Mum's operation.
Have a great cruise!
Big hug
Hello Giac wishing your Mother well and that it will be happy news soon. I hope you make a full recovery soon. I love your piano it is beautiful. These little tea parties are the best kind : ))) Happy Anniversary to you both have a fantastic trip relax and enjoy.
ReplyDeleteTake care :)
Hugs Maria
Les voyages sont des fabriques à souvenirs! Les souvenirs sont des armes redoutables pour combattre les affres de la vie ...
ReplyDeleteAmicalement, Dominique
Caro Giac, sono contenta che i tuoi lavori di ristrutturazione siano quasi al termine, immagino sia stata una faticaccia!! Mi auguro che giungano al più presto delle buone notizie anche per la salute della tua mamma.E ti auguro un buon anniversario di tutto cuore e che finalmente tu possa rilassarti e divertirti durante la tua vacanza. Molto bella la scena dell'ora del thè e del cane che come ogni cane che si rispetti a sempre qualcosa da prendere e trascinarsi per casa!!
ReplyDeleteUn abbraccio, Manu
Ciao Giac, sei speciale in tutto ..:).,, ti auguro di trascorrere un bellissimo viaggio di amore con tua moglie e buon anniversario! Penso che questa meravigliosa bimba sia tua figlia,.... Sei stato bravo nella ristrutturazione della casa, , e mi piacerebbe vedere questo pianoforte in miniatura nel tuo prossimo lavoro. Un grosso abbraccio anche se virtuale a tua mamma...e che superi al meglio l'operazione.
ReplyDeleteTi aspettiamo presto! Bacioni
Quand on aime on attend pas Giac tu as eu raison d'acheter ce piano , si cela te fait plaisir .
ReplyDeleteTu as bien travailler dans ta cuisine 1/1 c'est super .
Prend bien soin de ta santé c'est le plus important.
Hi Giac
ReplyDeletecongrats on the wedding and anniversary and I hope your mother comes through her surgery with flying colors,Im so excited for you..you get to see the Vanderbilts (that's sort of like seeing Downton Abby in real life) you lucky guy!! Im glad to hear that you are feeling better *stop taking that over the counter stuff you are probably allergic to it * good to hear that Ozzy is doing ok sometimes reno dust can clog their sinus's poor thing needs a milk bone and a good rub behind the ears :)
enjoy your trip and relax we'll be here waiting for you :)
Big Piano Hugs (Im so jealous of that piano)
Marisa :)
What my Sweetie above said! She typed all the stuff I was planning to say! If you want a good laugh after a hard day try the Fairy name generator on Marisa's blog, Trust me when I say it will make you laugh. I got Thorn Heartsnap! 'p
DeleteHi Giac, Miniatures or no miniatures, it is always a pleasure to hear from you. So sorry about the hives. I hope you're over them completely very, very soon. Congratulations on your anniversaries, and have a fantastic trip. I'm looking forward to hearing from you when you return. xo Jennifer
ReplyDeleteFirst of all my best wishes for your Mom - and of course for you that your recovery from that allergy continues fast and well. Please don't feel like having to apologize for being absent or not showing miniatures, you had so much going on in real life... a kitchen renovation is one of the hardest things and having a tea party with such a beautiful lady is for sure much more important than anything else... ;O) Chapeau for treating yourself with that piano... this is stunning! Have a great time at your anniversary trip... I hope you'll bring loads of pictures with you... (yes, I admit it... I'm selfish sometimes... *teehee*)
Hi Giac! I think you deserve a good break after everything you've been going through! I sincerely hope everything turns out okay with you and your Mom (and Ozzy!) The piano is amazing, the intricate detailing is beautiful to look at. Have a great anniversary cruise! Kind regards, Brian.
ReplyDeleteAfter all the things that happened and still happen in your RL life, Giac, it is a wonder you still left your wonderful comments on our blogs! I hope things will go better for your mother, yourself and for your family. I loved that picture of the tea party and I agree with the subtitling ;)! The piano is a real beauty and I think that you really deserved it after all the misery you've gone through....
ReplyDeleteI wish you a wonderful anniversary trip with Jo, congrats on all your anniversaries!I hope you can take some gorgeous pictures and we'll see you back when the time will be there for you. Take care!
Big hug, Ilona
Felice anniversario, Giac! Ti auguro un viaggio sereno e che al tuo ritorno tu stia meglio e anche la tua mamma! Bon voyage!
ReplyDeleteHi Giac! Happy Anniversary!!! I am glad to hear you are feeling better! Allergic reactions can be very scary! I hope you enjoy your trip to New England.... it is so beautiful here right now! I can wait a little longer for updates on Dewell Manor..... after all... RL does have a way of Demanding our attention! Lol!
ReplyDeleteI can Totally understand buying that piano... Sometimes those little purchases are the Therapy we need!
I hope your Mom's operation goes well... I will keep your family in my prayers!
Enjoy your Cruise.... you deserve a Get Away!!!
Feliz aniversario y que disfrutes del crucero.
ReplyDeleteDeseo lo mejor para su madre y también para tu alergia, que remita totalmente y disfrutes del viaje sin problemas de salud.
La foto de la niña no se quien está mas feliz, tu o ella, muy entrañable.
Y por última tu piano, impresionante.
Feliz viaje y feliz regreso.
I am relieved to hear your mother is doing well and not in pain, and that your renovations are almost over. Oh and happy anniversary! Sorry about the allergic thing...But so good to hear from you :)
ReplyDeleteHi Giac,
ReplyDeleteYour kitchen is looking brilliant and I do sympathize --doing dishes in the bathtub gets old, fast! The photo of you and your --niece?-- is too cute for words. I'm glad Ozzie is getting used to the reno --my dog, Edie, hates change, too. She goes absolutely bizerk whenever I bring a new flower arrangement into the room. Such a fuss over a few hydrangeas. I've long admired The Breakers a la distance, and hope to see it some day in person. You are going to be like a June bride in a feather bed when you see it! Both you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery --OUCH!-- I just got struck by lightening! Was that really necessary? Anyhoo, have a blast on your trip and Happy Anniversary!
Hello Giac,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the anniversaries! Way to go!
Hope you will soon be totally recovered from that very nasty allergic reaction. I hope it is not what you all fear for, concerning your mother, and that she too will be okay and healthy again soon.
Love the piano and feel sorry for the withdrawal :) hang in there, the renovation will soon be completed!
Speaking of which: beautiful kitchen, what great taste! (I've got the same color of wood in mine :))
Have a great time on the trip, and take pictures!:)
Happy Anniversary Giac! Enjoy the cruise, it's a well deserved treat, after all you've been through!!
ReplyDeleteWith all you have been going through with your Mum and renovations I hope you have a wonderful anniversary trip and can relax a bit. The piano and stool will look wonderful in your project.
ReplyDeleteFirst, congratulations whit your wedding anniversary, I hope you both will have a wonderful holiday. It seems to be a holiday that can give you so much inspiration.
ReplyDeleteFrustrating that your mother's surgery has been postponed. Tiresome that she has to wait so long.
It's nice when your home is being renovated, but annoying when it's on.
It seems to be a great cozy tea-party, with cake and good company.
You are so visible in blog land, you do not, in any way, have to excuse your temporary absence.
Enjoy life and your love one.
Hi Giac!
ReplyDeleteHappy Anniversary to you both...it will be good to have something wonderful happening in your life this coming week as it sounds like you have been having a lot of turmoil in your life just recently (apart from the tea-party). You know I fully understand the "reno thing" as we have been doing the same thing downunder...remember the results are worth all the work in the end...and your kitchen is looking great!
Sorry to hear your mum's op was postponed, but wish her well and look forward to hearing there's a speedy recovery happening soon.
Love the piano! It will be a perfect addition to the Manor. Although I miss the progress photos, I certainly understand that life just gets in the way more often than we'd like sometimes.
Enjoy yourselves on the cruise and take lots of snaps of the Vanderbilt Mansions ,
Warmest hugs,
Hola Giac!!!! Veo que tu vida transcurre agitada,las obras van por buen camino y en nada estarán terminadas y podréis volver a cocinar!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDisfrutaste de un buen té y en muy buena compañia!!!!
Me alegro que tu madre,por lo menos,no sufra dolores y espero que pueda mejorar pronto!!
A Ozzy se le ve contento y volviendo a jugar,es que ha tenido que estar muy extraño con las obras!!!
Felicidades por vuestro aniversario y espero que disfrutéis mucho en el crucero!!!
El piano que has comprado es una obra de arte,fascinantemente hermoso!!!
A ver si te recuperas pronto de la reacción alérgica para que puedas volver a usar las manos normalmente!!!
Hallo Giac,
ReplyDeleteErg fijn je hier wee te zien. Verontschuldigingen zijn echt niet nodig na zo'n drukke en soms vervelende periode.
Voor je moeder en jou hoop ik op verbetering van de situatie.
Blijf het vooral rustig aan doen.
Onze gelukwensen met jullie 5 jarige trouwdag en geniet van de reis.
Lieve groetjes en een stevige knuffel van Willy en mij,
Happy Anniversary to you both Giac! No need for apologies,. I'm sure everyone will agree that it is always nice to hear from you, but real life takes priority. Allergic reactions can be very annoying, I know. I hope you will find the source of your reaction so you can avoid it in future. I assume that's you in the picture with your niece (?). I love your long curly hair!
ReplyDeleteThe piano is gorgeous! So very Victorian looking, it will look great in your house.
Best wishes for your mother's recovery. Take it easy and have fun on your trip!
Hi Giac,
ReplyDeleteOh my, your plate is definitely FULL! Sorry to hear about the tough things you are experiencing. Big hugs to you and all your family members.
Congratulations to you and Jo. Have a great trip.
Take good care of yourself,
Isabelle and Sam
Oh the minis will wait, maybe just set small plates and little foods for dinner one night and it will make you feel like you cooked a fabulous meal, for practice when your fabulous kitchen is ready! ;P
ReplyDeleteMy best wished for you and your family in this rough time, I hope you are felling better.
The tea party shot is darling, and shows a beautiful mini right there ;)
Have a wonderful trip and I hope you will be back at making miniatures real soon....are you sure the allergic reaction wasn't from the lack of miniature making?? ;-)
ReplyDeleteBest wishes for your mother!!!
hugs, Margriet
Hola Giac, muchas felicidades por tu aniversario y espero que la alergia te permita disfrutar del viaje.
ReplyDeleteTambien espero que tu madre se recupere muy pronto.
El piano es una auténtica obra de arte.
Besos y hasta tu regreso.
Por lo que veo la reforma marcha bien y tu madre por lo menos no tiene dolores que eso es muy importante.
ReplyDeleteEnhorabuena por tu 5º aniversario. -Disfrutad todo lo que podais cada momento.
Me encanta el piano.
Hi Giac! The piano is really fantastic. Never seen one like that before.
ReplyDeleteHope you and your mother will feel better.
Of course we are waiting for your mini work, but life must still come first.
Fun that your real kitchen gets so nicely.
Many Hugs from Lil on Lilsdolls
First of all my best wishes for your Mom, and to you both Happy Anniversary.
ReplyDeleteThe kitchen looks good. You have plenty of storage space that is so useful.
What a nice picture with you and the little lady.
Cute to see how you sit at the table with the two dolls.So much fun.
I wish you a very pleasant journey and that you may gain a great deal of inspiration.
Enjoy it.
Kind regards.
Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful way to celebrate it, enjoy your trip!
ReplyDeleteThe piano is fabuluous.
All the best to your mother
Hello My Friend! Such an assortment of major Ups and Downs for you over the last little while! Isn't that just the way life goes? You seem to be handling your series of traumas better than most Giac; you have such a big and caring heart. Each of the circumstance that you have chosen to share with us are ones that require intense energy and focus. That's a LOT on YOUR PLATE! I am so happy that you are going to take the opportunity with Jo to physically get away from it all! A change of place is a good way to get your emotional health back again! Meanwhile, we miss you and look forward to hearing from you again and enjoying the Great Pleasure of Your Company!
ReplyDeleteLove the mini piano but Love You even more! :))
Caro Giac, mi dispiace sapere che sei stato male, anche io ho avuto una reazione simile con un farmaco, oltre che al sonno mi portava un forte disorientamento e perdita dell'equilibrio. La foto del tuo Teaparty è meravigliosa, sono d'accordo con te sulla qualità della conversazione!
ReplyDeletePrenditi tutto il tempo di cui hai bisogno, noi ti aspettiamo con tanto affetto ed ammirazione!
Un grande abbraccio,
Oi Giac, adorei o chá com a pequena menina, linda foto.
ReplyDeleteSinto muito por você ter ficado doente mas graças que já esta melhor.
Desejo um ótimo passeio com a sua esposa, parabéns aos dois e divirtam-se bastante.
Um grande abraço, Fernanda.
Eeeew, Giac, hope you will be feeling better soon , not to mention your mom -and your kitchen . I also HATE renovations, unfortunately my kitchen is due somewhere during next months. And I also love to cook... Hugs, take care!
ReplyDeletewoow! que piano más bonitoo! me encanta;) feliiiciidades muchos besitos
ReplyDeleteNo me extraña nada que no te hallas podido resistir al piano. Es precioso!!!!
Amazing piano! We hope you can finish the renovations!
ReplyDeleteI wish you a happy wedding anniversary!
hi, Anda
Wow, you are busy and some for the wrong reasons :-(
ReplyDeleteMaybe your reaction was due to miniatures withdrawal? Hope you have a great voyage and are able to relax a bit. See you soon! Peg
Oh my goodness,
ReplyDeleteyou have been over loaded with stress, that probably added to the reaction you had to the lozenges.
Your poor Mamma, (thats what Jay calls me) I hope she is okay, there is nothing worse than having it all dragged out and not knowing!! You are a great son and I am sure you will be doing everything you can for her. You are such a lovely uncle, look at you playing Tea parties with your little niece, she must adore you!!
Congratulations to you and Jo, 8 years is quite something I hope you enjoy another 8 years of happiness together, I have no doubt you will.
Your mother will be in my prayers and I wish you all well.
Take care my lovely, I wont email you, that way you wont have to worry about responding.
Huge hugs!!
Hi dear Giac,
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to read about your mom, can imagine it's awful not to know, and now you'll even have to wait some more... I so hope she's going to be okay!
Your kitchen looks so much better, even not finished, it must be so great when it's all done, it will be all worth it, I promise!
The picture with your niece is so cute and she adorable (but I'll have to say: you are too ;)
No worries about commenting, it's a dayjob if you want to keep up with that, nothing to appologize for, it's impossible to do it all, so don't expect yourself to, especially not with everything going on. It's great to have your comments I'll admit and they always make me smile, but please give yourself some room to breathe and not to add more stress and 'musts' when life itself has enough of those, okay? But you're a real sweetheart, that you definately are!!!
Big hug for you, take care and I'll be crossing my fingers that your mom will be okay, but wish her strength with her operation! And congratulations with your anniversary's, worth celebrating and sounds great! Hope you have (had) a great time together, you've earned it!
Bye, warm wishes, Monique
Tienes un hermoso corazón y tán grande que te entregas al máximo
ReplyDeleteEspero que estés recuperado de tu reacción alergica
Que tu mamá vaya mejorando
El piano es bellisimo y decirte que preimero estás tú...SDiempre estaremos esperando tus bellas obras las cuales admiro mucho
Gracias por compartir
El labrador es hermoso"!!
Have a great trip Giac (and Jo :D) Poor Ozzy won't be going though will he? Never mind Ozzy :) Best wishes for your mother!
ReplyDeleteHey Giac,
ReplyDeleteSo good to hear from you. I hope your mom is doing ok. I'm sending my best to you and your family. The piano looks beautiful and I can't wait to see it in the music room of Dewell Manor!
Thank you for sharing the pictures of your niece and your cute dog Ozzy! What a great family!
All best,
Hello Giac, thank you for telling us about how you are and your nearest people. I hope your mother all the best. I want to thank you about your many many comments of my blog. In spite of our interesting hobby it is not always possible to spend time with it. Have a good autumn. Hugs Kati
ReplyDeleteDesejo a voce e a sua familia tudo de bom e que logo voce possa voltar a nos encantar com as suas miniaturas.Beijos meu amigo.
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy your vacation - Your kitchen is looking great! You will have to share pictures of the mansions that you tour on the East coast. I just purchased a book about that very subject at an estate sale not too long ago. Take care.
ReplyDeleteLove that piano and cant wait to see it in your manor. Wow, so much going on for you. Your kitchen is shaping up nicely. Your mom is in my prayers. I hadn't been on because I was having probs with blogger but hope I have straightened it all out now. All will settle in Giac I know it will.
ReplyDeleteHola Giac, que hermosas fotos, el piano es una verdadera obra de arte y la foto jugando con tu sobrinita es adorable...me recuerda cuando yo juego con mi nietecito...que bien se pasa con ellos, verdad?
ReplyDeleteLa cocina se ve preciosa, cuando esté terminada será un gusto cocinar en ella.
Te deseo muchas felicidades por tu aniversario, y también que tu mamá se recupere pronto y que no sea nada de gravedad.
En cuanto a las miniaturas, ya volverás a ellas cuando tengas mas tiempo, nosotros te estaremos esperando aqui para seguir viendo las maravillosas cosas que haces.
Un fuerte abrazo desde España
Carissimo Giac, prima di tutto tanti auguri per il tuo anniversario!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSpero che tu abbia fatto un bellissimo viaggio, ne avevi proprio bisogno.
Mi sembra che la tua cucina stia diventando splendida, tanti auguri anche per la tua mamma. Un grande abbraccio
So glad to hear your mother is doing better! I will still keep her in my prayers. So glad to hear your allergic reaction is gone as well... That must have been quite scary! Love the deep reds in the kitchen cabinets. It will be so exciting when that is done. I bet you guys have been eating out quite a bit! The piano is lovely... So much intricate detail! It will really make whatever space you put it in amazing.
ReplyDeleteEspero que tu mami esté mejor y que todos tus problemas se vayan solucionando, tu alergia tu cocina todo. No te preocupes por las miniaturas todo a su tiempo, el tiempo de Dios es perfecto, besos mil estaré atenta a tus creaciones como siempre en mi blog de miniaturas y mucho ánimo.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry about your reaction to medicine and your poor mother morphine is no fun, I have had many of my husbands family have had to be on it and coming off is the hard part and all the side affects too.
ReplyDeleteI adored your tea party.....I hope your holding up well too?
take care and a big hug to you both, love Heidi
I'm sorry for my very late response to your posting. I hope you're managing the final stages of re-decorating, it looks like a huge undertaking. And given your personal set backs (allergic reactions and your worries bout Mum) I hope you are all climbing up the proverbial hill again. Best wishes and take good care!!!
ReplyDeleteps. I couldn't live without miniatures either!!! That's why i'm so late... (blush blush) I spend all my spare time behind the work bench ;)
Hola Giac ¡¡ no tenia idea de tantas complicaciones en tu vida ultimamente , pues yo durante los meses de la temporada que trabajo, no estoy con el blog.
ReplyDeleteEspero que todo se recupere poco a poco hasta llegar a la normalidad . De todas formas debes estar feliz por una niña tan bonita , un perro tan divertido y las ultimos toques en tu cocina. un saludo, Angeles.
I hope everything will be OK soon as possible Giac, Have a little patience, it's the only way! It's a wonderful piano, so elegant, a master piece! A big hug and a lot of encouragement!!
ReplyDeleteQuerido Giac, é um lindo piano!
ReplyDeleteEspero que toda a construção de sua nova cozinha esteja dando certo.
Seu cachorro é lindão e brincalhão =D
Como foi a sua viagem?
Um grande abraço, Fernanda
Hola Giac, me alegro de que estés mejor, no sabía lo de tu madre, espero que se recupere también. Y disfruta todo lo que puedas de tu aniversario y viajes. Un abrazo.
ReplyDeleteAnimo Giac, veras que pronto pasa los malos momentos y todo vuelve a la normalidad. El piano es una preciosidad. ¿Lo has hecho tú?
ReplyDeleteUn abrazo,
Ciao Giac come stai? Ti aspetto con un nuovo lavoro:)
ReplyDeleteUn grosso bacio a presto!
Que maravilloso piano, todo lo que crean tus manos es realmente valioso y artístico. Espero que toda tu familia se encuentre bien y le deseo lo mejor para todos vosotros. La foto con la pequeña es realmente adorable. Abrazos para un gran artista.
ReplyDeleteI am pleased to hear from you, and hope your mum it ends soon well. My dad is currently in the hospital, I know how you are.
ReplyDeleteYour piano is an absolute dream, perfect fit for you.
LG Alexandra
Hello Giac,
ReplyDeleteI am truly sorry to hear about the events in your life. I see this post is from last October, I hope things are rapidly getting better for you and your loved ones!
Please excuse my absence too. I am going through a difficult family problem for the past 18 months, and like you,grin, I miss my interactions with my blogger friends,
Warm regards~
Hope everything is going well in your like, mainly with your mum. Take care of her.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to celebrate all beautiful things in this life like a wedding anniversary and is also great to enjoy mini tea parties :)
Hope to see your minis soon but do not worry it's good to take a breath time to time. Mini hugs eva-size ;)
I mean...everything goes well in your LIFE.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, many thanks for commenting always blog post, for your support and for your nice words. Hope to meet you one day!
How was your trip Giac? I hope your mom is better. Have a nice week!
ReplyDeleteBless you and I hope all things go Weil. Thank you for sharing.