Sunday, 12 October 2014

Tudor Hall and Entrance Renovations

Hello my friends,

I hope you are all doing well! Once again it has been much longer between posts then I intended. Since my last post I was offered and accepted a new position at work which I am loving, Jo and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary, and we have started getting ready to renovate our real life bathroom...all this to say I could not spend as much time on my minis...but I finally finished the Manor's renovation this morning. So here it is, the new and (I hope) improved Entrance and Great Hall:

View of the Tudor Hall from the Entrance

The Entrance

The right half of the Tudor Hall

I love Tudor Style architecture. In my mind these 2 rooms were originally a hunting lodge in Elizabethan times. Centuries later it was eventually given to the owners third son, lord Dewell, when he married. The couple added wings and a floor to the house to make it their main residence, but updated the original Hall instead of renovating it.

Okay that's the back story. These were 2 of the first rooms I finished and every time I looked at them I felt something was wrong with them. Before I go into renovation details, here are the before and after shots:

Game Room before

Tudor Hall left side after

Drawing Room before

Tudor hall right side after

Entrance before

Entrance after

Door frames

After the Dining room renovation (last post) I decided to remake all the door frames on the main floor. the original ones were just door frame molding and were going to have stained glass. Since I wanted the Tudor feel in this room I decided to make stone door frames with a Gothic arch detail.

First I ripped out the old door frames making sure I did not damage the wainscot or the wallpaper. Next I make the top of the door frame with the arch detail out of basswood

When cutting out opening in basswood I always make a few random cuts in the piece to be removed so that the thickness of the blade does not make the wood split as much

Next, I made a new frame to fill the opening with 5/8 inch lumber (the thickness of the structure)

I added a thin molding trim piece to accent the Gothic arch

To fill the arch, I decided to use strips of door frame molding and fancy cocktail toothpicks .

As you can see I took a basswood backing strip and glued on the toothpicks and door frame pieces making sure they were straight. The next step was adding wood sections to the front of the frame to make it look thicker. I put a thicker strip on the bottom and 3 thinner ones atop it to make it look like the door frame was made from several stone pieces. I added 2 strips of molding on the inside of the door frames and an ogee molding to the top of the arched piece.

When all was dry I glued all the section together and covered the entire piece with gesso making sure the spaces between stones did not fill up

the wood door frame is on the bottom. Gesso just helps fill in some of the wood grain. I used 2 coats, sanding in between with 600 grit sandpaper

The final step was painting. I used Delta Ceramcoat paints which I applied with 3 different sea sponges. Each coat was added with a coarser piece of sponge. The first coat was Trail tan, the second was sandstone, and the third was oyster. When that was dry I took 10 parts water mixed with 1 part walnut paint, brushed it on, and then used paper towels to sponge it of.

The finish is not as pale or as shiny in real life.  Warning! if you use a dark wash only do it once. If you go over a second time without sealing the first it will actually wash the first coat right off.

 The dark wash is what really makes it look like stone. When dry I sprayed it with a light coat of glaze to keep the dark wash from coming off. I was really happy and put one into place to see the effect...

The door frame was exactly what I wanted...but the fireplace stood out at me. The marble finish I made was the furthest thing from Tudor. So I took out some double thick illustration board and re cut it. I added a small cameo at the top and used the same faux stone painting technique (Sorry, no picture of that step, but one is coming)

I love big fireplace fenders and decided to make one for the side of the room with the pool table.

In the above picture you can see I took a simple strip of basswood to make the base of the fenders and covered it in pre painted moldings. For the top of the fenders I took apart an inexpensive mini sofa I had and used the carved parts which I painted with black enamel spray paint. I added a small wood strip on the top and voila:

And here is what the fireplace looks like now:

I used black paint and dry brushed the top of the fireplace stone to make it look like it has been used for a long time. The last little detail I added was a family shield at the top of the chimney.

thank you for the shield big brother

again I faux stoned it and glued it in place. The fireplace problem was solved, but another problem appeared...


As I have mentioned I am obsessed with English Country Houses. Both rooms has a very simple wainscot, but after looking at old Tudor mansions I decided to make them taller and add a bit of detail.

I started by taking a 5/8 wide strip of basswood and laid it atop the wainscot. I made a pencil mark where the long vertical piece reached. This room is 33 inches deep. the sided of my ribs were covered in bruises from reaching in and sliding myself on the structure. When all the marks were made I cut out Gothic arches and stained all the lumber I would need to update the wainscot

the Gothic arch pieces are at the top.

In the next picture on the right of the door opening you can see I added door frame molding strips to create a carved detail, and on the left  of the door opening you can see the Gothic arch strip glued on.

the final step was adding a top strip of lumber to cover the gaps and a piece of molding to finish it. In the entrance I used 2 more family shields and jewelry pieces to create family crests. I painted them in faux walnut and added gold detail, just to impress anyone who comes into the manor

Stone Floor
And now the real reason I wanted to renovate this room. I absolutely hated the floor:

The centre design of the floor was something I purchased. Just like the dining rooms original floor, the white lines you saw through the wood drove me crazy and the panels were coming undone. I tried to come up with a parquet pattern but nothing worked. Long story short, after much research, I decided to rip out the entire floor and replace it with a stone one.

In this picture you can see the painted stone fireplace piece before installation.
Just a note about the above picture. The Manor is built in 8 sections. You can see the gap between section in the picture, That is why I made doors. The will be fixed with Velcro or double sided tape. this way you can't see the gap, the walls look 2 foot thick like real old houses, and when I take the section apart for whatever reason there is no risk of ripping out the doors.

I painted a small piece of illustration board with the pattern I had in mind. I immediately knew ripping out the wood floor was the right decision. It looked so much brighter and the woodwork was popped instead of disappearing into the room. I took a piece of illustration board and faux stoned it the same way as the other elements in the room...

Once again, the dark wash is what really creates the stone effect

then I cut it into 1 1/4 inch squares...

Yes, I am the person who has to make sure stacked things are perfectly straight or I go a bit bananas

and finally I made a few illustration board templates and cut out the 4 corners of each title...every last 666 of them. Before I go on to installation a few words of caution:

It was not really difficult, but when the room you are covering measure 33 inches x 31 inches it becomes very long and tedious

1- I used double thick illustration board...DO NOT! big pieces are fine but when cutting the small black ones the layers of cardboard came apart...use single ply.
2- I covered the illustration board with gesso... DO NOT! When cutting the tiles and squares the edges over the gesso layer chipped so you saw a lot of white between tiles 
3- check your tools! I used a very old straight edge metal square to make sure the squares were perfect. when I was almost done I noticed the square was off by a hair...not much, but just enough that installing the tiles was make difficult because after a few rows the pattern started to go crooked.

Back to installation. I always tell everyone make an illustration board sub floor template of the room, glue on the flooring, then install it in the room. In this case the columns in the middle of the room as well as the nooks and crannies would have made it impossible to hide the gaps between the sub floor pieces, so I glued them directly onto the mdf guessed it, bruises on my sides for another week.

The first tile I glued down was right in the centre of the room, then I spread out equally on each side. This helped control and make sure the pattern did not get lost and go out of true

In the picture above you can see I first glued down all the large stones then filled in the black ones. The black ones vary in size because parts of the floor were of. I made a test piece to see what it would look like grouted, but the grout (Spackle) left a film on the stones. So I did not grout, just went over the finished floor with a good coat of clear floor wax. And here is the finished floor:

I added molding to the base of the columns to cover any gaps.

When I decided to go with stone instead of would I was thrilled because I thought it would be so much faster then one of my wood parquet was just as long and just as tedious! At least the bruises are gone.

And that is all.Not many changes but the floor and wainscot were VERY work intensive. I have not yet hung any artwork because the rooms are really dark and I want to purchase and install sconces before the art goes up.Here are random pictures of the 2 rooms. The Great room has officially been christened the Tudor Hall

Tudor Hall Left Side

Tudor Hall right side

Tudor hall right side


View from the Ballroom door through the Entrance Tudor Hall, great Dinning Room and the Breakfast room

And here are a few picture with Flash to better see the details

I think what I love most about the manor, which is true of many English country houses, is that the house is comprised of several styles, not just one. the guests come into the Tudor entrance, see the somewhat Georgian looking ballroom, go through the Tudor hall and end up in the marble filled Great Dining room and can see the chinoiserie breakfast room.

That was the last of the big renovations. This week I plan on getting the mdf panels for the exterior. I also want to make 2 little changes to the kitchen, and I have the bedroom to dress. If my next project takes too long I might just give you a tour of all the rooms of the manor.

Thank you all once again for your incredible feedback. I feel very lucky to have you all following  my adventures and I appreciate every comment and constructive criticism you send my way.

Have a wonderful week and once again I will TRY not to take so long between posts.
 To all my fellow Canadians, happy thanksgiving!
Big hug to all,



  1. I love all the changes. Looking at them I wonder if I would ever be as patient as you are! The stone effect is just great, so I love th floor and all the door frames most. :)
    Bug hug

  2. First of all congratulations to Jo and you with your anniversary, and with your new job function! Wow Giac, the renovations are superb. The door frame, the fireplace, it looks awesome. And the floors are amazing! I would love a tour in the manor :-). As always I look forward to your next post, xx

  3. Fantastic work as always Giac. Until your hand appears in the photograph, the illusion that it is a real Manor House remains intact. Thank you for the tips on the flooring. Although it was a pain for you, you have saved someone else a nightmare job with your words of caution. =0)

  4. No pensé que podría quedar más bonito pero lo has conseguido. El contraste con el claro del suelo y los marcos dan una gran elegancia. Los arcos dan una perfecta terminación.El protector de la chimenea queda genial.Un gran trabajo.

  5. Hi Giac!
    What a lovely work you have made. It is absolute magnificent and Thanks for charing so many tip for us
    Big hug

  6. wow, Giac! It is spectacular! to see your hand I realized it was a doll house ... I thought it was real !! I think an amazing job, congratulations for such effort has been worthwhile.
    A big hugs.

  7. Hi Giac,

    Er is al ruim een uur verstreken alvorens ik begin een reactie te schrijven op jou FANTASTISCHE nieuwe post. Er is zoveel moois te zien en geweldig ook om te lezen hoe alles tot stand is gekomen.

    Wat zullen al deze renovatie's ongelooflijk veel tijd en vooral ook engelen geduld hebben gekost. Zoals je omschrijft hoe je de vloer in de Tudor Hall hebt gemaakt, en de tegenslag die je daarbij ondervond.
    Het resultaat is werkelijk ADEMBENEMEND mooi geworden. Iets waar je zeker heel trots op mag zijn en ongetwijfeld ook bent, hihi.
    En terecht!!!!!

    De nieuwe kozijnen die je hebt vervaardigd en alle behandelingen om het geheel met dit prachtige resultaat te verkrijgen is echt spectaculair geworden. Net als alle kleinere details die je hebt gemaakt om alles om het geheel in de beoogde stijl te krijgen.
    Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, ik schreef het al vaker maar blijf het herhalen, je bent echt een GROOT KUNSTENAAR!!!
    DE renovatie is ZEER GESLAAGD, en een lust voor het oog. Heb genoten van deze prachtige post.

    Hierbij wil ik je tevens ook bedanken voor je altijd mooie en lieve reactie's die je op mijn posten geeft, dat waardeer ik heel erg.

    Wens je een mooie tijd en toe en heel veel succes met alle nieuwe projecten die je in gedachten hebt.....

    Veel liefs,

  8. Hi Giac, the changes are amazing, I keep looking at all those wonderful pictures, if I did´nt know for sure that it is miniature, I would swear it is a real manor house.
    You did such a lot off beautiful work, all the lovely details, I'm blown away !!!

    Hugs Mieke xxx

  9. OK time to drool again! When I see your post, I actually have to take notes first before commenting because there is so much hitting my senses at once I know I can't remember it all! lol
    Ok...first, this project is so awesome it is always worth waiting for! The idea of adding molding the columns was really super!
    The doorway came out so well it is hard to believe it didn't come already prefabricated.
    I can never keep my eyes off of the window dressings...awesome!
    Is the fabulous floor illustration board? You called it a template you mean u put it together first before installing it?
    The most amazing part is it is just as you say...made from scratch! You are my mini hero!

  10. Giac, your stone work is amazing! I love all of the detail you've put into each room. I can't wait to see the whole manor. Oh, and Happy Anniversary!

  11. Happy Anniversary!
    I love your stone technique. The pool table is way fun and the new floor looks great. Thanks for telling how you made it. nd everything it looks wonderful---

  12. Greetings Giac, your work is going from great to amazing. What a difference the stone floors have made and all the extra trim has given the rooms so much more Tudor strength.
    Thank you it is so much fun to compare the before and after. I wish I could put them side by side to compare instead of going back and forth - because it makes me quite dizzy.
    Happy thanksgiving.

  13. EVERYTHING looks fantastic! I adore your floor tiles. They are just gorgeous. All the new wood work is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! I want so badly to shrink and visit your lovely house.

  14. Amazing rooms and I learned so much in this post, thank you for sharing!

  15. It's looking just amazing! I love how much thoughtand planning goes into every detail and the hard work has paid off. I also like how there have been some changes and renovations to the manor over time by the owners, just blike in real life. Nothing stays the same no matter how much we want it too. And congratulations on your anniversary!

  16. Wow! Giac! WOW!!! I am So Impressed with the new Tudor Hall!!!! The Floor is Divine and the door frames and the hearth are much more what would have been true in an older structure! I admire your tenacity and your vision! When you decide it isn't right.... you re-do it even in such a grand room! I have no words to express my awe at the level of workmanship you accomplish! Every detail is rich and layered and intricate and all made by hand!!! WOW!!! Your Manor has to be the Most Awesome mini Mansion ever!!! You have accomplished a huge amount .... even though you have been so busy in RL! I am always so impressed to see what you have accomplished! Keep up the Great work! You are a real inspiration!!!

  17. Hi Giac,

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and the new position at work. You must have the patience of a Saint and it is wonderful to see the skillful work on your Manor. The tiles on the floor are amazing.
    Thank you for showing us around.
    Happy new week

  18. Giac,
    Happy anniversary and good luck on your real-life renovation! The changes you have made to manor and look great and honestly, make a lot of sense. I continue to be amazed and inspired by your artistry and craftsmanship. I chuckle when you point out little things that bother you ( like a little white line) because I have the same problem. Keep up the good work. Troy

  19. Hi Giac!
    What a lovely work you have made a doll house ...
    I thought it was real awesome !!
    A big hugs.

  20. Buongiorno Giac è un meraviglia vedere questi saloni lussuosi, hai le mani d'oro, rimango sempre incantata.
    Un grosso bacio

  21. En primer lugar muchas felicidades por vuestro sexto aniversario!!!!!
    En cuanto a las reformas de la casa,siempre me dejas con la boca abierta de asombro,para mi que antes ya eran perfectas,ahora con el cambio de suelos,maravillosas puertas,el friso impecable,la chimenea impresionante......esto ya es la perfección!!!!!!!!!! Y lo que se aprende contigo Giac,mil gracias por hacernos participes de tus maravillosas obras!!!!!
    Que vaya bien la obra de vuestro baño!!!

  22. Congratulations on your wedding day Giac.
    And the manor is amazing, i am impressed
    by your work. A lighter floor with that pattern
    changed the whole room. And the door frames
    was the final touch, just wonderful!

  23. Congratulations on your new job and anniversary Giac. The detail and thought you have put into those rooms is just amazing. I love the flooring. You inspire me to want to increase my skills in miniatures.

  24. Dear Giac,
    Happy Anniversary and congratulations for your new job!
    Your work is amazing with such careful attention to every little detail.
    The Tudor hall floor is so very beautiful, looks like it's made of real marble. I have enjoyed your photos and thank you for sharing.
    A big hug, Drora

  25. Happy Anniversary, Giac! You've really spoiled us with all of these gorgeous pictures and thank you so much for sharing how you've done all these beautiful changes, it all is amazing and impressive work. For seeing appear suddenly of your big hand in the room was a bit of a shock for me, to realise it all is so much smaller and not a real-life room ;)!
    I really love your stone technique, it looks much more realistic. After all, the rooms are even much better now, than they already were!
    Good luck on your real-life kitchen renovation!
    Hugs, Ilona

  26. Happy Anniversary and congratulations with your new job!
    And your manor is fantastic the details are so good that most of the time I think is this in real size or mini? It's great to see all of your pics of your wonderfull mini manor home!
    groetjes van Marijke

  27. Bonjour Giac,
    Avant tout bon anniversaire à votre couple et félicitations pour votre nouveau poste. Il y a peu je me disais que cela faisait longtemps que l'on avait des nouvelles de Giac, probablement il doit, comme toujours, nous préparer quelque chose de superbe. Vos rénovations sont à la hauteur de notre attente. C'est absolument magnifique. L'effet du carrelage est parfait et cela métamorphose la salle Tudor. Comme plusieurs de vos admirateurs j'ai eu un choc en faisant défiler les photos en grand de voir à un moment surgir votre main car je m'imaginais visiter une vraie demeure. Regarder votre travail est pour moi comme un électrochoc:dans un premier temps ça fait mal car je suis loin d'avoir votre tallent mais dans un second temps cela me pousse à essayer de me dépasser. Merci pour cela aussi et à bientôt.

  28. Hi Giac! Wow! I really, really love the new floor in your Tudor Hall. It takes a truly wonderful room (before) and takes it from wonderful to truly dramatic! To let you know how sincere I am with that...I have had the Great Room photo as my desktop background for some time, as inspiration, and because I loved it so much... NOW, I have a new love...The Tudor Room! It will become my NEW desktop background. :0))

    You were telling me a day or so ago about your patience? The lack of it? Well, here is the REAL Giac... Talk about having patience! That floor took a lot of that! But well worth every second of the tedium.

    The rooms would not have "adjusted" as beautifully without some of the additional details you have added...the door frames (incredible!), the additions to the fireplace surround, and the subtle changes in decor elsewhere throughout. All add up to an Architectural Digest "attitude" to the room.

    Going off to change my desktop now!


  29. Hoi Giac,
    Happy Anniversary and congratulations for your new job!
    Your work is amazing with such careful attention to every little detail. I have enjoyed your photos and thank you for sharing.

    Big hugs, Willy & Willem

  30. C'est un fabuleux reportage et je reste sans voix devant le travail accompli ,quelle merveille ce manoir!!!! Les pièces sont plus lumineuses grâce aux portes et aux sols plus clairs.
    Vous avez de l'or dans les mains comme l'on dit chez nous (en France)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Encore bravo!!

  31. Hi Giac!
    Congratulations on the wedding anniversary and the job!
    When I "took the first step" into your Entrance Hall I was stunned! It was so real! Just like a 1/1 Hall! Your hand took me back to 1/12 size.. :) I love every detail! Congrats for making such beautiful Art Work!

  32. Giac! I just took a tour through your updated manor house. It was like stepping into the real thing. Not only is the house incredible, the photography is also. Great job. Especially the floors and woodwork! I know how long that takes. Been there. Done that. What's next?

  33. Happy anniversary to you and Jo. And congratulations for your new job.
    The changes are wonderful Everything is perfect and very elegant.

  34. Feliz aniversario Giac para usted y Jo, y felicidades también por su mejora en el trabajo. La renovación de su casa Tudor es realmente maravillosa. La idea de las puertas, el friso, los suelos, todo es genial. La casa está digna de un museo. Un trabajo perfecto y elegante..¡felicidades! Un beso.

  35. Wow, Giac, just when I thought everything looked perfect, you have gone and upped the ante.....again. I cannot believe how you have made something so perfect even more so!! Your stone doorframes, and the additions to the fireplace are so realistic and true to tudor. Adding the height to your wainscot was genius and the new flooring really does make the other woodwork pop. I so look forward to your posts, and, as usual, you never fail to amaze.....Brilliant.
    All the best

  36. Hello Giac! A very happy, healthy and wonderful anniversary to you both!!

    Your work is so stunning, the details youve added to each rooms is just beyond amazing, the door frams and pieces like the fireplace grill are so expertly hand made, you are just ...amazing!.

    Ok I must go drool over your work some more and feast my eyes!
    Hugs! ~J

  37. I'm just so impressed with your work Giac. Your attention to detail is amazing and you have the patience of a saint. I take great inspiration from your work.

    I look forward to see what you create next.


  38. Great decision to make these changes buddy, the manor looks stunning. Really. Realistic! I particularly like the stone door surrounds, they really add a new dimension and feel. That, and the new floors give it all a sense of being around a long time.
    Congrats on the new position and your anniversary. six years!
    Love to you and Joe

  39. Hello dear Giac. Nice to hear you.
    I just can't undestand how skilfull and amazing your work is. I always just wondering how someone could do something like that! I love your house - I could move in The House and live my life happily on that fantastic athmosphere :)
    All the changes you made are fantastic. Again.
    Lots of congratulations both of you!
    Hugs, Tiina

  40. First of all congrats to the big events, especially the wedding anniversary. And as always you have amazed me with your incredible skills to make something that was already awesome even better. Your changes are stunning and absolutely worth all the work and yes, even the bruises... ;O) As always the rooms shown in your pictures could be photos taking in real rooms - your realism is totally fascinating... and your patience too! Cutting all those "stones" - you're my hero!


  41. Happy Anniversary to you and Jo and congratulations on the new job. Wow your rooms are stunning. I thought they were beautiful before but I can see how your changes are perfect for these rooms. I love the flooring and the fireplace is awesome.
    Hugs Maria

  42. Hello Giac,
    Congrats to the both of you on the anniversary and an extra congratulations to you because of the job!
    I too agree the changes you made look better and more realistic.
    It takes quite some courage to work again on a room that is already finished and broadly admired but you gave it a good thinking over and managed to even make it look better.
    That faux stone in particular looks just amazing!

  43. Giac, sei un'ARTISTA ECCEZIONALE!!!!!!! Ti stimo TANTISSIMO!!! BRAVISSIMISSIMO!!!!!!! NI

  44. That is a very impressive new floor and the wainscot is very Victorian. I'm so impressed that you take lots of pictures during the renovations, it gives us a really good idea of how you go about the design and the building of it all!

    Can't wait to see the outside developing!

  45. Happy Anniversary and Congrats on the new job! So much happiness in your life right now; I hope it continues! Just seems like you finished your kitchen and now you are moving on to your bathroom. Will the renovations ever end? The mini spaces you have been working on look fantastic, as always. I just love how you can't tell if this is a real-life space or a mini one, it's that precise and intricate. The moldings that you added make such a difference; much grander! Can't wait for your next post; you are such an inspiration to me!

  46. Bonjour Giac !
    Félicitations pour les 6 ans de mariage et pour le job !
    Les transformations sont MAGNIFIQUES !
    A bientôt ! Joce

  47. Hi Giac! I'm glad to hear life is treating you well! Congratulations on your new job and wedding anniversary! It's amazing what a difference the flooring and door frames makes to the rooms! All the little detailed additions look superb and you make them sound so easy to do!! Your pictures are amazing, if I saw them out of context of your blog I would swear they were real rooms!
    Kind regards, Brian.

  48. Your rooms are true masterpieces and you are a wonderful craftman and artist.

  49. Como siempre unos trabajos magníficos y unas fotos maravillosas, además de las explicaciones , que son claras y estupendas. Siempre vienen bien.
    Te felicito por el sexto aniversario de bodas y deseo de corazón que cumplais muchos más.

  50. Siempre es un placer visitar tu blog!! Yo siempre aprendo algo! me parece increíble cómo has restaurado esa hermosa casa, los suelos son un gran trabajo, así como los marcos de puertas y chimenea, le dan gran elegancia. Ah! felicidades por esos seis años de boda. Un gran abrazo

  51. Hi Giac, Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and your new job! Your latest work is fantastic! All of the changes you've shown add that much more depth, mood, and realism to your work. I studied the before and after photographs and felt each one was dramatically improved, even if at first I wasn't sure what changed. After reading your post and all that went into your projects, I'm amazed at what you've been able to accomplish in a relatively short amount of time. Great job!!!!!!! xo Jennifer

  52. Ciao, navigando mi sono trovata sul tuo blog ...sei così bravo che subito ho pensato che fosse una vera residenza e di poterla visitare!!!
    buona serata

  53. Hi Giac! This is absolutely gorgeous. Happy Anniversary and Congrats:))

  54. Congratulations on your anniversary and new job.

    What a brave man you are! Despite not having fully completed this house you already have your eye on improvements and yes, I think the floor is an improvement. It lifts the whole room. I'm also really taken with your "enfilade" shot in the first pic, it's so real looking.

    I love this house and all you're doing with it (despite the bruises) and always look forward to your next post.

    You've also got me thinking about illustration board but I'm still trying to work out the differences between that, Bristol Board and mount board! Keep doing what you're doing Giac - we love it!

  55. Me quedo impresionada por tu trabajo, es perfecto.No falta detalle y las explicaciones son fantásticas . Feliz aniversario :-)

  56. Giac Querido!
    Olha em cada foto, fico sempre encantada por ter um amigo artista de perfeição, parabéns e palmas para você Giac.
    Eu cheguei aqui para agradecer suas palavras de força, para eu continuar lutando, sim, continuarei e talvez minha cirurgia seja em novembro, estou super feliz.
    Giac, eu voltarei aqui, quero ler tudo o que você escreveu pois eu sempre aprendo muito lendo e vendo seus trabalhos.
    Abraço e até mais tarde, Nanda =)

  57. Happy Anniversary and Congratulations on the job!
    It all looks amazing! The floor and new doorway are very impressive, but I have to admit I was constantly admiring the columns in your photos: they are incredible too!
    What an exciting few months you've been having!

    1. Oh yeah -- your staircase in the entrance rocks! That is the most gorgeous stair I have ever seen in miniature!

  58. This really took a lot of patience and knowledge. You are absolutely one of the very best. Congratulations on your Anniversary and your new job. Thank you so much for sharing all the gorgeous pictures.

  59. Hello Giac,

    Congratulations on your new job and six-year wedding anniversary.
    It`s amazing what you've created again... so beautiful.

    Big hug Xandra

  60. Hi Giac,
    Congratulations the new floor is sensational!
    You must have the patience of a saint! Your creations always inspire me..
    Deb :)

  61. My Dear Friend Giac
    I began to read your post last night but it was so late that I had to reserve the pleasure of your company for this morning, so first thing when I woke up and before I have even brushed my teeth and washed my face, I was knocking on the front door of your Manor and standing on the threshold in AWE.
    To begin; the long view from the front door is Breath-taking! The viewer is swept off their feet with the majesty and beauty of the entrance. This is a house that has been around for centuries and each new resident has left the history of the house intact whilst adding a little something of their own to the space, so the feeling is like you are stepping into a 3 dimensional book which is all about the house and what the house has seen and lived through. This great hall is a formal introduction to what lies beyond. The stone door frames are simply MAGNIFICENT, they are the right texture and proportion and because they are so tall, they lead the visitor to the wonders of the walls and the floor which is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for your house! It flows through the space like an elegant river of wealth and prosperity. It cools the visual warmth of the wood but doesn't leave the visitor cold. There is just the right balance of hard and soft, masculine and feminine, vastness and intimacy which you have masterfully created in blending the old with the new. Other than a set of armor which I always associate with a Tudor hall, there is nothing else needed but it will be a treat to see the artwork that you have in mind as well as the additional lighting. The family crests are BRILLIANT! and the fireplace fender is another Great Detail that totally adds to the ambience of the Tudor hall.
    You have re-made this Entrance to Dewell Manor, truly OUTSTANDING Giac, and it was worth every bruise that you endured for the sake of your art!
    A Big Hug, my friend :D


  62. Buenas tardes Giac!! En primer lugar felicitarse por tu aniversario, y por supuesto por tu maravilloso trabajo, no puedo tener nada más que palabras de admiración, nadie diría por las fotos que se trata de un salón en miniatura. Es magnífica la técnica que has utilizado y como has conseguido el color de la piedra. Pero cualquier detalle de lo que se ven, es impresionante, es una sala para exponerla en el mejor Museo del mundo en miniaturas!! Mis mayores felicitaciones!! Un abrazo muy fuerte!!

  63. Dear Giac, every time I look at your photos and read your post I am enchanted, like a child in front of the Christmas tree ... In some pictures it is impossible to distinguish whether it is a true or a miniature environment, because the details are truly extraordinary. Best wishes for your wedding anniversary, and thank you for your valuable suggestions in this post.
    A big hug

  64. Muchas felicidades por su aniversario, unas estancias bellísimas ,saludos.Amatista

  65. Giac, you continue to AMAZE me!! I look at your creations and can not believe me eyes! If I didn't know better I'd believe those are real rooms!! Please continue to amaze us with your talent and share with us, it is a joy to see and inspiring always!!! Best wishes to you!
    Big Hugs

  66. Excellent work as ever Giac, all looks amazing! I love what you do!

    Andy x

  67. Tantissimi auguri per il tuo anniversario e per il lavoro. Per il resto....che dire????ogni volta che passo da te, entro in un mondo incantato, mi fai sognare. Ammiro la tua abilità e la tua santa pazienza, sei bravissimo. Questo piano è stupendo. Complimenti carissimo Giac, sei grande!!!!!!!!

  68. Congratulations on the anniversary and job! Ok, the changes, that is a lot of work...BUT OH SO WORTH IT! The changes are stunning and you made a good move there. I wouldn't criticize how it was before, because there was nothing wrong with what was already there, but the changes have made it so much grander. Its amazing how "little" it took actually, little not undermining the effort of course :D I think having the stone door frames and floor dramatically ups the value of this property, as it would in real life. It also makes the rooms appear larger. I love seeing how you made everything, even though I will never attempt anything of this scale, its enjoyable to see the process, and its definitely inspiring. I secretly want a stone work door like yours now, but it would take up half the living room in my little house, already struggling to fit more than a sofa in there :D Great work Giac and worth waiting for.

  69. OLÁ GIAC:

  70. Congratulations on your 6th wedding anniversary Giac! That is a great achievement of love and surely worth best wishes and many, many, many more years like that! More congratulations on your job side. I'm glad to hear that you love it and are happy about it.
    I have said in the past, these scenes, these rooms, seem to be from a real place, a real house. Every single thing in there looks real and the details are what makes the difference. I love the new flooring that makes the room look brighter. You always achieve that level of detail and realism that makes people wonder if what they are looking at is the real deal or not....I don't think you can get any better than that! Superb work as always my dear friend!!

  71. Primeiramente parabéns pelo aniversário de casamento. Fico admirando o seu trabalho e tento me ver com tal profissionalismo.

  72. Hi dear Giac! Wonderful as always to come to your blog and see the tremendous and wonderful work! Thanks sooo much for coming by at my blog..i am sorry that i can't post as often as i would like to. Happy Thanksgiving to you ..and i truly and very sincerly hope that your wonderful country will overcome the latest difficult days! many greetings Anne

  73. Wonderful work! Congratulations.

  74. Happy Anniversary Giac and belated Happy Thanksgiving, I am waiting for the 27th of November, the American thanksgiving since I grew up in New York.


  75. Always great to come again to see the beautiful work and progress of the English Manor doll house.
    Thank you Giac for the kind visit and note you left for me.
    Have a wonderful weekend

  76. Your work is incredible as always. The hall is wonderful. I enjoyed my visit, as I always do. Happy Anniversary!

  77. Hola amigo
    Quiero felicitarte doblemente

    Primero por tu Aniversario que te deseo de corazón que sea muy felliz y segundo por tu impresionante trabajo obra de un gran artista con manos mágicas..Un Salón maravilloso con todo lujo de detalles..
    Gracias por compartir
    Besitos mi niño

  78. Ola Giac seu trabalho é simplesmente incrivel meus parabens meu amigo.

  79. Dewell Manor is a breathtaking work of art and stands as an inspiration to miniaturists everywhere...thank you for sharing your incredible artistry! The attention to detail is superb and the realism achieved is almost looking forward to seeing each step as you progress toward a fabulous finished manor house. Congratulations on your 6th anniversary and for the new job as wishes for continued happiness in all aspects of your life!

  80. Você é um amor de pessoa Giac, obrigada por ser meu amigo virtual.
    Tenho uma ótima notícia, sexta-feira já vou conhecer o médico que vai me operar e talvez em breve muito breve eu esteja operada, né legal?
    Abraços da sua amiga brasileira jajaja Nanda

  81. Hola Giac, te voy a decir sinceramente, que hace mucho tiempo que no veo trabajos de miniaturas tan perfectas, y hechas con tanto mimo, como las tuyas. Mi enhorabuena, eres un artista.
    Un cordial saludo.

  82. Giac,
    I am so late to the comments - not sure that I can add anything that hasn't been said - it is truly lovely! Where do you find the time???
    Hugs and Hi to Jo and Ozzie,

  83. Oh Wow - A Post well worth waiting for! I am so glad you show the work in process pictures as well because your work is so Gorgeous that every detail looks so perfect in the finished pictures that its really hard to even begin to imagine how much Work is involved - Happy Anniversary Too! ~ LuV, TiGGy

  84. I love the Tudor floor and the way you went about creating it, and l love the finished result!! l love all your work and every post is so worth waiting for. Pam xx

  85. Hi Giac!
    Finally am able to comment . . . congratulations on your new position and anniversary. You really must have the patience of a saint to cut all those tiles, I love the changes you have made, everything is absolutely gorgeous . . . you are a true perfectionist.

  86. Estoy impresionada, no conocía tus trabajos.....
    Un saludo

  87. I love your work, it's fantastic, you are a genie.. I saw your old posts and waiting for the new (sorry about my mistakes, I'm hungarian :) You are a very good teacher to all miniature making person! Unbeliveable.

  88. FANTASTISCH wauw!!!!!!
    groetjes Ingrid

  89. Fantastic job my friend!
    i love the tudor style. You make outstanding work whit everything in there! ^_^ that dollhouse is art piece!

  90. Every time I visit your blog I can not stop to amaze me. Your work is amazing. If the rooms were perfect as before, with such arrangements already seems insurmountable. Every detail enriches your work and make it more professional. What a patience with the ground, piece by piece. I can only congratulate you again. A big hug.

  91. Oi Giac,
    Seu trabalho, sua arte e seu dom vale ouro, em cada ponto que se olha, observa-se detalhes, detalhes bem feitos, com precisão. É ÓTIMO SER AMIGA VIRTUAL DE UM ARTISTA CLÁSSICO.
    Grande abraço, sua amiga Nanda =)

  92. Obrigada pela força, acabei de ler seu comentário. Estou tentando o melhor que consigo, obrigada pelo conforto. Abraço, Nanda.

  93. How many days without going through the blogs, you lose me wonders!
    An excellent, wonderful work both rooms Tudor, the change has improved, although it was already beautiful before, when improvement is noted, a great miniaturist! Isa kisses.
    Forgive my English is the translator :)

  94. You really ought to write a book--I just binge-read your whole blog and there are so many marvelous projects and information. You and your house are both amazing!!

  95. Que suelos...paredes.. muebles...chimenea.... todo es perfección... trabajas como los ángeles, eres divino....cuanto disfruto en tu blog, nunca se termina de ver todas las maravillas que haces.
    Un abrazo

  96. This is absolutely gorgeous.Thank you for your sharing.I made miniature furniture. My blog is I'd love to see you there :))

  97. Quiero darte las gracias, por darme la oportunidad de disfrutar de una trabajo tan magnífico y hermoso.
    Eres un artista, con un gusto exquisito y una paciencia infinita, que cuidas los detalles con mimo y amor.
    El resultado es realmente impresionante.
    Felicidades por esta bella obra y también, claro está, por tu aniversario.
    Un fuerte abrazo

  98. Absolutely gorgeous pictures, full of talent and patience! A big hug Giac.

  99. Congratulations Giac with 2 special occasions! And I would not have thought there was somthing off, but I definately know how that works and that feelings like that are always right. And what a difference the new floor and added doorframes make! It looks so different, so much better, while keeping the style etc intact. I also like that about your house, the different styles, but still it's a well designed whole that fits together very well. And is what I would expect and (with the very little I know about old mansions) what makes it realistic. Love the photographs, with the looking trough dooropenings, so cool!

  100. I want to live in your world!
    You sir, and your houses are awesome and inspiring. Perhaps a book or even a beautiful calendar in your future? I was originally blown away by his Lordship's bed and draping but then I read about the tediousness of the stone floors... amazing!
    Thank you for sharing the process as well.
    I grew up in Chicago inspired by the Thorne Rooms at the AI. Yours are somehow even more magical. Thank you and please keep on posting.
    Best regards from Brian in Seattle.

  101. Dear Giac, reading through ALL these wonderful comments it's difficult to find Something to say ! The floor is of course amazing as is all your parquet. I have just been making tests of floor tiles and flagstone so I know what it's like ! I spent the other night cutting out over 400 tiles BEFORE finishing them because as you say they chip when cut. Tudor hugs to you xxxx Stephanie ( )
