Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Breakfast Room teaser part2, Miniature Collector Magazine and Birthday Presents!!!

Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all doing well and happy. I have mentioned many times I don't post often because I like to finish a room before I do. Well, the breakfast Room is taking longer then expected, but since it has been a while I thought I'd write just a little post and show you a few pictures of the Breakfast room in progress. I'm not writing any information until the room is complete, but for now here are the pictures:


I thought the room would be almost finished by now, but I forgot one thing...the floor! I planned to make a simple rectangle and frame pattern. Jo saw my drawing and said "Is that the floor for the Breakfast room? Ha! Not what I expected". Naturally when your husband says that you know something is wrong...long story short I redid the floor design and of course it is longer to make. I hope to have the room done in 2 weeks, but if I don't get it done, don't blame me, blame the floor

The second reason I posted is to share some very happy news. Sophia from smalltalk wrote an article about Dewell Manor for Miniature collector. I was beyond thrilled to see a picture of the countess's bedroom on the cover of the July issue.

Thank you so much Sophia. I can't wait to see the article. I heard it was great. Other magazines have published short articles about a few of the rooms in the manor, but Miniature Collector was the only magazine I used to buy every month for years. Even today I still go over old issues on the way to work. I cannot tell you what it means to  have my work published in a magazine I've collected since 1997. All I can say is it is a happy day for me.
And last but not least, it was my birthday the first week of May and once again I was spoiled...more so then ever before. My family got together and got me the chandelier for the dining room, the Tiffany from the Getzans and matching sconces:

It is spectacular and I cannot wait to install it in the Dining room. Thank you again Jason and Jacqueline, you know how much I love your artwork, but this one took my breath away.

I also got a wonderful bed and a beautiful table and chair set from a very dear family member I love very much. He said he thought they belonged in the manor.

Trust me, the bed is even more beautiful in real life. It fit in the boys room perfectly! However, it felt more like a bed for 2 little girls and I did not like the way it worked with the wallpaper, so the Dewels just lost a son and gained twin daughters, and I ordered a scenic paper with an Indian design from Les chinoiseries. I will also faux paint the furniture in the room because I don't think it looks realistic next to the incredibly well wood grained bed. Once the Breakfast room is done, this is my next project. I'll put better pictures of it at that time

I also got this wonderful table and chair set. I'm not sure where it will go, but I do like it in the library for now.
And speaking of "next projects" I was really looking forward to starting the exterior of the Manor, but
I have decided there are 2 small renovations that need to be done: I have made all the floors in the Manor except for the Dining room and the central part of the great room floor. Call it ego, call it artistic integrity, call it being a bear for punishment, but I am ripping them up and making my own design from scratch.
I just hate the white lines between the parquet sections. I'm thinking an oval central medallion with a sunburst design, and a grapevine and grape cluster border...I just got a set of scalpels, so naturally I think I can do anything.

This one has the same problem, the white lines. Luckily this one did not stick properly so I should be able to remove the central section...I hope. Here I am thinking a flower parquet border and maybe a cube design in the center...I'm not crazy, I have scalpels!
And that my dear friends is all. thank you again for your patience between posts. I wish I could go faster, but everything is taking longer then I think it will be. Also, thank you so much for all your great feedback on my work. I've said it before, I have the best followers ever. I look forward to seeing your new posts and again, if you are following me and I am not following you, please let me know.
A great big hug to all,


  1. Congratulations on your article and getting the front page!!! WOW! How exciting. I will rush out and get a copy as soon as it is on the stands.

    Also a belated Happy Birthday! You got some wonderfully luxurious gifts! The beds are just orgeous and the chandelier and sconces to die for. You must be so pleased. :-)

    The house continues to amaze me along with your incredible talents.

  2. Hi Giac! It is exciting to see the progress in the breakfast room, I'm sure it will spectacular! Definitely very important to opinion of the husband :) and in your case the new floor will be amazing as all. I can imagine how happy you are with the publication of the magazine, you deserve it, you are a fantastic artist. Congratulations on your birthday, enjoy wonderful gifts. All are beautiful but the bed isc lovely! It is always a pleasure to see your work!
    Hugs dear friend!

  3. What amazing birthday gifts you have received Giac - exquisite furniture and chandelier. As far as those floors, I definitely think they need the Giac touch. I look forward to seeing what you do with them. I could not believe it when you mentioned your article in the Miniature Collector magazine. That is the only magazine I do get and I have a lot of back issues I love flicking through. I find the quality of the work in the magazine very inspiring and I love the mix of new and antique miniatures in the magazine. The thing is I am off work today with a sore shoulder and the mail just arrived. I knew it was a Miniature Collector magazine but hadn't got around to opening it. When I read your post I tore the envelope open and there was your wonderful work staring back at me from the cover - it was the July issue. I have not read the article yet but the photos in the article are just amazing. Congratulations Giac on your well deserved recognition. To me having your house in a Miniature Collector magazine is just so amazing. I'm off to read the article now and be inspired by the photos of Dewell Manor.

  4. Giac,
    You must be ecstatic to see Dewell Manor on the cover of Miniature Collector! I was enchanted to see it in person and it is wonderful that you have shared your creation for this article so that others not familiar with your blog will see the Manor too.
    Congratulations to Sophia for her article - a great collaboration of both your efforts!

  5. Very well done on getting the article, I subscribe so I'll see it right away! And happy birthday, GREAT haul :) The Breakfast Room is looking very good! I love watching the progress.

  6. Oh Fantastic. I can't wait to see the new floors. What beauty! and Happy Birthday to you.

  7. Giac,lo primero muchas felicidades por tu cumpleaños!!!!! Veo que fué un día feliz y lleno de sorpresas y maravillosos regalos,la araña y los candelabros son magníficos,la cama muy elegante,preciosa!!!
    Como luce la portada de la revista con la foto de tu maravillosa habitación de la condesa,una publicación más que merecida,enhorabuena!!!!
    Los suelos,estoy segura que harás maravillas con ellos,sobre todo con la nueva adquisición de escalpelos o cutters!!!
    Y la habitación del desayuno,está quedando genial,admiro esos ventanales tan maravillosos!! Siempre me cuesta esperar a una nueva entrada de tu blog para ver esa calidad de tus trabajos!!!!

  8. Congratulations on your article! Your work is so beautiful. I'm looking forward to your news.
    Of course, I congratulate you and Happy Birthday! All the best for you and always patience and good ideas!

  9. Sympa le petit déjeuner devant la cheminée bibliothèque. On ne peut avoir que de l'admiration pour votre travail. Quand je vois ce nouveau parquet que vous commencez je reste sans voix et je vous félicite pour la publication dont vous faites l'objet dans Miniatures Collector!!!
    Votre famille vous choucoute,vous avez été très gaté,ce luminaire est splendide!!!!
    A bientôt!!

  10. Belated happy Birthday Giac! Congrats on being published - WELL Deserved! :)
    The bed is stunning and so is the chandelier.
    Can't wait to see all the floors and more of the dining room.
    Big hug

  11. Félicitations pour cet article ! C'est amplement mérité vue la qualité de vos créations.
    Le parquet (non, non je ne le blâmerais pas !) me laisse sans voix: du vrai travail d'orfèvre.
    Bonne continuation.

  12. Congratulations on making the front cover Giac! Your work surely deserves it.

    Your breakfast room is going to look great. Poor boy but I agree that is a girly bed. You got some really nice birthday gifts, and happy belated birthday from me too!

    And I fully understand the need to do the floors over, have fun!

  13. Enhorabuena Giac por la publicación en la revista. Sin duda tu mansión merece ser publicada en todas las revistas de miniaturas que hay por que es un gran trabajo el que estás haciendo.
    Te felicito por tu cumpleaños, aunque sea con retraso, no lo sabía y te felicito por ese regalo tan maravilloso que te hicieron. Son unas lámparas increiblemente bonitas.
    Todo, como siempre estupendo, que arte tienes.
    Un beso y feliz miércoles

  14. Caro Giac... innanzi tutto anche se in ritardo, Buon compleanno!!!
    Congratulazioni per l'articolo, il tuo lavoro merita tutto questo, anche la nuova stanza dai pochi dettagli che vedo sembra già meravigliosa.
    Un grande abbraccio,

  15. Hello Giac!
    Your breakfast room is looking great. It has the feel of one I saw in real life in a house in Newport. Love the mantlepiece! That floor will be stunning though I don't envy how much work it takes. Congratulations on the upcoming story of you and Dewell Manor in Miniature Collector.
    Big Hug!

  16. Hello Giac,

    Congratulations on the Miniature Collector article and for making the front page! Your work certainly deserves it. Having seen the Manor with my own eyes, I know that it is a masterpiece!

    What lovely birthday presents…made all the more precious because they were given with love :-)

    The breakfast room and its floor will be a perfect addition to the Manor. I am looking forward to seeing it completed, knowing that good things are worth waiting for :-)

    Hugs & Cheers,

  17. Hi Giac!
    I can see your Birthday has been lovely...Happy belated birthday!
    And congrats on the article in M.C.
    The breakfast room is coming out even more beautiful than the 1/1 ones. Your room is totally made with love and eith the ideas and hands of an Artist! The roomfloor will be stunning!

  18. Hey Giac, Happy belated B-day! And Gongratz with the article in Miniature Collector. You make me feel lazy with all the work you put in the floors ;p
    I really like the breakfast room. I have the same size room in Marram House and I didn't know what to do with it because I thought it was to small but after seeing your breakfast room I changed my mind. Going to work with the space I have. Goodluck with the 2 "small" renovation projects. Hug AM

  19. Happy birthday, Giac!
    Congratulations on your article and the gifts are beautiful.
    The breakfast room looks amazing.

  20. Hi Giac,

    Als eerste wil ik je nog van harte feliciteren met je
    verjaardag begin mei. Wat een prachtig cadeau heb
    je gekregen, de kroonluchter zal straks prachtig in de
    eetkamer tot zijn recht komen.

    Het blijft genieten om al jou FANTASTISCH mooie ontwerpen
    te bekijken en ik heb grote bewondering voor de wijze waarop
    je alles vervaardigd. Tot in [ letterlijk ] de kleinste details alles
    perfect uitgevoerd. Je bent een GROOT kunstenaar!!!

    Ook wil ik je feliciteren met het artikel in het blad
    "Miniature Collector" een grote eer en zeker verdiend.
    En dan nog op de cover jou ontwerpen, FANTASTISCH!!!

    Wil je veel succes wensen met de renovatie van de twee
    vloeren, maar dan is het ook helemaal naar je zin.

    Het is heel fijn om op je blog alles te bekijken, en
    ik geniet daar intens van.

    Veel liefs,

  21. Hoi Giac.

    Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag
    en ik heb bewondering voor al je werk.
    prachtig allemaal.
    groetjes Emma

  22. Hola Giac!!! En primer lugar felicidades por esa portada y el artículo.Te lo mereces. Tu trabajo es magnífico.
    Te han hecho unos regalos maravillosos. Estoy deseando verlos colocados. Y no dejes de hacer entradas,no importa que no hayas terminado, disfrutamos igualmente con el proceso

  23. A very warm congratulations on your publication, your miniatures and your manor is just beyond gorgeous no doubt this will just be the first requests for pictures of its beauty!

    What better way to celebrate these events than with beautiful gifts and big plans for decorating! The floor you create will no doubt be a jealousy inducing work of art ;)

    Big hugs and handshakes!

  24. Happy Birthday Giac!! you got some great gifts.. the table and chairs..so well done and Thank you for posting photos of your work I love seeing it (it just gives me chills cause it's so cute) congrats on being published Im so happy for you.

    Big Hugs to you and Hubby

  25. Happy Birthday! You really got wonderful gifts. Congratulations on your publication!
    Everything you showed us is an enchantment.

  26. Sounds like Jo needs to hang up warning signs now: "Beware of the man with the scalpels"... *LOL* But if you don't feel good with this it's better to become a floor terminator... and of course these scalpels need some excersise every now and then... Again best but belated wishes for your birthday, you received the most amazing gifts. That chandelier is breathtaking... I can hardly imagine how the Getzan's manage to put all these pieces together. The bed is beautiful although I feel very, very sad for the boy of the house... looks like dollhouse couples are very flexible with their family planning, the one minute raising a boy and the other second takind care of two girl twins. Isn't it great how our plans and visions get their own dynamics during the project? Same with the floor in the breakfast room, whatever you have planned for it, now it looks like it will become something spectacular and only spectacular can be good enough for your manor. Speaking of this - congratulations on your well-deserved publication!


  27. Hi Giac, It's always great to hear from you! Congratulations on your well-deserved feature in and cover on Miniature Collector magazine. Your work is so amazing, it is no surprise about this and your previous features as well. The gifts you received for your birthday are breathtaking--happy belated birthday! I'm looking forward to seeing more details on your current projects in a future post. Until then, enjoy the warmer weather, and keep having fun! xo Jennifer

  28. Happy Birthday ! Thanks for the preview and progress on the breakfast room. It is coming together nicely - The new chandelier is GORGEOUS. Looking forward to seeing it all lit up. Congrats on the magazine too. You are an inspiration to us all.

  29. Happy belated birthday :) wow your gifts are gorgeous the chandelier is stunning and I love the bed. Big congratulations on being published you deserve it your work is amazing. Good luck with the new floor I am sure it will be gorgeous.
    Hugs Maria

  30. Muchas felicidades amigo!! Cada vez me dejas más sorprendida con tu blog...eres muy perfeccionista! Hermosos regalos recibiste, pero lo de la publicación es un grato recuerdo para toda la vida!! Me encanta como te está quedando la habitación de desayuno. Seguimos en contacto, un gran abrazo y por favor...¡no cambies nunca!

  31. Congratulations for being published and on the front cover!! Giac, your work deserves it.
    You got some beautiful birthday gifts, happy belated birthday from me too! I fully understand the need to do the floors over, your plans for these floors are just fabulous! I love watching your progress.
    Big hug, Ilona

  32. Hi Giac, it's always a pleasure to hear from you! Congratulations on getting published, with the added honor of being on the front cover! That is truly amazing, and you soooo deserve the recognition!!
    The Breakfast Room is coming along beautifully, I'm sure it will be worthy of another magazine article when it's finished!
    I'm glad you had a great birthday, it's always nice to be spoiled rotten every now and then!
    Good luck redoing the floors, it's not ego, it's a quest for perfection!
    Kind regards, Brian.

  33. Adoro sempre le tue miniuture...sono fantastiche e tu sei geniale!
    Bacioni caro Giac

  34. Beautiful work Giac, you are simply a great talent! Happy Belated Birthday!

  35. Caro Giac,
    il tuo lavoro è sempre splendido! Complimenti per la pubblicazione ed immagino quanto sia grande la tua soddisfazione nel vedere apprezzato il tuo lavoro.
    Auguri anche se in ritardo per il tuo compleanno e i regali che hai ricevuto sono molto belli.
    Un grosso abbraccio. Manu

  36. Felicidades por la publicación es un reconocimiento a tu fantástico trabajo, siempre perfecto. Precioso regalo de cumpleaños , tu familia sabe tus gustos y por lo que se ve han acertado, felicidades con retraso.
    Seguro que los pisos lo dejarás fantástico. Besos:-)

  37. I hope that your Birthday was all that you hoped it would be Giac! I must say that your new birthday chandelier is DAZZLING and what a pleasure it will be to see it installed and gracing your Amazing Dining Room.
    Your Breakfast room is already a LOOKER! I love the wrap around french windows with the sunburst transoms. Also, I am truly delighted with the uniqueness of the fireplace surround; what a great shape! The over-mantle bookshelf will be ideal for showcasing any breakfast china and or your collection of knickknacks.
    I am not surprised that you are going to redo floors as you seem to have a passion for intricate designs and for making your floors to Perfection. Man, if I could do even a tiny bit of what you do with wood I would be happy-dancing all over the house. You are a true Artist when it comes to fine woodworking. Having your manor featured in print and on the COVER of Miniature Collector, is such a wonderful achievement!!! CONGRATULATIONS, my friend! I am so proud of you and I can only imagine the Cloud 9 you must be on right now! Well deserved Giac .... Very Well Deserved!!!
    Big Hug! :D


  38. Giac! With a new set of scalpels, you can do anything. The house and all that you have built into it is spectacular. I can't wait to see the new floors. Happy Belated Birthday!!!

  39. Giac, you are really amazing!!! Congratulations on having your Manor published! It deserves to be seen and you deserve the accolades!
    As for this teaser.... I can't wait to see the finished product! The floor looks beautiful so far as does the woodwork and the fireplace...! And you are already re-doing other floors! I can understand the desire to do so, because we inevitably gain in skill through practice... and then the beginning pieces no longer are satisfactory. So upgrades are inevitable if you are striving for the level of perfection that the Manor asks for!
    And lastly, Happy Birthday! I look forward to seeing the chandelier installed... and the bed is Gorgeous! But it wasn't thought wrong to have a boy's room decorated with swags and swirls back then..... just look at the bedrooms of Kings through the Ages! I am glad you posted this before you had finished the room..... it's so much fun to see what you are doing! :)

  40. Hi Giac, What a spoiled boy you were for your birthday. Luckily they come around each year and no doubt you will be hinting about what would make you happy for 2015 already!
    It is fun to see things underway. I cannot imagine redoing those floors but I can see the white lines will always irritate you - so it is a worth while project.
    Congratulations on being published in Miniature Collector - doubly sweet as you have been a fan for so long.

  41. Congrats on making the cover! Just getting into the pages is quite a feat, but with all the fine work you've done, I'm not surprised you've finally been published.

    Happy belated birthday, and how lucky are you? Those are all beautiful gifts.

  42. Alsnog gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag en je bent goed verwend.
    Je hebt weermooie dingen gerealiseerd.

    liefs Willy

  43. Hola Giac, felicidades por tu cumpleaños aunque sea con retraso, y por esa publicación tan merecidísima.
    Me gusta muchísimo el suelo y los paneles, son preciosos.
    Y la araña y la cama una auténtica maravilla, me han enamorado.

  44. Ciao Giac, non voglio mancare di farti gli auguri e i complimenti di tutto. E ti meriti tanto perché la tua gentilezza è mondiale! ;-)
    Ma ho una domanda per te, perché mi incuriosisce il tuo cognome....Dell'accio.....è un cognome che qui in Puglia esiste, soprattutto nei dintorni di Bari! :-)
    Quale è l'origine del tuo? Hai origini italiane?

  45. Happy Belated Birthday Giac. Well done on your article, well deserved and as always, your creations look absolutely amazing. Celia

  46. Firstly, belated birthday wishes - I hope you had a good one. Well.....we know you had a good one - look at all those lovely gifts and that bed! Wow! Love the bed :-) Congratulations too on the article - it's very well deserved.

  47. Hallo Giac,

    Nog gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag. Wat een prachtige cadeaus heb je gehad. Je kamer wordt ook erg mooi. Ook gefeliciteerd met de voorpagina en artikel in The Miniature Collector. Je hebt het verdiend want je bent een echte kunstenaar.

    Lieve groeten van Xandra

  48. Birthday greetings Giac, and what a good one it was, so many exquisite gifts. Good to see your house on the magazine cover, well done and look forward to seeing your magic touch transform those floors. You are a perfectionist and your work certainly reflects this.

  49. Happy Birthday Dear Giac!
    i see some amazing work you have done there! =) Im so happy that your room got a change to be on cover!!! that room looks divine! :)
    hugs! and happy weekend!

  50. Feliz de estar aquí Giac!!!
    Siempre , siempre me maravillo con tu trabajo ¡Es excelente!!! precioso, perfecto , elegante, sorprendente , entre muchas más cualidades !!
    Me da gusto poderte felicitar por tu cumpleaños y por tu publicación!!
    Te mando un gran abrazo y mis mejores deseos ¡Por siempre!

  51. Wow! You have so many projects going on right now. It's all so very exciting! Happy belated birthday, by the way. The gifts you received are so detailed and will be the perfect complement to your precise designs. I am even more excited to see your breakfast room, now that I know there is a gorgeous fireplace in it! Congrats on getting your work into a publication!!! That is so awesome and well deserved! :) Happy Spring, friend!

    1. First: happy birtday! I see you have been spoiled rotten once again, love the beautiful chandelier and the bed!
      and second: congrats on the article that's being published, so deserved!
      I am so curious about what the floors will look like, you know how to keep us on the edge of our chairs...!

  52. Congratulations for the publication of your work Giac! You deserve it, you are such a hard worker, so efficient and precise. Happy Belated Birthday!

  53. Congratulations on getting on the front cover of the magazine. The recognition is well deserved. I love all your birthday presents - very envious in fact!! I'm looking forward to seeing your lovely flooring too.

  54. Sending belated birthday wishes and congratulations on the article and cover. Love the gifts, especially that gorgeous bed, you are so lucky to have family who take an interest in your creation Giac.

    I look forward to seeing further progression.

  55. Congratulations to the front cover of the magasin!
    It is lovely pictures of your project and the beds are stunning!!
    Look forward to see more.
    Hugs Titti

  56. Giac, Happy Belated Birthday! You were certainly spoiled for your birthday. Beautiful gifts! You certainly have a lot of courage and patience to want to rip up all those floors and start over again. I would just leave them but then I don't have your patience!

  57. Lo primero, Felicidades, muchisímas felicidades...por tú cumpleaños, y por esa publicación....no me extraña en absoluto, cualquier publicación relacionada con el mundo de las miniaturas debería mostrar tú mágnifica casa, haces un trabajo realmente fántastico, maravilloso,detallista y muy muy real.
    Creo que no me equivoco al decir, que eres una gran fuente de inspiración para muchos de nosotros
    Un fuerte abrazo Giac

  58. Happy birthday Giac! Great progress the breakfast room! (We know, unfortunately, who works in a much shorter time to play with the hobby) The floor will be beautiful! Once again, a masterful marquetry! The family is very nice surprise gift!
    I wonder if the final result of the project!

  59. Hi Giac,
    What a wonderful Chandelier, I can't wait to see it installed!
    Love your Breakfast room, good luck with the floor, I'm sure it will look beautiful…
    Deb :)

  60. Bonjour Giac, je tenais un peu tardivement (foudre) à vous féliciter ! Votre merveilleux travail mérite de faire la couverture de ce magazine !
    Vos cadeaux sont magnifiques !!!
    A bientôt ! rosethé

  61. Hola Giac !
    Solo vine a dejarte un saludo :)

  62. Impressed and breathtaken as l always am when you post! Your detail is incredible, i would sadly never be able to find enough patience. Your bithday presents are wonderful, that tiny bed is fantastic. I have a thing abiut tiny beds, find them fascinating. Congrats on the magazine article. Your beautiful work needs to be shown to a wider audience, l am thrilled to follow. Pam xx

  63. Giac , that was a lovely article in Miniature Collector ; I just read it yesterday. Well deserved praise indeed. You do such a fantastic job on the manor!!!!

  64. Congratulations. Your house is so beautiful. Your detail is incredible,. I'm looking forward to your work
    groetjes Ingrid.

  65. Wow your work is absolutely Breathtakingly Gorgeous - The detail on those hand done floors is absolutely Amazing. Congratulations on the cover story - I think I will have to look for that copy now - Wow Beautiful work!

  66. Hola Giac:
    Siempre que visito los blogs de mis amigas, veo amables comentarios tuyos, y hoy me he decidido a visitarte, de lo cual me alegro mucho, porque todo lo que he visto aquí, me ha encantado.
    Tus habitaciones son una maravilla, y esos regalos por tu cumpleaños son fantásticos.
    Ya me he hecho seguidora de tu blog, para poder seguir así tus avances con la habitación del desayuno. Lo que has mostrado hasta ahora me gusta muchísimo.
    Volveré, hasta entonces, un saludo.

  67. The breakfast room is not even finished and it already gives that feel of masterpiece!! Congratulations on being published and no surprise there as I'm expecting to see more of your work published! Sorry for the belated birthday wishes but I wasn't around for a while. You were indeed spoiled with those gifts....the chandelier looks magnificent as everything else in you manor and no wonder you only want perfection and you are going to re do the floors. They look great to me but I can understand what you want to achieve. I'm really looking forward to see the changes in the manor and also to see the transformation from the boy's room to the twins girls room!!
    I hope you'll have a nice time doing all these changes. Take care!

  68. Olá Giac, primeiramente parabéns pela passagem do teu aniversário, muitas felicidades, muitas alegrias e realizações são meus sinceros desejos para ti, parabéns! Te felicito pela publicação, o que é muito justo, pois teu trabalho é um dos melhores, se é que não é o melhor que eu já vi. Teu trabalho é realmente fantástico! O progresso de tua mansão é encantador! Novamente te digo parabéns! Um forte abraço e beijos em teu coração.

  69. Hello Giac.
    Congratulations for your work, it's wonderful..
    Espero con impaciencia tu siguiente habitación.
    Un saludo

  70. Hi Giac
    Somehow I stumbled across this post. I don't know what happened to my birthday wish for you in the comments. But here it comes again...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!

  71. Non ci sono parole per descrivere la mia meraviglia e lo stupore davanti al tuo spettacolare lavoro!!!
    Ogni particolare ha gusto e raffinatezza!!
    Complimenti è una casa da sogno e congratulazioni per la pubblicazione!
    Un saluto e aspetto con impazienza tutti i tuoi progressi

  72. Hi Giac! The room is magnificent. I love all the changes you have made, the new wallpaper and the bedspreads! That bed is fabulous, I have never seen one like it! You truly have such unique objects in your house! I look forward to seeing what you do with your dining room. Take care!
