Sunday, 18 August 2013

Coming Soon...The Grand Staircase Hell Ceiling

Hello my dear friends,

I hope you are all doing well and happy. This is yet another faux post. I am working on the painted ceiling over the grand Staircase and decision making has been a long process. I will talk about it all in more detail when I post the finished work, but in the meantime here is a quick update.

I finally decided on the shape and size of the opening and cut it out with a Dremel.

The opening was dictated by the walls of the attic above. The design I chose is a vision of Hell from Antonio Verrio. It is inspired by the Hell Staircase at Burghley House. Here is a picture of a printout of the ceiling and my test piece
The test piece took about 20 minutes of work. It is a very fast trial piece with little detail. The reason for the trial piece is because I want to use a new technique. Have you ever missed a glop of paint or gesso that hardened? I decided to try and build up the figures with  Gesso before I painted them. Here is a close-up

The gesso is thick and does not run so I was able to outline the figures. Again, this is a quick test but I think it will work. The ceiling is a LOT of work and will not be very visible...but I know it will be there and I hope the chandelier will cast interesting shadows on the ''sculpted'' gesso figures.  And just as I was working on this, a discovery: You might remember how much I hate, loath, despise and abominate spray adhesive, well here is another reason why

After 2 years the spray adhesive gave way in spots and big bubbles appeared in my kitchen floor and now I am waiting for the replacement paper to arrive to start it over! Spray adhesives everywhere, beware my wrath!
In the meantime, here is a link to a Pinterest page I created with pictures of all the almost finished rooms of Dewell Manor. It gives you an idea of the entire house the way I see it.
And that is my update. Sadly It might be a longish time before the next post because my mom should be operated any day now and we are in the middle of renovating our kitchen! The past few weeks have been spent shopping for sinks and faucets and countertops and this past weekend was spend disassembling our current 30 year old cabinets. Poor Ozzy is freaking out a little.

Is it just me or does the red linoleum we found under the cabinets look better then the pale one they put over it?
The cabinets we removed are being put in our workroom in the basement...

Some of the cabinets are being test fitted on the right side
...which means my work area is full of cabinet pieces and stuff we need to place back eventually

And this is my new temporary mini-work area

And that is all for this time my friends. Thank you for following the insanity I get myself into and I apologize for the ridiculous delays between posts...How dare real life get in the way of minis...the nerve!!! Well, back to disassembling...

I send you all the best and a huge hug,



  1. Lol
    Real life has a bad habit of getting in the way!
    Great updates on the Manor and I'm looking forward to the gesso ceiling.
    Good luck with the kitchen plans - will you ever have a settled life ?
    Good to hear your news buddy, don't work too hard...

    1. Sorry Giac, I meant to say I hope it all goes ok with your mum x

  2. Wat leuk om weer eens de vorderingen te lezen, je bent reuze druk met van alles.
    heel mooi gaat het er uit zien.
    Lijm spray .... vreselijk, ik gebruik gewoon behangerslijm.
    veel succes en ook voor jou een dikke knuffel
    groetjes Willy

  3. Giac, I pray that all will go well with your mom's operation and that she recuperates quickly.

    I am looking forward to see your ceiling develop, I like the gesso idea for the figures. I always use wallpaper glue for paper, it has never let me down yet.

    Good luck with the rest of the kitchen renovation and enjoy the old cabinets in the work room, somehow we never have enough storage space.

  4. So curious about that ceiling! Can't wait to see more!
    Fingers crossed for your Mum operation and good luck with kitchen renovation!
    Big hug

  5. Hello Giac,
    all the best to your mom's.
    your kitchen a lot of work to do.
    the ceiling its gone a be amazing you have great ideas.
    best regards,

  6. Best wishes of fast recovery for your mom.

    A little mini time to take away the big stress, easy does it, they can wait ;)


  7. Hello Giac,

    It seems as though you are hip-deep in renovations, big and small! I hope that Ozzy isn't too upset by the upheavals in his kitchen ;-)

    Masterpieces cannot be rushed…I am content to wait patiently for your next "Big Reveal" as I am quite sure that I will be delighted with all mini marvels. I so admire your creative spirit!

    I hope you have time to enjoy what little is left of the Summer!
    Brian & I wish your lovely Mom a short hospital stay and a speedy recovery.


  8. Hello Giac!
    the ceiling is amazing, very well done as always, you are so talented artist.
    The best to your mom's! good luck :-)

  9. Hi Giac, I will be thinking of you and your mother in the days to come. I hope that everything goes OK with her operation.
    The ceiling should be amazing when you finish. I can imagine it now with the lights. Wonderful.
    Mini Hugs! Casey

  10. Dear Giac, I completely understand you can't post often at this moment for your are in the middle of a renovation and your mother will be operated soon. Please wish her well on my behalf. Giac, your post makes me smile; seeing how you manage to create a tiny workspace for making miniatures with all the chaos around you; you are the best! Nothing seems to hold you back completely from miniatures and I am so happy about that for your work is wonderful. I am looking forward to see the progress on your ceiling, but please don't hurry; take all the time you need for your fans will wait patiently until you publish another post again :D
    Big hug, Liduina

  11. Hi Giac! Thanks for the update, it's worth taking the extra time to get something as gorgeous as this right! The end result will be out of this world! Sadly real life always tries to get in the way and mostly succeeds! I hope your mom gets better very soon and the renovations go well. Is it weird working on real furniture and structures instead of mini ones? ☺ Kind regards, Brian.

  12. Dear Giac,
    The hectic of a normal life. I wish everything goes well with your mum. Spend your time with her instead of mini's.

    Then renovate your home.....pfew I have the same problem.
    No time or space for dollhouses.
    I only have wonderful blogs to follow.

    Take care Giac and spend some time with your mum and the renovation.
    Hugs Dorien

  13. I stand on the belief that your mom is going to have a miraculous healing of her body and spirit. Watch and smile! :-)

    Why is it when I am about click on your page I get a tightening in my belly? I am always so excited and enchanted by what you are working on. I sit really close to the monitor and try to absorb everything! LOL The gesso project has my curiosity really piqued!
    I love all of the creativity going on around your home. My kind of activity.

    My dog sends hugs to yours.
    Major hugs

  14. Que maravilla de trabajo que lleva esa casa.
    Hace usaba yo una pasta de relieve parecida al Gesso y que pesaba muy poco porque era plástica, es estupenda la idea de dar el volumen así.
    Besos, Narán

  15. Dear Giac! I wish you much success with your new project! I hope the new technology really it works! I look forward to the results!
    The home improvement can be very tiring. Poor little Ozzy!
    big hug

  16. Hi Giac!
    I hope the operation on your Mum goes well and that she'll be up and running and feeling great real soon!

    Thanks for taking the time of posting an update, I'm already curious about the staircase when finished.
    Those black kitchen appliances look so nice! it is high fashion here in Europe, very stylish.

    You've got a lot on your mind, take your time and take care

  17. Helo Giac, congratulations for your work. It's wonderful and spectacular.
    Ya tengo ganas de ver el resultado final de esta nueva aventura en esa maravilla que estas realizando.
    Felicidades, besos.

  18. Good luck with your real home renovation. Sorry to hear about the spray adhesive. I had the same problem with my Mum's deli floor. I had read on the internet that it was the way to go. But I won't be using it again. It bubbled terribly. Your ceiling is an ambitious project, I can't wait to see it. Your sample is magnificent!

  19. Bueno Giac, paciencia, las obras llevan tiempo, seguro que te queda una cocina maravillosa.
    La idea de dar relieve es magnífica, me lo apunto.
    Ya sabes que le deseo todo lo mejor a tu madre.
    Aquí estaré esperando tu nuevo post, de momento voy a ver tu pinterest.

  20. Hola Giac, que trabajo tan impresionante estas haciendo y la idea de las figuras en relieve es genial.
    Espero que recuperes pronto tu taller y poder seguir viendo el avance de tan fantástico proyecto.
    Un abrazo.

  21. Caro Giac, sono rimasta affascinata dal soffitto che stai realizzando. Ottima idea un affresco con figure in rilievo scolpite in gesso,diventerà sicuramente con il tuo tocco d'artista un soffitto splendido!
    Auguro una buona guarigione alla tua mamma e coraggio anche per i lavori che ti impegnano per rinnovare la tua reale cucina!Ozzy mi sembra sconsolato...
    Un caro abbraccio.

  22. First of all my very best wishes for your Mom, I hope everything goes well and she'll recover very fast. I must admit when reading your headline in my dashboard I thought you have a typo... *LOL* Forgive me, I should have known better, you always know what you do... so it's not the hall ceiling but the hell ceiling! Amazing choice! Your 3D-work with gesso sounds incredible, I'm very curious to see your results. So I really hope your kitchen renovation will be finished soon... kitchens are always hard work because of all the stuff you store in them. Don't give up - you'll be through with this soon and will have your workspace back. Oh, and not to forget, that desaster with the spray is horrible, what a shame your beautiful work was destroyed... hmmm... may I say to hell with adhesive spray?! ;O)


  23. Best wishes for your Mum Giac. Wow, looking at the photos of Dewell Manor all together on Pinterest, that really is quite some achievement. The ceiling will be amazing, look forward to seeing it in place.

  24. Hello my dear friend! I totally understand your primary concern right now and I pray that your mom will make it through the surgery with flying colors. My own mother was recently admitted to the hospital so I know exactly how you are feeling right now. Real Life Always has it's priorities and certainly the health of our family and friends, is one of them. To be worried about your mom and have your kitchen topsy turvy is not well-timed. That means upheaval on all fronts and so this has probably added even more stress. I hope that you will be able to find some spiritual rest somewhere soon, Giac
    Your plans for the staircase is incredibly ambitious and I applaud the plans that you are making for it! The 3 dimensional figures and also the complex perspective that is part of the future design is jaw-dropping!!! You are not shy about tackling a major staircase and a ambitious piece of ceiling art at the same time! Wow! No wonder your my Hero! Thank you for the up-date on this most fascinating project Giac and God's blessings on your mom at this time.
    (and a Big Hug for you too!)


  25. Sinto muito pelo piso estragado. :(
    O teto em relevo promete ser uma obra grandiosa!

    Eu desejo uma boa recuperação para sua mãe e que a reforma de sua cozinha fique pronta no prazo esperado.

    Um grande abraço.

  26. Dear Giac, I think your gesso-enhanced ceiling is going to be BRILLIANT!!! I can't wait to see the finished work of Art! But I can sympathize with your RL building insanity... my house looks very similar... between a plumbing near-disaster and upcoming Insulation work.... things are piled all over the place!!! (The only access to the attic is through one of only 3 closets in this tiny house! And the plumbing problem rendered the 2nd closet useless!) I am trying to keep my Sanity while my Mini's are being relegated tot he back burner... sort of!
    As for spray adhesive... I never use the stuff! I don't like the spray factor (air quality) and don't trust the glue factor! I really hope you are going to not experience more of this kind of failure! I worry about the glues we use and their ability to hold tight through the many years of the Dollhouse life! I want Endurance!!!
    I am sorry to hear your Mother is needing surgery, but I hope it will all be for the best. I will keep you and her in my thoughts and prayers, and wish her a speedy recovery! These things are never easy, especially when a close loved one is involved.
    But I will say this about you Giac, you never seem to do things in a Small way! (In spite of being a miniaturist!!) And as for the red tiled floor... I have always loved the look of a red floor!!! Keep Ozzy safe and give him extra treats to tide him through the rough spots!

  27. El proyecto de las escaleras y el techo tal como lo has planteado me parece impresionante,esperaré con ganas verlo terminado!!!!!
    Espero que las obras de la cocina no os den demasiada guerra y estén pronto terminadas!!!
    Le deseo mucha suerte a tu madre y una próxima y corta recuperación,mucha suerte!!!!!

  28. A lot of work, but it is certainly wonderful! Add a new kitchen makes cooking, baking, live .... even more fun!
    Best wishes Conni

  29. Best wishes for your mother, I hope the operation will go well!

    The ceiling looks very interesting, I can hardly wait to see how it will be when it's finished!!!

    I don't like adhesive spray at all and seeing what it did with your floor I will never use it again!!

    Hugs, Margriet

  30. Do not apologize something, your work's so complete and so great a work of patience. It's obvious to everyone that there are so many hours of work behind. Exciting update, exciting material that gesso, I think I'll try sometime ...

    I hope it goes well with your mothers opreation.

    You also have a lot going on, I can hear, good luck with the remodeling of your house, and rember to take care of yourself.

  31. I can't wait to see what you do with the built up Gesso. A clever technique with a lot of promise. I totally understand about life taking over sometimes. I am trying not to get too stressed these days if I can't keep up with my blog and miniatures and reading other blogs and try to remind myself I do these things for my own enjoyment and to relieve the stress of everyday life. Sometimes I'm successful! Take care.

  32. Giac, have you seen the epic staircase mural in Queen Mary's dolls' house? It depicts God casting Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden - very dramatic, even for the grandest dollhouse in existence. Your Hell Ceiling is going to be incredible - I wouldn't have thought to build up the figures to create shadows!

    Best wishes to your mum for a swift and full recovery.

  33. Votre plafond va être sublime,avec toujours autant de recherche historique!!!
    Bon courage pour la suite de vos travaux grandeur nature!!!

  34. Menudo lio en el que te has metido, pero estoy segura de que te va a quedar fabuloso!!!

  35. Oh Giac
    I will pray for your mothers surgery I hope everything goes well for her, I know how difficult it must be to go through all this madness at the same time. Go slowly and believe that things will work out my friend.

    Hugs to you

  36. Yay for kitchen renovations! I hope you post pictures of the kitchen space and your workspace after everything is installed. What a great idea to use the old cabinets in your workspace!

    As for your mini space, the gessoed figures look wonderful! Never thought to do that. I can't WAIT to see what it all looks like completed. You have so much patience!

    On another note, hope all goes well with your mother's surgery. Seems like you really do have a lot going on at once!

  37. Hi Giac,
    we should get into competition about how slow we create and post at blogger. ;-)
    But that's life, isn't it?
    I've never used spray adhesive and I'm glad. Thanks for the tip.
    The 3d gesso looks interesting.
    Wish your mom good luck. I've been in and out of hospital with my mom, dad and brother (and even my husband lately) for the last four years. I know what that means.

  38. Hi Giac, It will feel better when you're through the chaos. It is hard enough to get in a creative mood sometimes even when things are calm. ;-) Best wishes on your mom's speedy and complete recovery. Hope Ozzy can relax soon. :-) I think this is why we've hardly made any of the needed improvements on our place--I would find it way too stressful. You'll get through it, though. Take care, and I'll look forward to your next post. xo Jennifer

  39. Tu siempre un poco mas difícil. Un techo con relieve y con ese tema tiene que quedar impresionante.
    No te quejes de espacio, algunos no tenemos ni eso. Además es por el bien de tu cocina , que siempre es una alegría renovar las cosas.
    Espero que tu madre tenga una buena operación y una rápida recuperación.

  40. Hi Giac,

    Best wishes to your mother, I hope all goes well.

    Eek!! I think I might have missed a post, so seeing a huge hole in your hall ceiling came as something of a surprise, however, the Hell ceiling at Burghley is stunning, and I can quite see why you would want to recreate it at Dewell Manor.

    Looks like you have quite a lot of work to do at home too!! Good luck with the redecorating!!

    What a shame about the kitchen floor, I shall remember never to use spray adhesive in future!!

    Andy xxx

  41. I'll keep positive thoughts for your mother's quick recovery and that all goes well for her.
    The hell ceiling is fabulous and using gesso is a brilliant idea.
    Thanks for the warning about not to use spray adhesive.
    What a shame about the kitchen floor.
    Good luck with the redecoration. May it take a short time.
    Hugs, Drora

  42. caspita che lavoro impagnativo, immagino che per vedere il prossimo post ci voglia un po' di tempo come dici tu :) Non sapevo riguardo allo spray adesivo, qualora ne avessi bisogno lo eviterò!!Un abbraccio a tua mamma e grazie per passare a trovarmi :)

  43. Wow it's amazing! The detail and techniques are great!!!

  44. Ajá, no soy la única que acaba en una mesita minúscula, si tu eres capaz de hacer esas maravillas, yo no tengo excusa para ponerme a trabajar. Que vaya todo muy bien. Abrazos

  45. I am so sorry to hear about your mom Giac. I wish her a complete and speedy recovery from her surgery.

    Your ceiling is going to be fantastic! I love three dimensional images on walls ceilings and even exteriors.

    I am gutted for you with your 1: 12 scale kitchen disaster. I always worry about how long the products I use are going to last. Especially glues. I know you will re-do the floor so well that know one will ever know it happened. ;-)

    What a time to be in the middle of RL home renovations. I hope you will share some photos when it is finished.

    Catherine XXXXXXX

  46. Tanti tanti auguri alla tua mamma, spero che vada tutto bene e che si rimetta presto.
    Auguri anche per la cucina che diventerà certamente bellissima!
    Per la mini GRANDE casa? cosa ti posso dire....sei un GENIO !!!!
    Un abbraccio, Rosanna

  47. Hi Giac, I hope, that your mother will get better soon after operation.
    Your work is great. You have so much patience... I imagine, that such beauties cannot be created quickly. But I'll wait for your next post.'

  48. Hi Giac,
    It's so nice of you to share your day to day with us. I love your ceiling. Your kitchen will be wonderful once it's finished. Prayers for your mom that she will be well very soon. XXX to you and Ozzy

  49. Hi Giac!
    I hope your Mother will recover very quickly after the surgery!

    The use of gesso is a very creative and fine idea in the Hell ceiling! It will look amazing and perfect when finished !

    Good luck with the kitchen renovation! :)

    I went to see all the photos through the link: your House is so beautiful and amazing with all the details in every room! Thank you for the link!

    Things will work out, one day after another!
    Big Hugs

  50. Wishing Mom an uneventful recovery :)
    Wow that ceiling is quite the undertaking! Great idea and I can't wait to see more---

  51. Idea geniale quella di decorare il tetto con sculture di gesso. Un bacio a tua mamma ed un grossissimo abbraccio a te.
    Ciao caro Giacomino:)

  52. HI Giac! it is so kind that you always find such sweet words to comment on my blog! Thank you!!! I am sorry for not commenting the same regularly...sometimes time/life/work...gets in the middle...:) Reading your post here (and seeing the pictures..) i was thinking that "hell" seems to go to the real-life work,too!!! :) all the best, Anne

  53. Espero que la operación de su madre sea leve y tenga una una pronta recuperación.
    La idea del techo es extraordinaria, estoy deseando ver el resultado. Un saludo, Eva

  54. Dear Giac,
    thank you for your kind comments. I am so happy of them.

    I have visited in your blog often. I admire your fine work. Floors, ceilings, walls and everyting else are so beautiful. It is interesting to follow making a new ceiling.

    I am sorry for your mother. God bless her!

    Many hugs Kati

  55. Hallo Giac,

    Wat een projecten!!!. Je 1:1 huis en je 1:12 huis verbouwen. Het zal vast allemaal wel erg mooi worden.Ik ben benieuwd naar het eindresultaat van je plafond. Ik wens je veel sterkte met al het werk. Ik hoop voor je moeder dat de operatie goed zal verlopen.

    Lieve groeten van Xandra

  56. Hi Giac, First of all, I love your daring approach to the staircase ceiling and that you don't shy away from a difficult subject and execution! I love that you're trying out a new technique, giving the ceiling several visually interesting aspects. The test peice looks great so I'm looking forward to seeing the whole ceiling finished.

    Sorry to read you had problems with the spray adhesive. I've used it on my walls in the past and so far my wallpaper is holding up fine. Fingers crossed it will stay that way. I must say though that although I don't have bad experiences with the stuff, I am not using it any more as I do believe that over time (and maybe it will take 15 or 20 years!)it will not work.

    Good luck with the new kitchen. It is so much work and mess to get it done, but once finished it will be fantastic!

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery to your mother!

  57. ciao Giac,
    Spero tanto che tua madre si rimetta presto in salute. Dover fare i lavori in casa contemporaneamente è veramente molto difficile, ma penso che tu sia un ragazzo forte e determinato....ce la farai a sopportare tutto! Anche grazie al tuo prezioso hobby, che ti permette di evadere un po',come succede a me.
    Ho visto che sei passato a trovarmi, è stato un importate incoraggiamento per me,che sono agli inizi. Meglio finire qui il 'romanzo' e ...salutarti di cuore. Auguri per tutto Franca (nuova fan!)

  58. I hope your mother gets well soon Giac. You put so much work into your masterpieces, you're really amazing! Take care! I wish you all the best.

  59. Hi Giac,

    So pleased to see you experimenting with the Gesso, experimenting is fun and can bring about some fantastic results...can hardly wait to see the final ceiling. Not a fan of spray adhesives either, but sometimes they are a necessary evil!

    Looks like we may end up doing our kitchens together ... we finished the final touches on the second bathroom yesterday. The mess and tight spaces are something one has to learn to live with when doing renos. :)

    Best wishes to your mum for a safe op and speedy recovery.
    Sandi X

  60. Hi Giac, others liked to read your article in particular two sentences made ​​me think a lot, they are:
    The ceiling is a lot of work and will not be very visible ... but I know he'll be there
    How dare real life get in the way of minis ...

    Well, I will wait patiently for your new posting because I know it will be magnificent. I'm so delighted with his art, everything perfect and seeking literary history.
    I wish good recovery for your mom and I also wish that soon your kitchen is back in order.
    take care, Fernanda.

  61. Hello Giac! Thanks for the comments on my blog.
    First of all I wish your mother a speedy recovery.
    My compliments for the work of the ceiling, it is a true work of art!
    I hope that the work at home end up soon and you can get back your laboratory.
    A mini greeting

  62. Ciao Gia. Piacere di conoscerti!! ;) Complimenti. Sarà un piacere seguirti! ;) A presto. NI

  63. I hope your mother will be just fine--our prayers go with her.

    Real life!! yeah, always in the wings waiting to get in the way!

    You certainly have a lot going on with your renovations--but I am sure you will have a great kitchen when you finish.

  64. Hi G.
    Good luck to your Mum and hope all goes well. I was thinking that instead of another paper floor; either a red brick or flagstone would look great in your kitchen and be entirely in keeping with the era of the house.


  65. Hi Giac, I hope all goes well for your mum. The ceiling is going to be a triumph! Nice idea with the gesso. And your real kitchen looks like my real kitchen, though, no offence, mine is a lot tidier, although you have an excuse for that :D After seeing all that you are up to, and in that tiny space in the corner too, and that you have the time to comment on all of our blogs, i am convinced you have the capability of stopping time or you just don't sleep!!!!!!!!!! :D

  66. I just remembered something, I framed a poster for our real living room ages ago, and used adhesive spray to keep it in place, and last year it fell down inside the frame :D What the heck is that stuff for?

  67. Hola Giac, tus artículos siempre son muy interesantes, te deseo lo mejor para ti y tu madre. Como siempre tus trabajos muestran un talento impresionante, son pequeñas obras de arte y me encanta el poder admirarlas. Felicitaciones por tus perfectas creaciones y tu dedicación a tus maravillosas casas. Besos y saludos.

  68. Oi Giac, muito obrigada por ter visitado meu blog, fico sempre feliz com seus comentários pois eu admiro demais seu talento e trabalho com miniaturas. Desejo tudo de bom na recuperação de sua mamãe.
    Um abraço, Fernanda.

  69. Hi Giac, my first thought is to wish your mother's health improves. I've seen pictures of your options and simply tell you that your mansion should be exhibited in a museum, it's awesome and a great job. a hug, Marisa

  70. Hello Giac, my goodness two remodels a large and a mini and an operation.....I pray your mothers surgery goes well and that your remodel goes smoothly and in a timely manner....Now back to your work I love that technique its going to look fabulous!
    It look like something you would see in a mansion.
    Thank you again for all your wonderful comments.......I must say my friends (dogs) are having a hard time with me going back to work, they have been acting up a bit!

  71. Wishing your Mom a speedy recovery I hope all goes well. Sigh don't you just hate getting work done in the house but when it is all finished you think wow it looks great maybe the bathroom next ? hehe just kidding. Wow your ideas always amaze me that ceiling will look fantastic. What a pain having to redo your beautiful floor :( I will now go view your pinterest and drool :)
    Hugs Maria

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Giac, eu quero convidar você para participar do SORTEIO lá em Raminhos de Pano, meu blog. Será um prazer ver você na brincadeira do sorteio.
    Um abraço, Fernanda

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Desculpe pela bagunça que fiz =/
    I'm sorry about the mess I did =/

  77. Je suis très impressionnée par le projet que vous avez pour le plafond. Le test que vous nous montrez est formidable.
    J'espère que l'opération de votre mère se passera bien et que ce n'est pas trop grave. Bon courage avec la rénovation de la cuisine.

  78. Hi, I has been a while since my last walk through blogland and you have done a lot of thinks. I like your work with gesso, I also think that can work.
    Hope your mum is recovering well and good luck with your new kitchen :)

  79. Ciao Giac, spero che tua mamma stia già meglio da quando hai pubblicato il post. Un abbraccio grandissimo

  80. Incredible work Giac! Also hoping for a quick recovery for Mom!

  81. Apart rom my compliments for your incredible artwork, I want you to have my best wishes for your mom. I hope she's doing fine and I wish to both of you all the luck and happiness possible. Take care!

  82. Hi Giac, like so many before me I just wanted to say that your work is amazing - what a talent you have. I have just started my own dollhouse and I am loving it but at times I feel there is sooooo much to do that my brain will explode! Your work is inspiring and I could only hope to create something half as wonderous as you. Warm regards, Kat

  83. Gorgeous rooms! They remind me of a place in Devon called Knightshayes Court.

  84. I'm awfully behind my reading on blogs I follow. I hope everything went well with your mom's surgery and that she's now in full recovery.

    Nothing like a renovation both in miniature and in real life, eh? NOT! While in miniature they are a lot of fun, in real life we want them over asap, right? :)

    And I do share your wrath towards spray adhesives. I bought a very small and expensive one and only used it once. When I sprayed it, the glue went literally everywhere, including me, but where it was supposed to go! I had to use mineral spirits to remove the splatter, but it didn't glue where it was supposed to. Hate them!

    Oh, and I'm following you on Pinterest, yay!

  85. Hello Giac, I hope your mother is better in surgical recovery.
    Sorry for the mess I made here in the comment before that.
    It was good to see your comment on ( Raminhos de Pano ), thanks
    I'll be here again to see how will be the ceiling.
    You are a great artist.
    Hug, Fernanda.

  86. Hola Giac, el techo te quedará impresionate, todo lo que haces es pura maravilla, y figuras con relieve? oooh...que dificil!! Aunque no para ti que eres un gran artista, estoy deseando verlo terminado
    Deseo que a tu mamá le vaya todo muy bien y se recupere pronto.
    Un abrazo

  87. I hope your mother's operation goes well and soon you finish the work at home ... The roof is being fantastic, it's a great idea to make the reliefs, and very hard, you have a great skill! I was delighted to see all the photos of what is becoming your mansion in miniature, it's awesome, for me it is an honor when you let those kind comments on my blog, thank you very much. And now, patience with the works, with the floor of her kitchen and a big hug.

  88. woow it's amazing! the pictures about hell are very good :)

  89. Hi Giac,

    Sorry to hear about your mom. I hope the operation was a success. Your painting of the ceiling is a great idea --I saw that work in a magazine a few months ago and it truly inspired me. As someone who redid his kitchen --my deepest sympathy! Good luck with the reno and I look forward to the big reveal!

    P.S. OMG -ninety comments?!?!?

  90. Hallo Giac.
    Wat een drukte waar haal je de tijd vandaan.
    Ziet er erg goed uit allemaal, een duizendpoot met veel leuke ideeën.
    Beterschap voor je Moeder, ik hoop dat ze goed geneest.

    xxxx Conny

  91. Hola amigo Giac
    Cada vez que te visito me quedo con la boca abierta y te aseguro que no es un decir

    Realmente lo tuyo es puro arte ..Bellisimo cada rincón de trabajo que creas

    Gracias por aiempre estar

    Besitos mi niño

  92. WOW her var det mye flott,flink du er. :)
    Klem Mette.

  93. Hi Giac,
    all the best luck to your mom´s operation and a lot of energy to your kitchen´s renovation!
    big hugs to all!

  94. Oi Giac, vim aqui hoje para dizer que eu adoro ver você em Raminhos de Pano, existe grandes artistas nesse mundo de miniaturas e você é um deles. Abraço, Fernanda.

  95. Hola Giac!! espero que la operación de tu madre salga bien y que tenga una pronta recuperación.
    El techo va a quedar genial, es muy buena idea!!
    En cuanto a la cocina... ahora toca verlo todo revuelto y pasarlo un poco mal para luego disfrutar de una cocina preciosa, animo!!!
    Un beso enorme!!
    Hasta pronto.

  96. Hello Giac, l somehow missed your post again. I am simply following too many blogs and need to make a list of my favourites so l can keep track of you and not miss anything. Wishing you a lovely weekend and good luck with projects. Hope your mother is doing well. Hugs Pam

  97. Voce esta fazendo um grande trabalho...Espero que sua mae esteja bem.Saudaçoes meu amigo.

  98. Hola Giac
    Espero que tu madre se recupere pronto.
    El techo es una pasada, seguro que te va a quedar genial Cuando termines la cocian habra valido la pena el trabajo.
    besitos ascension

  99. Oi Giac =D
    A d o r e i seus dois comentários, obrigada.
    Sua mãe melhorou?
    Abraço, Fernanda.

  100. Ooooooooooooh , your work is really wonderful , Giac. I have visited your blog before and am verrrry impressed -well, totally awed, in fact.
    Good luck with the operation of mum's and your reno -and good luck to poor Ozzie, as well!! :-)


  101. Hola Giac, espero que tu madre este mucho mejor!!, tu trabajo es hermoso ya quiero verlo terminado.
    Me imagino el desorden con la remodelacion de tu cocina, pero al final seguro que quedará hermosa.Besos

  102. I am always amazed at your patience and diligence. It must be very stressful for you right now. I hope your mother is better. All the best Giac! Take care.

  103. Oi Giac, sim é verdade, eu tentei ver os detalhes da roupa dela, mas o que mais me impressiona mesmo são os detalhes de sua arte, tudo perfeito e muito difícil de fazer, você é um grande artista.
    Abraço, Fernanda.

  104. Dear Gaic,

    Is it really this long since I have done any blogging??? My goodness you have had a lot on, I can't believe you have had to replace DM's kitchen floor, I LOVE that kitchen!!!! You must be busy with your own RL renovations and your poor Mother having an operation, it's all been and gone since this post, I hope she is okay???
    I agree on the layers of lino in your RL kitchen, the red underneath is far more appealing!!

    ML Fi XX

  105. Ei giac, nada disso. Nada de papas fritas as 8;00 horas da manhã.
    Vamos até a casa da boneca Anabela e tomaremos um suco de frutas e waffles. O que você acha?

  106. It must be such hard work to renovate the kitchen. You are amazing to take on such a job. I hope your mother is better Giac, and that you had a nice trip.
