Sunday, 30 August 2015

New south wing - The structure

Hello my friends,

I hope you are all doing well and that you have all enjoyed a nice summer. Yes, it has been a long time since my last post. I really wanted to post more often, but once again I underestimated how long each step of the new wing would take. Warning! Some of you may find this post redundant, but I often get comments by miniaturists who are afraid to tackle a scratch built project. I love it and since I am building a brand new section I figured I would explain step by step how I get it done. For those of you who know all this, I hope you like the direction the manor is taking.

Now, I have done a few crazy things in my time, as many of you know. When I don't like a room I have no problem ripping it out and starting over. but the following picture shows you exactly what happens when I am left to my own devices...

In the back you can see the current Dewell Manor, and on the floor, next to the table and covered in mdf and books, is the new south wing. No, it did not look that big on paper. Just to be clear, that mdf structure on the floor is replacing this,

Contrary to what many people think, it will not be huge, it will be just the right size.

Painting the architectural details

 In my last post I showed you the pieces I purchased from Sue Cook. It took me 4 weekends to paint all of them.


It is much easier to paint elements like these before assembly. The architectural elements were quite detailed and It took 2 coats of white as a base, 2 coats to fill in the blue areas, 2 coats of white to highlight the detail, and a final touch up coat of white. In spirit of those new to the hobby, here are the materials I used:

I only use Delta Ceramcoat and Americana craft paints. There are cheaper ones on the market, but they are too watery and you need more coats which can fill in detail. I used a half inch angled brush for the larger surfaces and a 6/0 and 10/0 detail brushes. Make sure you have water to wet the brushes and control the consistency of the paint...I often add just a drop of water to the paint to make it spread easier.

South wing construction

I have searched many times to figure out what is better to build with, plywood or MDF. The honest answer, it is a question of preference!  I like MDF. It has a smooth surface and is less expensive then plywood. It is much heavier though, so take that into consideration when you choose your materials. I use 5/8 inch thick. Most dollhouses are 3/8 but I could not find it in stores and I like having the thicker walls...more durable and it thicker walls are appropriate in an old manor. It is very hard to cut so I get my pieces cut at the hardware stone.

I had to plan how to fit all the pieces I needed on 3 sheets of 48 inch by 98 inch MDF. The hardware store can only cut straight lines and the cuts must go from one end of the piece to the other. If you have a hard time figuring this out, I'm sure they could help you plan the cuts or you can get help from someone who knows about carpentry.  My cutting plans looked like this

I tried cutting the MDF myself when I started the Manor, but I do not have a great selection of tools and the MDF destroyed the blades of the jigsaw. I double checked all the measurements of the pieces (when I started the Manor I asked for 1/2 inch MDF but they cut it all in 5/8. I could have asked them to recut everything, but I was able to work around it).

The next step is cutting out holes for windows and doors and fireplaces. I drew the openings on all the pieces first, then I followed the lines drilling holes every inch or so. The MDF uses up blades fast...I used 4 Dremel multipurpose bits which all ended up dull. The drilled holes make it easier to cut and the Dremel does not heat up as much.

I did not use a guide this time. Since the walls will be covered in illustration board to create paneling there was no need to have these lines perfectly straight...if it does not show, it doesn't matter! when the opening were cut it was time for a test fit to make sure everything lined up.

Test fits are, in my opinion, incredibly important and several should be done just to make sure everything is well. It is much easier to correct errors on flat pieces then on an assembles section. When I was sure everything fit well I started gluing the section together.

As you can see I use books and hand weight to weigh down the pieces while the glue sets. I use regular yellow carpenters glue. I put a good bead of glue over the surface to be joint and go over it with my finger to smear it and wipe off any extra. Too much glue will make it hard to keep the pieces in place and will make a weaker joint. What you are looking for is this

When you weight the pieces down just a little glue should push out. You can easily wipe it with a piece of lumber or cardboard. If you see glue dribbling down, that's too much. Do not wipe with a wet cloth. MDF soaks up water and can swell.

The glue makes a strong bond, but just to be safe I also drill 1/4 inch holes and use 1/4 inch dowels on every glue joint.

Once the hole is drilled, put a bit of glue in it. Take the dowel and using a cheap paint brush cover it in glue and hammer it in. I use the dowels that have ridges in them. They make it possible for extra glue in the hole to come up so the dowel goes all the way down and makes a really strong joint because it is glued to both pieces.

I still have more assembly to do and then the entire piece has to be primed, but here is the structure now

It measure 38 1/4 inches wide x 39 5/8 inches deep and 30 inches tall. The layout is as follows:

The right side of the top floor is the library

Front of the library

The original library was deeper and narrower with a nook for the earl's desk at the back. This one is big enough to be a double room.

back half of the library

The left side of the top floor will look like this:

The door on the left leads to the Gallery and the Mains staircase to the ground floor. This space is 10 inches wide, so behind the gallery door there will be a U shaped staircase that leads to the 3d floor which will house the winter parlor and the Chinese dining room and butler's pantry. The door in the back was a present from a dear friend. I will cut out the door from the frame and you will just get a glimpse of a ladies powder room. facing the gallery door is the door to the new library, and the front part of this area will be the Earl's private office which will measure 10 inches wide by 15 inches deep. I took the office furniture from the gallery which will clear up more space for sculptures.

And finally, the main cause of this renovation, the ballroom:

My next post will be about the ballroom so I won't talk about it too much. I cut the illustration board walls and test fitted the architectural elements. Since it will be about another month...or more...until it is done, I figured you deserve to see the test fits:

I think I will need another week or 2 to finish and prime the structure, then the next step me...the ballroom parquet floor

No, I am not crazy...I've done worse!

I will try to post by October, but we have a very busy month coming up. September is always a busy time, but a happy one. Last week Joe and I celebrated 10 years as a couple, and next weekend we will celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary.

And that is all for now. I hope everything was clear and once again I apologize to those who have heard it all before. I'll see you in a few weeks for the grand ball.

Big hug to all, old friends and new



  1. Oh no, Giac, you are not crazy, just passionate!
    The walls are gorgeous! All stucco, it gives a lot of magnificence to this room, I imagine already finished with its beautiful polished wooden floor waxed, it will be wonderful to come and dance a waltz! :D

  2. Hello Giac,
    And as usual, when I read your posts and see the amazing, incredible, beautiful work that you do, my first instinct is to crawl under my bed, cover my head, and listen to some really sad music. But then I pull myself up by the bootstraps and convince myself that it's okay to be me and do the miniature stuff that I do, because I love it so much, and I can leave all the really wonderful works of perfection to you. Of course, our ideas of perfection differ: I thought your old south wing was pretty much perfect, not realizing how wrong I was. I cannot wait to see your new and perfectly improved south wing! You have offered some excellent construction tips, and if I'm ever, EVER courageous enough to build anything from wood, I know I'll learn many things from your posts. All the elements from Sue Cook are wonderful; I loved seeing the test fits. It'll be exciting to watch your progress on the ballroom. I wish you both a very happy 7th wedding anniversary! We celebrated our 37th in June - so I wish you at least that many and more!

  3. I can't wait to see how it all comes together. I know it will be spectacular!

  4. Hello Sir Giac! Your work is always the most AMBITIOUS of anyone that I know! Most folk would stop at PERFECT but not you, oh no. You must take it to the next level of PAST PERFECT! :D I can see that this new wing is going to be a knockout! Your plans for the library intrigue me the most! I can already smell the leather bound volumes and Oh the light that will come flooding in! I can hardly wait!
    Then there's the grand ballroom where I can already detect the strains of a waltz in the musicians gallery. And let's not forget your plans for the new parquet floor.... The things you are willing to tackle!? Truly Giac, you are a magician when it comes to how you can turn ordinary wood into something Absolutely Incredible!!!

    And you are just getting started... WOW!
    Big Hugs my friend :D


  5. Wow, you are a brave and talented man to take on this challenge. I am impressed. Happy anniversary!

  6. Hi Giac!
    First congratulations on your special days!
    I was kind of shocked to see the manor rooms look like a the first pictures. The rooms always seem so larger than life! I get real dreamy when I see your work. It allows me to go beyond just what you have accomplished. Like I always say your work stretches my mind and here we go again!

    When you talk about a ball I hope we will see little people dancing and having a good time in the ballroom!

  7. First, congratulations to you and Joe. Your new wing is going to be great - I love libraries and ballrooms in old houses, probably because we don't get to use them too much these days. I also like your soft blue color palette. The design for the parquet floor is great, its going to be exquisite! Looking forward to your progress.

  8. Bonjour Giac,
    Les décorations en "blanc et bleu" sont superbes. Il ne fallait pas trembler pour ajouter le bleu ;)
    Les explications sur votre magnifique travail, sont les bienvenues.
    Bonne continuation ! Joce

  9. Me necanta lo que tu llamas locura y que yo llamo sublimación!!!! Siempre dando un paso más allá para lograr la perfección,el refinamiento y el buen gusto!!!
    Me gusta mucho esos ornamentos en blanco y ese suave azul que has empleado,todo encaja perfectamente y hace volar la imaginación hacia un desenlace de una perfecta habitación.
    Muchas felicidades por esos dos aniversarios para ti y para Joe!!!!!

  10. Giac Congratulations for your great work and your wedding anniversary. a hug, Marisa

  11. What a great idea the wing. And what a wonderfull paintwork. Have fun with the priming and making a start on the ballroom.
    Happy anniversary!

  12. Hi Giac!
    I love the direction this wing is taking, your work is always astounding. :) Huge congratultions to you and Joe, I hope you have a fun time celebrating.
    Big Hugs,
    P.S. Remember only the nicest people are a little bit crazy.

  13. Hey buddy! The new wing looks fantastic. The Post was really useful and gives an insight into your thinking and planning. As for all those Sue Cook components, you'll need to get your eyes checked soon!!
    Take care, all our best to you both.

  14. Dear Giac, as always I remain astounded by the accuracy of your work, the skill of the details, and irrepressible energy with which to carry forward your dreamy castle.
    So I imagine with the same positive energy, you bring forward your whole life, and that explains the success of ten years of love :-)
    I do a lot of wishes to you, Jo and your families and I wish you... a stimulating October ;-)
    For updates about the ballroom, we can wait!
    Love from Italy too,

  15. Hello Giac, I hoop you are well, wow great news its starts looking amazing, like usually, a love the wall, all the details combine perfectly.
    big hug.

  16. Hello Giac, I hoop you are well, wow great news its starts looking amazing, like usually, a love the wall, all the details combine perfectly.
    big hug.

  17. Hi Giac, well your construction techniques never fail to amaze me your attention to detail is simply second to none MDF is not the easiest timber to work with especially cutting it accurately as i'm finding out at the moment! its always a pleasure to read about your progress my friend. Bets wishes Tony.

  18. Todo lo que he visto me ha parecido muy bello y los colores tan bien escogidos ! Dan muchas ganas de verla terminada , va a ser tan preciosa ! .
    Felicidades por vuestro aniversario .
    Un beso

  19. It is always very interesting to see how someone works. It's going to be stunning. I love your drawings too, I can't wait to see the result of all your hard and patient work.
    By the way, Happy Anniversary!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. olá Giac:
    eu fico imaginando como pode alguém ser tão talentoso !!!
    e fazer um trabalho tão perfeito e maravilhoso!!!
    uma verdadeira obra de arte...
    é admirável, maravilhoso, encantador, e não tenho palavras quando vejo este seu maravilhoso blog !!!
    Parabéns por tudo, pelo seu talento e trabalho !!!
    que Deus te acompanhe sempre !!!
    uma abraço daqui do Brasil !!!

  22. Hola Giac! Me encanta entrar en tu blog y ver esa obra de ingeniería con la que siempre me sorprendes. Será una gran casa, no cabe duda, gracias por la información acerca del pegamento, es interesante. Estoy deseando ver el salón de baile avanzado. Una gran mansión. Un abrazo y felicidades en tu aniversario.

  23. Dear Giac,
    your new wing looks imposingly (it's awesome feeling - to watch your project since the beginning, thank you for sharing)
    I love the soft blue which you painted stucco, this will be marvelous ballroom!
    Congratulations to you and Joe, Happy Anniversary to you :-)
    Warm hugs!!

  24. I so admire your patience. Really interesting seeing how you build from scratch. Love the detailed drawings you do. You must do a lot of research. It is a fantastic piece of art your Manor. Pam in Norway

  25. Wonderful project ..!! You are a man with so talented ..!!
    Happy anniversary ..!!
    Mini hugs,

  26. First of all congrats to your special days... that's for sure a reason to celebrate (kind of sad that the ballroom isn't finished by then... *grin*) It was so much fun to see the new South Wing develop right from the start - and you've made once more a wonderful job with explaining everything. To me it's just wonderful that there will be so much more space now for you to spread your special Giac-magic everywhere. Your test for the wall panels promises something awesome to be on the way... and the floor... to anyone else I would say "I admire your courage" - but you can do that easily! ;O)


  27. c'est magnifique GIAC, bravo pour ton travail...

  28. A very happy and wonderful anniversary to you both! 10 years is a good step in the life trip!

    I love seeing your build, I of course always have grand ideas but they dont fit my madding clutter so I like to see your fabulous concepts to build come true!

    The detail pieces will just bring this beauty up beyond amazing!

    Hugs ~J

  29. Ante todo, feliz aniversario!!!! Un abrazo a los dos! :)
    Estás loco? Jaaaaa! Creo que sí! Yo creo que hace falta una chispa de locura para atreverse a soñar y después hacer realidad un proyecto tan maravilloso sin que el vértigo te paralice. :)
    Es absolutamente magnífico!!! No sé... no tengo palabras!
    Un beso!

  30. When I think of building a house, a cold sweat covered my forehead. Not only your work is impressive, but also we can perceive the hard work of documentation. Also, your patience is admirable. Thanks for sharing the process because I learn a lot.
    Happy anniversary :-)

  31. Impresionante Giac, como todo lo que haces. Gracias por compartir tu trabajo, yo jamás lo intentaré porque no sabría pero me gusta mucho ver tu paso a paso.
    Me encantan las molduras y como las has dispuesto.
    Estoy deseando ver esa sala de baile.
    Un abrazo.

  32. Hallo Giac,
    da haben sie sich ja wieder eine Menge vorgenommen und ich wette alles wird genau so werden, wie sie es sich vorgestellt haben. Super ihre Erklärungen zu den einzelnen Arbeitsschritten und eingesetzten Materialien. Und nicht zu vergessen Glückwunsch zum Jubiläum.
    Liebe Grüße Veilchen

  33. Hi Giac,

    Met ongelooflijk veel bewondering bekijk ik je nieuwe blogpost.
    Je schrijven boeit me enorm een lijkt voor mij een boek die
    ik in één keer uit wil lezen.

    Je bent een ZEER getalenteerd persoon die alleen voor
    het allerbeste gaat en het maakt jou niet uit hoeveel tijd dat
    in beslag zal nemen, geweldig vind ik dat.
    Geweldig ook hoe je alles uitlegt hoe het tot stand komt, en daarbij
    voor al je vrienden die met dezelfde materie bezig zijn tips
    geeft om teleurstellingen te voorkomen.

    Alle details waar je weken aan geschilderd heb zijn werkelijk
    FANTASTISCH geworden, zeer fraai van kleur.
    het gaat allemaal geweldig worden Giac, en al is alles
    in miniatuur bij het zien van al dit moois waan ik mij echt in
    die tijd waarin die alles zich afspeelt en zou er zo wel willen wonen.

    Kan bijna niet wachten om alle vorderingen te bekijken maar weet
    ook dat ik daar geduld voor moet hebben.

    Grappig detail is dat ik op de voorlaatste foto ook
    je tenen kan bewonderen die op de foto staan, haha

    Hierbij wil ik je ook nog feliciteren met jullie 10 jarig samenzijn,
    en jullie 7e Huwelijksdag, GEFELICITEERD!!!!!


  34. EEEEK! Giac, AMAZING!!! I can't wait to see the ballroom! It is the one thing I really wanted in my French chateau but left out due to space constraints. I will live vicariously through you! The pale blue is such a stunning shade, so serene but elegant. Your ideas are fantastic and I love seeing how others put together their scratch builds and agree with you re MDF. Can't understand why so many people dislike it. But having discovered gatorfoam, I want to redo my chateau in it rather than MDF! Keep us posted on the ballroom progress. And good luck with those tiny pieces of parquetry! You will do an amazing job.

  35. wow! if not long ago that we admire your new work ... but always surprising and polished, very purists. I love coming to see it! I hope you have a happy and intense moments in your celebration, love is the spark of life. I wish you all the happiness in the world, Giac. a hug.

  36. This post was very interesting, I love to see how you do all this magic :-). Looking forward to the ballroom post too! Wow, painting those small Sue Cook pieces was a lot of work, but very worth it.
    Happy Anniversary to you and Joe, enjoy your Special Day!!! Big hugs xxx

  37. Que interesante, cuanta dedicación y trabajo hay aquí.

  38. Hi Giac! Great how-to on building, the new wing is so spacious, and the floor plan is just gorgeous. Can't wait to see more of it.
    Congrats on your anniversaries, to the both of you!!

  39. First congratulations to you and Joe. And it
    will be fun to following the new construction
    of south wing. I am impresed over all the
    small details you do so beautiful.
    Hugs and love/AM

  40. Hi Giac,
    So nice to read your post and follow the construction of the new wing. MDF is such a nice material to work with because of its density and stability but I am finding it so weighty!
    Your recent work has raised the bar for all of us so can hardly wait to see the new Wing develop.
    All the best as always.
    Regards Janine

  41. Hello Giac
    Your enthusiasm is an inspiration to us all. I think your Manor is superb and these 'alterations' are just right for a building like this. Just like everyone else, I am so looking forward to seeing the ballroom.....I know we will not be disappointed as all these elements combined with your good taste and talent will make it a feast for the soul!
    The best of wishes to yourself and Joe :)
    All the best and take care

  42. Happy anniversary!
    I like your new project, your work is perfect, as always. I'm curious to see the progress.

  43. Dear Giac,
    I applaud your addition ~ all the great estates evolved over time!
    I look forward to seeing all the details come together. I hope the
    Ballroom is completed to celebrate your anniversary ~ congratulations on all fronts!

  44. Wishing you and Joe a very Happy Anniversary and wish you many many more. I am delighted that you are doing even more incredible work on your house as it means you will be showing us even more of your magic :) I love the blue and white very beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing more.
    Hugs Maria

  45. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the step by step. I always love watching from drawn plans forward :)

    1. Oh and your floor is, yes, insanely beautiful!

  46. Espero que tengas unas estupendas celebraciones. Me encanta ver la transformación de unas cuantas maderas convirtiendose en una sala de baile. Tiene un gran trabajo por delante. Hay que ver como lo disfrutas.

  47. Dear Giac, you are so brave with your renovations! The increased space will make the whole house feel much Grander than it already does! The beginnings for the Ballroom look positively Brilliant! I have not used MDF because it is so heavy and hard to cut... I have stuck with plywood which has a tendency to warp. I also use screws to reinforce the joins for the Castle pieces because they are large and heavy, so I really don't want to risk any failure of glue down the road! As usual your plans are so neatly drawn out and to scale! I am sure you will create interiors that we will all drool over! This Manor just gets better and better!
    Oh, and congratulations on your anniversaries!


  48. As always, a great job and I am looking forward to the following pictures .
    When everything is perfect, from the initial planning to the end. Enviable .
    LG Alexandra

  49. Hi Giac, thank you for sharing your work-in-progress pictures. I prefer MDF too and also get the big sheets cut at a hardware store. I think your addition will be stunning and I'm looking forward to see it evolve.
    Much love to you and Joe on your anniversary. Hope you both have a wonderful day =0)X

  50. Buenas tardes Giac!! Como siempre dejándome admirada ante la perfección de tus trabajos, y dejándome siempre sorprendida por esa gran elaboración, y por esos materiales que tú eliges tan difícil de trabajar, esa nueva ala será una preciosidad, muchas gracias por todas tus explicaciones. Mis felicitaciones por el Aniversario de Boda. Un gran abrazo

  51. Giac,
    Your vision is wonderful, and your work is always near perfection! Your detailed posts are so helpful. Even though I will never tackle anything that ambitious, it is so cool to see how it all comes together. Happy anniversary to you and Joe! Thank you for the time you put into sharing, on your blog! I look forward to your next post!

  52. Giac,
    Your vision is wonderful, and your work is always near perfection! Your detailed posts are so helpful. Even though I will never tackle anything that ambitious, it is so cool to see how it all comes together. Happy anniversary to you and Joe! Thank you for the time you put into sharing, on your blog! I look forward to your next post!

  53. Nice post! Can't wait to see more (the decorating will be amazing, I already know!). Congrats on 10 years and 7 years! I'll be celebrating with you in spirit! xo Jennifer

  54. Hola Giac
    Pensé que no querias saber más de mi blog ya que te quitastes de seguidor y la verdad que no sé por qué

    Aprecio y admiro cada uno de tus trabajos..

    Gracias por tu cariñoso comentario hacia mis nietas

    Con cariño Victoria

    Te enlazo a mis blogs amig@s

  55. Oi Giac!!
    Faz tempo que eu não visito meus amigos,
    companheiros de blog e irmãos de coração.
    Digo "irmãos de coração" pela paixão que sentimos de igual forma pela arte. dom que fomos presenteados por Deus.
    Você nem imagina mas bem antes de você conhecer o meu blog, meus trabalhos e a minha pessoa eu já lhe seguia.
    Com admiração incrível por sua arte, e depois por você ser como é, descobri seu cachorro lindão, seu casamento e férias visitando coisas preciosas por esse mundo.
    Agradeço imensamente seu carinho, seus comentários e por pensar e querer saber se estou melhor. Muito obrigada Giac.
    Sim eu estou melhor, já passou o perigo de vida, se bem que um dia todos teremos novas experiencias em outro plano, acredito que a nossa alma é eterna.
    Precisei ficar careca por três x. Mas acredito que não mais tomarei remédios fortes.
    O que me restou foram doenças crônicas de défice muscular e degeneração dos ossos. Tudo bem por que com isso precisei ficar magrinha e estou adorando ser magra.
    Preciso fazer exercícios diários para os músculos pois tenho agora um défice constante de musculatura, devido aos ossos retirarem proteínas dos músculos, tudo bem.
    Estou frequentando uma academia de musculatura 2 x ao dia, uma para fortalecer os músculos e assim adiar a degeneração muscular.
    Na cirurgia foi retirado 3 tumores no útero, cada qual medindo mais de 13 centímetros, o médico resolveu retirar o útero, trompas e ovários. Concordei com ele.
    Bem Giac, mesmo com isso tudo, penso que tem humano que passa por coisas piores, me faz senti dó deles.
    Minha alma ou meu espírito é alegre, gosto de viver, gosto de sorrir, gosto da vida, gosto de mim mesma, amo miniatura, amo a arte, amo tocar piano, amo dançar e adoro ter amigos de verdade e acredito que tenho alguns amigos de verdade aqui no blog e sei que um deles é você. Obrigada.
    Me sinto feliz por saber que um artista de verdade me conhece, fala comigo, pensa em mim e deseja minha recuperação. Esse amigo é você.
    Obrigada por todo carinho Giac, perdão por passar tanto tempo sem visitar meus amigos de blog.
    Beijos no seu cachorro lindo, lembranças para a Jo e um abração para você amigo.
    Com todo meu carinho, Nanda.

    *Nem sei como sairá a tradução.

    Te adoro amigo.
    Te admiro amigo
    Obrigada por sua atenção.
    Sinto grande admiração por suas miniaturas realísticas.
    Sinto admiração por sua pessoa.

  56. Sono ipnotizzata dai tuoi lavori, li ho mostrati come sempre a mio marito che ti ammira tantissimo. Complimenti Giac, sei un mago!!!!!!!! Baci

  57. Hi Giac,
    Thank you for step-by-step.
    It helped me a lot, thank you.
    Their designs are so real.
    Happy birthday!!!
    Enjoy September with the celebration of love and unity for you and Joe.
    Now, I look at your other posts.

  58. Bonjour Giac,
    j'arrive bon dernier pour poster mon commentaire aussi il est difficile de trouver quelque chose d'original à dire ;-) J'adore le mariage du blanc et du bleu pour les stucs et le marbre des cheminées est vraiment réussi. C'est une bonne idée d'avoir mis des photos où l'on voit l'ensemble du manoir, c'est spectaculaire! Votre futur parquet nous fait déjà tous rêver.
    Bon anniversaire et bon travail en perspective.

  59. WOUAH , c'est grandiose !! immense superbe .Le bleu et blanc fait très british !

  60. Happy Anniversary! :)

    I'm swooning over the architectural details...ohhhhh they look glorious. Elegant Georgian...perfection. That floor is going to be a magnificent complement.

    Thank you for sharing so many pictures, it is indeed a huge help to newbies! I think your detailed blog is an excellent resource for yourself as well, sort of like a journal of the history of this project.

  61. Per prima cosa ..... Buon Anniversario !!!!
    Che ti posso dire ??? non vedo l'ora di vedere il risultato di tanto lavoro.
    So già che sarà immensa e stupenda !!!
    Un abbraccio, Rosanna

  62. Hola, siempre me gusta ver los paso a paso de las cosas y no me parece redundante aunque se parezcan unos a otros, los elementos arquitectónicos que escogió son geniales, y el color me parece muy acertado le da ese toque de antigüedad que todos deseamos ver en nuestras casas, un gran trabajo
    por cierto muchas gracias por sus amables comentarios en mi blog
    un gran abrazo

  63. Hi Giac! Wishing you a very Happy Anniversary! :)
    Your photos are wonderful: I had to roll your photos over and over again to enjoy all the details! I love your esthetic and architectural work and design! I'll be waiting to see more...

  64. Feliz aniversario.
    me gusta mucho la mansión, parece grande, pero debe ser del tamaño adecuado como dices.
    La sala de baile tal y como la has presentado me gusta mucho..buen..todo lo que haces me maravilla, eres uno de los mejores y te admiro.
    Un abrazo

  65. Hola amigo,
    que trabajo tan hermoso haces eres un magico Giac.Me gusta muchoooooooo.besitos de ternura.

  66. Hi Giac,
    It's so nice to hear from you and see what you have been up to. It looks like you're been very busy! You are an amazing artist and I love seeing this behind the scenes look into how a dollhouse is made. What wonderful progress you are making. Congratulations to you and Joe, that is wonderful! My husband and I have been together exactly the same amount of time! (married for 7 yrs, together for 10. :) I hope you have an amazing and wonderful rest of your month.
    Big hugs,
    Farrah :)

  67. Congratulations on your anniversary!
    No you're not crazy. Well maybe you are seeing those floors you are planning to make, haha! I can relate with ripping stuff out and starting again, you just do it on a grander scale!
    I was looking at the small first photo and thought, where is the extension, I don't see it. I thought the extension was a desk in your work room ;-) I look forward to seeing the ballroom in all its splendor in your next post!

  68. Hi Giac,
    Great to see a long blogpost from you I like your detailed work very much also your step by step pics are for me handy!
    You inspire me... may be next month starting again with my dollhouse... there still lots to do on the upper floors....
    Happy anniversary for you and your partner!
    have a nice day,
    groetjes van Marijke

  69. Ciao caro Giac sei pronto per tante belle stanze. Bacioni

  70. Giac, este agrgado de la mansión va a ser una maravilla como nos tienes acostumbrados.
    Me encanta como has pintado las molduras.
    Cuanto admiro tus trabajos tan minuciosos y agradezco que los compartas.
    Un abrazo fuerte

  71. Wonderful post full of useful tips and details! Your house is looking beautiful.

  72. Firstly, congratulations on your Anniversary. Secondly, just when we (read "I") thought what will we do when your project is finished, you create more - excellent. It will give us another long spell to fully enjoy your wonderful work. You certainly don't do things by halves, do you? The extension is going to be an amazing piece of work to follow and I'm so looking forward to it. Your attention to detail certainly makes me pull my socks up in that department!

  73. Hi Giac,

    I really love the new "spaces"...Use of space is everything I think in a final product...he says as if hes done this for years....:0|| But I do think often a design is only as good as it's beginnings, and you've designed spaces that cannot help, with your aesthetic, to be truly gorgeous. I look forward to seeing them mature!

    Thanks Giac!


  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Wow, big extension and lots of additions to your project. One day it may take over your full size house! I was recently in a ballroom at the Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence. They have mirrors on the walls that have been painted with flowers and fruit and little cherubs. And picture frames. So while you dance, you can watch yourself framed amoung the putti.

  76. oh my god Giac, that is huge! haha, I get it, it will be the right size, but it is big nonetheless, just because rooms like that in a manor are supposed to be. Again I admire your bravery and think you've made a wise choice. I like the rooms a lot already. Oh oh, that floor! Maybe you've done worse, but this will be no picknick either, that's for sure. But it will be an amazing floor, I LOVE it! You might as well call the new wing, the Sue Cook wing, haha, my god, you must have been dreaming about ornaments :D. Thank you so much for all the extra info, if all goes right, someone will build my Oldtique Store the next year (hopefully) and I can use your info to tell them (about the glue and dowels and cutting the openings), so I will end up with a solid structure, very helpful!

  77. oh and happy anniversary's, that's wonderful and well worth celebrating! I wish you many years of happiness together! Big congratulations-hug!

  78. Oh what an update!
    It will be fantastic. Follow .....
    Hugs Titti

  79. Hi Giac, oh my word, you are a genius. I have just discovered your site and I'm very excited. I'm working on my second dolls house, currently trying to decide what styles to do the various rooms in. The only room I was positive about from the beginning is the library, I'm going to put parquet flooring in, I want a medallion in the middle and parquet around the edge. It's very expensive so I will buy the medallion kit then try to do the rest myself, so I will look forward to your parquet post!

  80. Hello from Sweden :D!! I just found your blog and I must say that you are amazing! Wow! Thank you for sharing it with us! Sincerley Maria

  81. Impressive. You always go all the way. It is so impressive to see your 100% perfectionism. Your approach is implemented perfectly.
    I wish you the best.

  82. Oh my goodness, Giac, this is breathtaking! Your talent to details is something out of this world. I'm humbled. Cannot wait to see the progress... Hugs Sanne

  83. Un'altra bella stanza...come sempre rimango incantata dai particolari e dal grande lavoro che fai. Ciao Giac ...baci

  84. Un'altra bella stanza...come sempre rimango incantata dai particolari e dal grande lavoro che fai. Ciao Giac ...baci

  85. Un'altra bella stanza...come sempre rimango incantata dai particolari e dal lavoro che fai.
    Ciao Giac...baci

  86. Un'altra bella stanza...come sempre rimango incantata dai particolari e dal lavoro che fai.
    Ciao Giac...baci

  87. Love the first few shots of the dollhouse from far away. It's huge! But it really puts things into perspective. You often show your scenes from within the room itself, tricking the eye into thinking it's a real-sized room. :)

  88. Awesome blog. Love the indepth way u share info and your process...especially nice for those of us who have to live vicariously from time to time :)
