Saturday, 24 September 2016

Renovations and a look at things to come...

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well. I know I say this all the time,  but thank you to everyone who took the time to leave a comment on my last post. You're feedback is always much appreciated. I decided to post today because we are starting real life renovations again...hopefully these will be the last, and it might be a while before I can work on my miniatures again, but I wanted to show you what was done in the last month and what is to come...

Before I go on, I just wanted to thank all of you who were sending positive thoughts our way. It worked! On September 13th at 4:02 pm, my husband Jo and I were told by our social workers that we were accepted and are officially on the adoption waiting list. It might take weeks, it might take years, but the next time we get a call from them should  be to tell us they have a match and we are going to be dads. Once again, thank you for your wonderful kindness and support!

Back to miniatures. Once again, this is what happens when I am left to my own devices. Here is a picture of the manor 3 weeks ago...

And here it is today

It now measures 10 feet 4 inches (315cm). In the picture the new south wing is in place (the section on the right). The cardboard boxes are to show the unbuilt section that will house the food preparation room and the banquet hall which will have a table for 20 people.

I removed the small section which was on the left of the manor which housed the breakfast room and built a new 3 storey North wing.

The wing will house a new breakfast room, a study for the countess and the gabled attic area will be a linen or clothes closet which opens into the sewing room. Since it will be a while before my next post, here are the plans for the new rooms:


I loved the old kitchen, but there just wasn't enough cooking surfaces. I added on to the structure so it will be 6 inches deeper, making the kitchen 20 x 30 inches (50 x 76 cm).

Here is the kitchen before...

And here are the plans for after

The left side will have a new chimney based on the ones that were in Chatsworth house

It will be finished to look like stone and will house a 10 inch ''cast iron'' cooking range. The foamcore model in the picture is actually  1 1/2  inches smaller then my final plan. The old kitchen had a fake door on the back wall, but in the pictures you can see the new kitchen has a real opening which means you will be able to look into the Tudor hall. Next to the door I drew a square that will be a dumb waiter leading to the 3d floor for the banquet hall and the basement for the new scullery. The windows will also be larger so more natural light will make it easier for the staff to work in.

The left wall will have a matching chimney with a roasting range, complete with smoke-jack, and wall ovens for baking. I love built ins, so I incorporated 3 arched openings in  the walls. The back one will be the butlers pantry, the one to the left of the chimney will house a 6 inch wide by 5 inch tall ice box, and the one to the right of the chimney will have cabinets and shelves to display my copperware collection. The finishes in the room will remain very similar to the style of the old kitchen.

Breakfast room

I also loved this room, but the problem with the old breakfast room was that it was just too tight. It was originally intended to be a loggia, but as a breakfast room for a family of 6 there was no way to move around the table.

The new breakfast room will a bigger version of the room.

It will be finished to look like walnut paneling and have black chinoiserie lacquer panels on the center of the back wall and over the doorcases. Above the fireplace will be a large mirror and since the room is 2 inches taller, the windows will let in more light and will have gold silk curtains that match the tablecloth.

Countess' bedroom

I have made this room over several times and still am not happy....I know, I said I was when I last renovated it...I changed my mind!

Since it is above the kitchen it will also be bigger. However, 20 x 30 inches seemed too big compared to the other bedrooms, so I decided to add closets at the back of the room

There will be a closet on each side of the entrance to the room. I will build shelves so when you look into the door opening you will be able to see the boxes of clothes and ladies items I have purchased. The new fireplace will be in between the windows.

The bed will now be centered on the other wall facing the fireplace. I think the lack of symmetry in the room was what most bothered me. The door on the left of the bed leads to the earl's bedroom, and the one on the right leads to the countess's study. The room will be white paneling and have green fabric panels. Luckily, when I destroyed the room, I was able to save the floor with the medallion. The room is 6 inches deeper, but since I made the closets 6 inches deep as well the floor will work perfectly in the new room. Yay!

Countess' study

The new room above the breakfast room will be a study for lady Dewel . It might be finished to match the countess' bedroom, but I have not yet committed to that idea. The doorways and window openings in the countess' suite will be bigger then the cutouts, but I needed to have an idea where they will be when I cut the illustration board wall panels.

Ballroom floor

I wanted to start work on the ballroom floor as soon as the library was finished, but choosing a design for the floor has been my biggest floor challenge to date. After much thought and dozens of drawings, I have decided to make one huge medallion in the center of the room.

Mu ruler is in the picture to give you an idea of the space. The room is fairly simple esthetically and most floor ideas I had were too busy. I think the one huge medallion with a simpler fill around it will work best.

And that is all on my end. Jo and I will be going on holiday at the end of the month...most likely our last before we will be papa and daddy (it is important to us that our baby speaks French, English and Italian) so I will not be commenting on your blogs at that time.

I wish you all the best and once again thank you for following my adventures. I have several new followers and I must apologize if I am not following some of them. I used to be able to click on their picture and find their blogs, but lately blogger won't let me do that anymore. If you leave me a message in the comment section with your blog address, I would love to follow your adventures as well.

A great big hug to all


  1. I love the thought you put into all the tiny details, and am amazed by your handy work. Will you be sewing the Countess' clothing or will you source them from another miniaturist? It will be fun to see a leather trunk or two with miniature brass fixtures. I am beyond thrilled that one day you will become an adoptive parent along with your husband....I hope that the day will come soon, but probably not as much as you hope for it. Have a fun holiday.

  2. Olá meu amigo Giac:
    seu trabalho é fantástico, divino , maravilhoso, sensacional, etc, etc.....
    não tenho palavras.. queria uma casinha dessas para brincar de casinha !!!
    a cozinha achei linda, linda, linda...
    adoro cozinhar e minha cozinha é parecida com móveis de madeira à moda antiga !!!
    grande abraço e bom fim de semana !!

  3. Giac,como siempre me dejas alucinada con tu maestría y buen gusto en materia de arte y decoración para tus impresionantes miniaturas.La casa se va llenando de arte y de vida,es fantástico verla crecer día a día!!!
    Pero esta vez,la vida real es la que me hace compartir tu alegría y la de tu marido Jo,enhorabuena por tan gran noticia!!!! Me gustaría que ese niño tan deseado no se hiciera esperar,para que pueda crecer en una casa llena de amor como el que vosotros les daréis.Aunque ni mi mujer ni yo tenemos niños,los adoro y pienso que vosotros le sabréis dar todo el cariño que se merece,creando un verdadero hogar para él o ella,mi más sincera enhorabuena de todo corazón!!!
    Felices vacaciones!!!

  4. Hi Giac,

    Your restorations are going to be magnificent! Your talent for building and design never ceases to amaze me. That is one huge house! :-)

    Congratulations to you and Jo on the coming new addition to your family. Good luck keeping little fingers out of your beautiful dollhouse. :-)

  5. Pero Giac!!! Estás desbaratando todo????? Dios mío!!! Qué le pasaba a la habitación de la condesa???? Era sencillamente magnífica!!! Sé que será para bien pero no puedo evitar que me duela verlo todo otra vez en "fase de albañilería", jaaaaa! Me aterran las obras! Y cuidado! Los niños tienen manos pequeñas pero pueden causar "grandes desastres", jaaaaa! Rápido! Tienes que ponerle un candado a tu mansión! Me alegro y os felicito de corazón y deseo que no se haga esperar mucho. Un abrazo! ♥

  6. Hello Giac,
    The renovations are great - I especially like the new kitchen hoods and the medallion floor. Looking forward to seeing your progress. Congrats also on the adoption. Your plate will be full for a while. Have fun on holiday - Troy

  7. Tienes mucho trabajo por delante. El antes de las estancias que estás cambiando era muy bonito pero reconozco que por lo que nos muestras, va a ser aún mejor. Espero que pronto recibáis esa llamada que os haga padres. Suerte y felices vacaciones.

  8. Impresionante el trabajo que haces, siempre mejorando.Seguro que la llegada de esa personita tan deseada os llenará de felicidad y será una oportunidad para que ese niño y tenga un futuro mejor a vuestro lado.. besos:-)

  9. Hallo Giac,

    Het huis begint al prachtige vormen te krijgen,
    en fantastisch de wijze waarop je alle nieuwe
    plannen omschrijft, en dat zijn er nogal wat.

    Maar als ik alles bekijk van hoe het nu is en
    hoe het gaat worden als al jou plannen zijn uitgewerkt kan ik alleen maar zeggen, SUPER mooi!!! Er gaat weer heel veel tijd inzitten
    maar uiteindelijk t.z.t als alles voltooid zal zijn moet het voor 1000% naar je zien zijn.

    Gefeliciteerd met de kleine die er aan zit te komen, en wens jullie samen een fijne vakantie toe.....


  10. Congratulations! That's wonderful news! I'm so excited for you. Somewhere there is a very lucky kid.

    I'm amazed at the sheer size and scope of your renovations and additions to the manor. Can't wait to see exactly how it all turns out. And the ballroom floor! Wow. That's going to be a work of art!

  11. Hi Giac,
    Congratulations to you and Jo on the start of your new parenting adventures! Such wonderful news! I love that you will teach him/her to be tri-lingual..what a wonderful gift.
    The dollhouse looks absolutely amazing. I am always in such awe of the creativity and attention to details you have in your artwork. Each room looks like it could be a real, life-sized room.
    I hope you and Jo have an amazing holiday. :)

  12. Wow the manor is huge! The changes are looking good, and congrats on your pending adoption--

  13. Hi Giac. Loving all your new ideas for renovations. This house sure has had a lot of incarnations, but it is important to get it right for yourself. And congratulations on becoming future daddies. That is really fantastic news. Enjoy your pre-baby break. (Speaking of which, will it be a baby or child? I guess you probably don't know!)

  14. Congratulations Giac! These are wonderful news and I hope and wish the waiting time will be short.
    I love everything you create and the changes are already looking fantastic. As always,it's pure pleasure to look
    at your work.
    Hugs, Drora

  15. Congratulations Giac and Jo. I sincerely hope that you won't have to wait too long to become Papa and Daddy =0)
    The renovations look amazing and are very well thought out. I look forward to following your progress and seeing how it all comes together. Have a wonderful holiday =0)

  16. I love your ideas for the renovation. What a grand house indeed. I wish I could shrink myself to fit in there ;-)
    Congratulations on the adoption adventure. I hope you won't have to wait too long. Being raised in 4 languages I know what a precious gift it is you are giving your child!
    Enjoy your holiday!

  17. Congratulations Giac and Jo, that's wonderful news! I also hope that you won't have to wait long for becoming Papa and Daddy!!
    Your renovations look wonderful and I'm sure it will take a lot of your time for executing these well thought plans. I guess that in coming blog posts will show us how things will come together.
    For now I wish you both a wonderful holiday!
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  18. Goodness me - not a one from shirking a challenge! real life renovations, rejigging a huge mini project and the prospect of being a parent - all of them wonderful stuff and all should bring much joy. Becoming a family will just change the whole of your life in the most unimaginable ways. Long may your enthusiasm and energy reign and we can all go on being inspired by your fabulous work. Meanwhile get every inch out of your holiday and come home ready for the 'future'. Marilyn

  19. Bonjour Giac, formidable la nouvelle, je suis très heureux que vous avez été acceptés pour adopter, je suis certain que allez faire un super papa :-)
    Que de travaux en perspective et quel bonheurs pour nous qui suivons votre travail, je suis impatient de tout découvrir. Le nouveau plancher promet d'être spectaculaire, j'adore ce médaillon central.
    Bonnes vacances et à bientôt.

  20. Hello Giac, I hope you are well.
    Wow! It's a huge change but it's going to be perfect.
    Big hug

  21. Giac, que cantidad de novedades en la casa, los planes que nos cuentan parecen todos muy interesantes, pero lo mas bonito es ese bebé que llegará para crear un verdadero hogar. Enhorabuena. Un beso

  22. Hi Buddy
    Sorry I'm late.
    First off, HUGE CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH!!! It's such thrilling news, Giac, we're so excited for you.
    The "extensions" are as good as adding a whole new house on the existing site! And your new rooms look wonderful, as always. One of the biggest treats for me when following your progress is the development of the house and watching your plans change, literally!
    The Ballroom floor is going to be another triumph...
    Great news, once more, give my love to Jo.

  23. Wow! Giac, es que no sé que parece un proyecto de verdadera arquitectura! Me un reto que seguro conseguiras y nos quedaremos con la boca abierta, como siempre. Impresionante trabajo, ánimo!
    Un gran abrazo :0)

  24. Hola Giac.
    Ver tus trabajos es una delicia y ver como tu mente se divierte proyectando cambios da miedo... JIJIJI ....aunque es maravilloso ser testigo de todo esto.
    Un abrazo.

  25. This is great news - I too hope you won't have to wait too long to become Papa and Daddy... especially because this means one little child will come into a loving home getting a really good chance in life. As always it was fun and amazement to see your plans and changes... I must admit sometimes I can be very selfish - the more you change and the more you add the more I have to see and admire... ;O) Have a wonderful holiday and a renovation where everything goes as it should without any surprises... or is it just in my family that you start renovating and end up going to the hardware store because there are things missing, not working, turning out different than planned...


  26. Bonjour Giac,
    Que du positif dans ce message !
    Les changements apportés dans le présent et le futur du manoir sont et seront superbes.
    Avec Jo, profitez de vos vacances, à présent l'avenir n'est fait que de bonheur, celui de serrer votre enfant dans vos bras. Ce qui, je vous le souhaite arrivera vite !
    Bonnes vacances, l'avenir sera radieux!
    Amicalement, joce

  27. Hallo Giac,
    wie schön, dass Sie der Familiengründung einen Schritt näher gekommen sind und hoffe auf baldigen positiven Bescheid.
    Die Anbauten am Haus lassen auf jede Menge Arbeit schließen. Die Planung ist ja schon im vollen Gange und ich bin mir sicher, dass Ergebnis wird grandios. Ich liebe ihre Zeichnungen und Stellproben.
    Liebe Grüße Veilchen

  28. Hello Giac,
    A mon tour de vous féliciter pour votre superbe et passionnant travail. Bravo à vous pour tout ce que vous faîtes. Amitiés Muriel

  29. Hi Giac,
    How wonderful, I am so happy for you and Jo. Hopefully the wait won't be too long.
    I do so enjoy seeing all the changes you make to your Manor House, though you still continue to amaze me with your attention to detail.
    I hope your real life renos run smoothly and there are no hiccups. I'm glad ours are finally finished.

  30. Hello Giac

    There is nothing better in life, than having a own family and kids. I hope you and Jo dont have to wait too long and everything goes well:)
    House is going to be amazing!

    Best Regards: Lea

  31. The transformation you are planning are amazing.
    I hope you will soon get news concerning the adoption.

  32. Hola Giac! Felicidades por esa futura adopción! Es una gran noticia, los hijos son maravillosos! Esta nueva es increíble y me encanta como resuelves todos los detalles. Un abrazo y hasta pronto!

  33. Firstly, Giac, congratulations to you and Jo on your adoption news! Wonderful! I wish you both all the best for the future and the little person who has you both for Dads is a lucky wee one indeed!! :)
    Your manor is truly a Manor in every sense of the word. I am really looking forward to seeing progress as your work, as always, is so inspirational for us all!
    All the best

  34. Ohhhh.... those are great news. I wish you and Jo all the best and a pretty baby :o)

    The house is beautiful ....... afterwards probably even more beautiful!!!!

    Wish you a great time!

    All the best

  35. oh my goodness you have outdone yourself Giac, Im sure the baby will have fun playing with your dollhouse when they get older * if I lived closer Aunt Marisa would come over and play too * I cant wait to see more of the breakfast room.

    Marisa :)

  36. Oh my God, you're going to have a baby? Be a daddy? Oh my, BIG congratulations!!! Fingers crossed for you all that it goes smoothly and the baby has lots of happiness and luck in her/his life *hugs*
    So many renovations... rest in peace, beautiful old roomsXD I'd bet the new versions will be even more spectacular, though it's kinda sad to see them go. Particularly the kitchen... it was so lovely!

  37. Hello Giac I am so happy for you both that is wonderful news about the adoption. It will be a very lucky child to get such great parents :) Wow your house is BIG and amazing. I love how you have it but I am not complaining as anything that keeps us seeing more of your stunning work gets the thumbs up from me lol.
    Hugs Maria

  38. Congratulations for the adoption. And a good luck for your new role of father.
    Your dollhouse is amazing and I love the renovations.

  39. Hello, Giac - And as usual I come away from your blog post with a boggled mind! So much; so wonderful. Of course, I think the most wonderful thing is your happy news about an adoption and brand new parenthood. I congratulate you both with all my heart.
    I cannot believe how your manor is growing - up, down, and sideways! I'm glad that I see no end in sight for this project; that means that I'll be able to enjoy it indefinitely. ! I was in love with your old kitchen, but I think I'll be fickle and love the new one even more. The plans are fabulous! The stone chimneys and huge ranges alone will make this kitchen extraordinary, not to mention the butler's pantry and the copperware display. I hope the NEW new Countess's bedroom will finally make you happy! You do carry perfection to ever new heights, for which I'm thankful; I never get tired of seeing the changes that you bring about and the challenges that you meet.
    I hope you have a wonderful vacation and a successful renovation.

  40. awww so wonderful news! i mean the adoption-list! you and Jo are going to be super dads! i wish the adoption process shall go fluently. im so happy about this even the thought of it makes me happy. aww!

  41. Hi Giac! Sorry I am late to comment... (I have been far away...!) Congratulations on your adoption news!!! That is so exciting... even though you don't know how long it will take! Your child will be very lucky to have you for parents!
    As for the changes to The Manor.... I only wish I had enough room to expand my Castle like that! LOL!! Your plans are Wonderful! I Love the kitchen with more chimneys.... if you have a big house, you will need to feed a lot of "people"! The Countess's room is such a challenge.... she must be a very demanding Lady... but I would think she would want a large "Dressing room" especially if she has plenty of gowns....(those dresses needed so much space!) And she definitely needs the sitting room for writing out all her invitations to the Ball...(The Lord has his study, after all!)and for working on her needlework in quiet moments! Oh, and there must be plenty of storage for her jewelry too... and her shoes! And perhaps she has artwork on her walls... intimate sketches of her children.... ! Ii think I am getting a bit carried away here! I can't wait to see what you will make!
    And I agree with you that the ballroom floor needs to be simple.... it is a large room and a complex pattern would be confusing! Your Manor is going to be just incredible! I hope you have a wonderful trip! I will be dreaming of that invitation to a Ball at the Manor.....! :)

  42. Giac Congratulations! It is an excellent job. I hope your family will increase soon. a hug, Marisa

  43. This house has clearly taken on a life of it's own and it's wonderful. You clearly can't be left on your own too long! Loving your plans for it. Congratulations on the imminent adoption and happy holidays!

  44. Looks Fantastic Giac! Im definitely liking the new kitchen design! Doing a similar kitchen design in my Spanish Colonial Project.

    PS- Congrats!


  45. Hi, Giac! Great news and great changes!
    I am very happy that there will be loving parents of the baby. This enormous change in your life and let there be all good!

  46. Giac
    Your plans are Great! You have such vision. Congratulations on becoming a father. Do as much work as you can, because when you have a child, you will be so tired! Haha But, it will also be important for you to have an outlet for your creativity. I am so happy for You! I enjoy your blog so Much! You are so talented!
    Thank you,

  47. Giac, I love how you are going to change and add more character into this house. The kitchen range hoods are fab! Im going to come back later to read more, as I should really be working on some orders. lol

    Mini Hugs,

  48. Congratulations!! Adoption is such a wonderful thing, I adopted 3 children and would recommend it to everyone. Thanks for sharing your inspiration work.

  49. Hello Giac,
    Congrats to you and Jo for getting the approval! Very exciting, this adoption, keeping my fingers crossed for the both of you that all will go smooth and in your time schedule.
    As always, love the new plans for the Manor; it is nice that you give us a sneak peek on forehand, always making us so curious :).
    Enjoy your holiday and have lots of fun!

  50. Che bello!!!!!!!!!!! Vi auguro con tutto il cuore che l'adozione avvenga al più presto, in Italia si dice "in bocca al lupo" e tu devi rispondere "crepi il lupo"
    Complimenti per i tuoi sempre eccellenti lavori, interessanti i cambiamenti, ogni volta che vengo a trovarti rimango sorpresa dalla tua abilità e bravura. Buon lavoro per la ristrutturazione. Un abbraccio

  51. Hola giac, mucho tiempo sin pasar por aqui, les felicito por las buenas noticias, me alegro, sus ampliaciones a la casa son impresionantes, pronto tendrán sitio para vivir dentro jajaja,
    un abrazo

    Hello giac, long time without going through here, I congratulate you for the good news, I'm glad, its extensions to the house are impressive soon have place to live in lol,
    a hug

  52. Congratulations Giac! You certainly will have your hands full, but kids are the best miniatures in the world.
    I also love how your dollhouse just keeps growing!

  53. Hi Giac!
    Congratulations on getting on the adoption list. Kids are a lot of hard work, but I know that you have Never been afraid of a challenge. :D
    Your DEWELL MANOR is growing like TOPSY, but I NEARLY CRIED when I saw that you had dismantled the BREAKFAST ROOM. That was my Very FAVORITE ROOM!
    Nevertheless, I know that the NEXT ONE will be even more MAGNIFICENT than *sob* the old one *sniff *

    Meanwhile, I think that your expanding the kitchen is a GREATl idea and the Countesses new study/ morning room is also a must have for a woman of her stature.
    The dumbwaiter is something I am longing to see and also the closets in the Countess's bedroom. You know Giac, that if you have closets, you are going to have to have them filled with hats, shoes and a variety of gowns
    - happy shopping, Milady!
    Big Hugs my friend and enjoy your Venetian Vacation

    elisabetta :D

  54. Oh you're going back to change rooms!
    Be exciting to see how the kitchen is going to be now.
    Too bad for the beautiful bedroom, but you fixed well again, great talent you are, love your craft room, gr.Gonda

  55. Hi Giac
    I admire your work very much and I wonder if you know this blog: It is an amazing blog from which I have learned very much.
    Regards Jette from Denmark

  56. hello Giac,

    cela fait longtemps que je n 'ai pas laissé de commentaires . il y a tellement de choses à dire . je suis très admirative du travail que vous faites . vous n 'hésitez pas à tout recommencer . à chaque fois , vous trouvez la solution pour continuer à améliorer votre travail . c'est courageux . je trouve que toutes les choses que vous changez deviennent plus douces et plus raffinées . j 'aime beaucoup les deux première photos . on voit très bien le rêve que vous construisez . si , on pouvait faire cela dans la vraie vie . poussez les murs , agrandir les pièces , doubler la surface de nos maisons . vous avez bien raison de le faire . je suis très heureuse de lire vos posts . je ne laisse pas souvent de commentaires mais je suis toujours ravie de voir les transformations de votre manoir .
    bonne chance pour votre nouvelle vie de parents . j'espère que votre bonheur va arriver vite .

  57. It's amazing how much have grown your dollhouse! It was beautiful before, but the changes you are making make it even more perfect. I congratulate you for your work and for your decision to raise the family. A big hug.

  58. Wow.... such intricate details.
    You have taken care of the minutest details.
    I like the way your kitchen is coming up.

  59. Sei bravissimo, sono rimasta letteralmente sbalordita dalla magnificenza delle tue creazioni
    E' raro trovare miniaturisti così competenti e capaci...
    Adoro la cucina, me ne sono innamorata...

  60. Que maravilha. Feliz outono.beijos

  61. Esa casa es toda una maravilla, pero la maravilla mayor es ese hijo que espero tengáis ya con vosotros...¡Que seas muy feliz! Un abrazo

  62. Oh Giac, what an incredibly exciting prospect of becoming parents! You had better put some locks on the doors to your workshop. You know kids and miniatures ;-)
    It is such fun to see your house grow and grow...And your plans are wonderful, but how can you bear to part with some of the lovely rooms you have made already?

  63. great work to you!. Thanks for sharing your advice. Baby Girl Dresses

  64. Hallo Giac, was für ein wundervolles Schloß das geworden ist, ich bin ganz fasziniert!!!!!! Sooo schön, die Zimmer, die Möbel, einfach nur WOW!!!!!!!

    Lieben Gruß


  65. Hallo Giac,
    I am following you since years! You are extraordinary talented and I also see a progress from each post you make. I love your intusiasm for miniature perfection. Please keep on going like this. :-*

  66. Congratulations on making the list!
    You will have a lot of renovations headed your way!

  67. A hundred and one congratulations on your news . Your house is looking fantastic.

  68. Giac, lo veo precioso, como de costumbre, eres de lo más perfeccionista.
    Un abrazo

  69. Congratulations that you have come at the right list, it will be fantastic for you. I keep my fingers crossed and I wish you a joyful New Year.

  70. Congratulations!!! I am SO happy and excited for you both! Good luck with the RL renos, and I look forward to watching your beautiful mini reno too!

  71. Congratulations!!! I am SO happy and excited for you both! Good luck with the RL renos, and I look forward to watching your beautiful mini reno too!

  72. Ooo so much to see and to read and always amazed with the new editions with all the details and floors.
    And congratulations that you and partner got the approve to become parents I hope you don't have to wait to long...
    Have a nice day,
    groetjes van Marijke

  73. Thank you Giac!!!!
    Do you already have a baby?
    I keep my fingers crossed and rejoice with you :o)

    Mini hugs

  74. Dear Giac,

    Thank you for your kind visit and words.
    Congratulations to you and Jo and wishing you all the very best with the adoption
    Sending my love and hugs
    Carolyn xo

  75. Hola Giac, hace mucho que no me doy una vuelta por los blogs y el primero que visito es el tuyo...¡ Qué gran sorpresa y alegría ! ¡ Enhorabuena ! ¡Me alegro muchísimo!
    Un beso futuro papi

  76. Hello again, ho I love the breakfast room small version looks so cosy, The kitchen will be amazing. Big improvements every time you show something, the house getting bigger, I love it.
