Friday, 15 November 2019

Goodbye gallery, hello parlor!

Hello my dearest friends,

I hope you are all doing well. How I have missed your blogs and commenting on your work, but fatherhood is most wonderfully time consuming. I get about 30 minutes of miniature time a week which is why I have not posted for a while, but I did manage to finish a remodel of the gallery.

 Originally this was an art gallery at the top of the stairs:

Since I am planning a sculpture gallery next to the banquet hall and the décor of the room was exactly the same as the Tudor hall and the entrance, I figured I could use the space in a more interesting way. I am happy to present the parlor:

I started by ripping up the old décor and built a dividing wall to separate the staircase landing from the front of the room. I then worked on the ceiling:

 It is made up of 2 pieces of single ply illustration board. The bottom layer is to cover up imperfections from the wallpaper I pulled off, and the top one (first picture) has a cutout to accommodate the plaster details from Sue Cook.

In the second picture you see all the plaster details and some basewood moldings before it was painted. When it was installed and the wallpaper on the walls was up, I finished it with a leaf pattern cornice, also from Sue.

 The chandelier is from the Getzans. Next I got to work on the floor.

The old floor was not to my liking. the larger squares had a thicker glue underneath so after they were ironed into place they stood out from the border strips. also, you can see at the bottom of the picture that one square was put in with the grain in the wrong directiona nd it stood out like a sore thumb. I was afraid to tackle a new floor because I would have taken months with Vigo to take care of, but just as I was about to leave the old one in I remembered I kept the old floor I had made for the winter parlor whish was demolished to make room for the banquet hall. It was big enough so I cut it to size and glued it down.

I never had time to take pictures, so here is a mock-up of the walls renovation.

1- I covered the walls in single ply illustration board
2- I painted that green
3- I applied the wallpaper from Alison Davies with regular wallpaper paste
4- I added a single ply illustration board paneling strip, pre-painted
5- I added chair rail, baseboards and squares in the panels, all pre painted.

Here is what the finished walls looked like.

 I was able to save the Jim Coates fireplace and painted a new marble slab to use as a hearth.

I am glad I saved the fireplace because it is one of Jo's favorite pieces.

And this is what the finished room looks like, as well as an empty room shot.

 I really love the way Sue's Doric columns frame the staircase behind the room.

Vigo news

Vigo is doing fantastic. He is in terrific health and aside from teething does not have a care in the world.

He was baptised in August and was a perfect gentleman...

 ...he started eating solid food at 6 months which was hilarious. when we put him in his high chair he giggles and gets really excited. He loves to eat...

..and the force was with him for Halloween:

 And that is all for now my friends. I miss your blogs terribly and look forward to having more time to get back to blog world...eventually. Right now Vigo is my world and I am loving every exhausting moment.

I wish you all the best and since my decorations and Christmas trees are up, I wish you all a very happy holiday season.

Big hugs,

P.S. please ignore any spelling mistakes. My mom is leaving so my leisure time is over, no time for proof reading.


  1. Dear Giac,
    Parenthood is so amazing and it is great to hear you are cherishing every moment - trust me, they grow up way too quickly.
    What you have achieved in your 30min of mini-time a week is amazing. I love the new little parlor. The partition the the stairs defines it beautifully and even though it is now smaller, it looks more spacious. Well done.

  2. Bonjour Giac, profitez bien de Vigo, c'est essentiel pour lui comme pour vous ! Chaque moment partagé est un moment de bonheur.
    Vigo est adorable !
    Miniature : les transformations sont, comme toujours magnifiques, même si le temps consacré à ce loisir est court. Prenez soin de votre famille et continuer de savourer chaque moment.
    Bises. Joce

  3. Lo primero decirte que Vigo está guapísimo,se le ve tan feliz! Esos momentos compartidos y rodeados de tanto amor son esenciales para su madurez.
    Has hecho una perfecta y magnífica transformación en la habitación,a pesar del poco tiempo del que dispones,pero tus manos y tu sentido del gusto y la elegancia,hacen esos milagros!
    Que paséis unas muy felices fiestas amigo!

  4. Hi there Giac! Good to see you and your updates. Love what you've done with the parlor, adding he dividing wall and shortening the room makes it look much wider.
    Your little Vigo is looking so happy, I especially love the second photo ... he's a young man after my own heart, I love my food too! LOL!
    I am pleased you are enjoying fatherhood. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family, see you in the New Year!
    Big hugs,

  5. What a wonderful transformation, the parlor is beautiful. I love the new floor, the wallpaper and the colour of the walls.
    Vigo is growing fast enjoy every minute of your life with him.

  6. Ooo what is your son big again, he has a nice smile, beautiful! Nice that you find some time to work on your house. The room looks very lovely, nice green and I like the wonderful wallpaper, very chic, looks very nice.

  7. Dear Giac,
    You have your priorities perfectly aligned and trust me, the time with these precious little people goes by way too quickly! Who could resist that jovial little face!
    The room is beautiful, and I was happy to see that you had painted the walls with the same green I have been redoing my family room and kitchen in. If you picked it, I know I'm going to love it!
    I am so excited to think of you boys sharing Christmas together with the family - little ones add something so special to the festivities! Enjoy, and take more photos than you have the instinct to. In fact, hire a photographer if you can. You will treasure the memories and the photos will trigger them in the years to come!
    Kiss, Kiss, Squeeze, Squeeze,

  8. Oooh, how I loved seeing and reading about your biggest star, Vigo, he looks such a jolly boy, smiling and posing like a true model for these pictures :D! Wow, he is growing fast, but what else to expect from parents, who love him sooo much?! Cherish every moment with Vigo, make good, loving memories now for Vigo's future.
    Regarding your transformation of the parlor in one's GORGEOUS work, as usual ;).
    I wish you and Jo together with Vigo and your family a Merry Christmas!
    Warm hug, Ilona

  9. Me encanta el cambio que le has dado a la habitación, está preciosa. Vigo es ya todo un hombrecito, está muy gracioso con su disfraz de Halloween. Un beso

  10. He looks so happy! Yes, there is not much time for miniatures when you have a live mini! But it's such a special time. The parlor is beautiful too! Merry Christmas! And happy holidays!

  11. Your new parlour is gorgeous, as is everything you do. And I know you are doing parenting well. What a beautiful, happy little boy Vigo is! And I'd like to say how lucky you are to have a Mum to help. We grandmas can't get enough of the little ones and being a grandma is just about the best job. In
    the world.

  12. Your parlour is gorgeous as is everything you do. And I know you are doing parenting well too. What a beautiful, happy boy Vigo is. And you are so lucky to have a Mom to help. We grandmas can't get enough of the little ones and being a grandma is just about the best job in the world.

  13. Lieve Giac,

    Wat heerlijk weer een post van je tegen te komen, en
    als ik lees dat je je per week slechts 30 minuten de tijd
    had om er aan te werken vind ik het heel knap dat je
    deze PRACHTIGE metamorfose toch voor elkaar gekregen
    hebt , weer een heel knap stuk werk is voltooid.

    En ohhh, wat is Vigo inmiddels gegroeid, wat een
    knap kereltje is het toch, prachtige ogen heeft hij,
    en zo fijn te lezen dat het een vrolijk kindje is en
    gezond, dat is heel erg fijn. Wat zullen jullie genieten
    van dit wondertje. Wens jullie veel geluk samen, en
    voor de komende feestdagen een prachtige samenzijn,
    en alle goeds gewenst voor 2020.

    Veel liefs,

  14. Es grato disfrutar de tan buenas noticias , Vigo crece perfectamente y está guapísimo, disfruta de estos momentos , pues crecen muy rápidamente.
    La remo delación de la galería es fantástico.También te deseo felices fiestas.Besos:-)

  15. Giac: I'm sorry but, as much as I love what you've done with your parlour, I have to admit it is your other "miniature" that truly keeps my heart captivated. What a happy little guy! I think he looks just as happy as you and Jo feel every time you look at him. I can hardly wait to see him in person!! - Marilyn D

  16. Hola Giac, qué niño más lindo tienes, es precioso.
    En cuanto a tu trabajo siempre me quedo con la boca abierta al contemplarlo. Te felicito, me encanta

  17. Hoi Giac, thanks for your updates on both mini's... Vigo is looking very well. And so does the parlour! Nice to know you still have a little time to work on your house... Everyone needs a little playtime now and then ;-)

  18. Tu nuevo salón es sin duda magnífico y la nueva galería de esculturas quedará impresionante, estoy segura, pero admiro tu valor que te hace capaz de desmantelar la galería original, yo no hubiera podido desprenderme de ella :)
    Ha sido un acierto que hayas dejado para el final las fotos de tu pequeño; si hubieras empezado la entrada con ellas aún seguiría contemplándolo ♥ Esa sonrisa atrapa irremediablemente :)

  19. I really believe in the saying that the key to happiness lies in finding pleasure in the little things… so it's great to see Vigo already understanding this concept. He's good at finding pleasure and entertainment in such a simple thing as having a meal. *grin* May the force always be with him! What a cute costume... but I hope you know you're setting high standards for the Halloweens that are still to come... ;O)

    And I must say you're my hero - but sadly a hero who makes me blush. It's amazing what you've achieved with so little miniature time. I really wish I could be as productive with such a limited time schedule. *sigh*

    You never stop to amaze me - whenever you're ripping one stunning room off you're turning it into something even more stunning and for sure into an even better version. The changes in this case are awesome, the idea with the wall and the columns to make the stairs stay outside was great. With this and the new walls, ceiling and floor (yessss - never throw anything away... *LOL*) the room looks so much more inviting and friendly. Before it was a bit heavy due to all this wood, now it's lighter with a warm and elegant atmosphere. A wonderful makeover - I'm already curious what you'll be able to achieve in the next few miniature minutes you can spare. But on the other hand... you're enjoying many hours with the most wonderful miniature at all... so whatever kind of miniature it is - have fun!


  20. Vigo is a beautiful and adorable baby.
    The new room is gorgeous and the details are perfect.
    I wish you and your family a happy holiday season. Merry Christmas!

  21. Dear Giac, and Jo and Vigo, I am so glad to see such a wonderful update! Vigo is adorable and growing like a "weed" as they say around here! I am sure he is enchanting you more every day! I am also very glad you are still able to find a little time for minis... it is important to take time for yourself. And I must agree, the new Parlor is Stunning!!! I am always amazed at your Courage in re-making your already amazing rooms... and this time is no exception! But seeing the results, I am glad you made the change! The color is gorgeous, the wall-paper is stunning and the furnishings are amazing! I would want to spend a lot of time Daydreaming before the fire in that Parlor! LOL! I am so glad you had saved the old flooring and that it fit the new space so well, that was meant to be! Also the way you build your walls onto mat-board is something I need to try! As always, I am amazed again how much I love the changes you have made! Keep up the great work, and keep that little boy smiling! :):)

  22. Has aprovechado muy bien el poco tiempo que tienes. Tu hijo es encantador .Esa edad es muy bonita pero pasa muy rápido así que disfruta de cada momento-

  23. Dear Giac, the improvements on your house are stunning! I can see how your style has developed since you first decorated the house. :P not that there's anyting wrong with the original, it was already 'higher level'. It's heartening to see Vigo so happy and to hear that your family are doing well. Enjoy every moment!

  24. So happy to hear from you. Vigo is a gorgeous boy. Enjoy every minute of it, as many have said, they grow up so fast! The new parlor is magnificent. It is funny, the gallery was already great, but you managed to make it even greater. Love it!

  25. Vigo is absolutely adorable! Despite missing you on the miniature scene obviously any time with him is well spent!

    I love your parlor. Especially the wallpaper and that lovely birdcage.

  26. I'm very happy to read your post, Giac. Your work is always an eye candy. The gallery is gorgeous. Good thing you kept the fireplace. Fantastic work, as always.
    Vigo is a beautiful little boy. Enjoy every minute with him.
    A big warm hug,

  27. You couldn't help but be an Excellent Dad, Giac and I'm so happy to see little Vigo blooming with health and with happiness! :D
    And your new parlour is Lovely and will probably become associated in your memory with your son in his infancy, everytime you look at it. ❤️

  28. Oh your son is precious! Glad you found some time to create :)

  29. Hallo Giac. Welkom terug. Je werkzaamheden zien er weer prachtig uit. Groot gelijk dat je geniet van Vigo. Voordat je het weet zijn ze groot. Geniet maar met volle teugen :) Ik wens jou en je familie ook fijne feestdagen.

    Big hug from Xandra

  30. I love the renovation - the parlour is so welcoming and stylish at the same time. What a lovely place for an afternoon tea.... maybe Nanny can bring Vigo down to say hello to the guests before they leave. All your minis real and imagined are a delight. Have a lovely family Christmas spoiling the baby.

  31. The renovation looks great! I think I have said this before, but it is fun to see your design tastes change and mature along with the project. Congrats again on the addition to your family - he is adorable. Looking forward to seeing both "projects" progress. :)

  32. Oh Giac! What a treat to read such a full post. And, what wonderful work you have done. There is something strangely satisfying to see how the room was and then see it transformed. And as for darling Vigo. What a treasure he is.
    Give my love to Jo and Vigo.
    Si x

  33. Caro Giac, la nuova stanza è splendida! Molto meglio della prima versione,la adoro.
    Vigo è una meraviglia! Goditi ogni singolo sfiancante momento,ne vale la pena. Un abbraccio a tutti voi, Rosanna

  34. Dear Giac, nice to see you here!
    Wish you and your Family good health! :)
    And your work is amazing, as always. I love watching everything you do in the Manor.

  35. Hello, Giac - How happy I am to see your blog post after such a long absence! But of course you've had another, much more important "project" to occupy your time. The photos of Vigo are so sweet - what a darling boy! I know how much joy he brings to you and Jo; and of course the joy will be multiplied as he grows from one enchanting phase to another.
    Your new parlor is lovely. The soft colors in the wallpaper and the beautiful shade of green that you've used on the walls lend a wonderful tranquility that just suits a parlor. It must have been a great moment when you remembered that you had saved the floor from the old winter parlor and found that it fit in the new parlor - I love those serendipitous happenings! I'm very glad too that you were able to use the fireplace; it's a wonderful piece. I can imagine the pleasure of taking my afternoon tea seated at the table in front of a comforting fire. Ahhh - nice!
    I wish you and yours a beautiful holiday season and a Merry Christmas!

  36. Bonjour Giac, vraiment ravie de vous retrouver de découvrir votre nouvelle splendide création et le si beau sourire de Vigo. La vie est merveilleuse n'est-ce pas !!!! Passez de très heureuses fêtes de Noël Giac, entourés de ceux que vous aimez.

  37. Hello Giac, it's good to read another post from you, your parlor looks gorgeous. And little Vigo, oh what a treasure he is, I love hearing news about him and seeing his photos. Best wishes for a very happy Christmas time x

  38. Apologies for the delay in responding to your lovely post Giac. The Parlour is just lovely and I really like that shade of green. It was a beautiful room to start with but if you're not happy with it I can understand how things have to change. I'm not happy with my Hall in Netherton and am tweaking it at the moment. It's called "doing a Giac!" Hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year and I'm looking forward to possibly more posts from you after that. Ix

  39. Your diorama makeover is great. It really looks like real interior <3
    And Your Son is sooo cute!

  40. That is just pure dedication and a meticulous eye for detail. Absolutley amazing. 😊

  41. Beautiful baby, congratulation. Your mansion is fantastic. Hugs friend

  42. I big smile on my face when I see Viggo in Halloween outfit!
    Have a lot of fun with him and for all of you the best wishes for 2020!
    groetjes van Marijke

  43. Hello Giac,
    I have lost contact with all of you years ago when we were all on the greenleaf forum. I could not log in there anymore and my life was very hectic at that time so I stopped working on my house. I just now saw this post. First of all, congratulations!!I see you became a daddy 😊 Hope you'll love every minute of it, as I do. And of course I wish you all a happy, healthy, beautyiful 2020!

  44. Cuando veo tus trabajos me quedo embobada y sin palabras, son maravillosos
    Tu hijo es precioso Enhorabuena por tener un bebé así de guapo

  45. La nueva sala se ve espectácular, realmente un gran trabajo, a pesar de tener poco tiempo para las miniaturas.
    Lo importante es pasar tiempo con Vigo, y disfrutar al máximo del pequeño.
    Un beso

  46. Hello Giac
    Where did you find the mural paper for the parlor? thanks

  47. The new room is gorgeous Giac! I love the wallpaper, it's so chic, and the green really makes it all come together. What a great idea to create a room here!

    Happy Fatherhood!
