Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Just an Room completion in 2 weeks

Hello my dear friends,

I hope you are all well. I hope everyone is well.  I hope to post about the finished Music room remodel in 2 weeks. It has been a while since my last post, but I like to finish a room before I post about it. The floor is done, the peacock panels are done, now just assembly, caryatides and curtains and I will be good to go. I also have some great purchases from the Montreal show to share with you, so stay tuned. Here are some quick teasers for you.



The reason I am writing this post is because I have not been commenting on all your blogs the past week. As you all know I take commenting very seriously and I love it. Since we got back from holiday I have had to deal with my mother who was not well (it took over a month, but she is well again), the company I work for being bought over in January and I still do not know if I will be keeping my job (I'm not too worried one way or the other, just irritating not knowing) and my godfather who was also very ill and suffering. I am usually quite rational and optimistic person, however last week was a blow that really hurt. After 7 years of war with cancer my godfather’s body just could not fight anymore. I went to see him last Tuesday at the hospital and got there just minutes after the doctor told him he did not have a chance. He died on Wednesday night. I have been going between immense sadness at losing him and thinking about my godmother and my cousins, and absolute rage that any man should have to end their life in such pain and agony as I saw that Tuesday. I had planned to put pictures of all deceased family members in my prayer room of the manor so they would always be there and remembered, but it breaks my heart that godfather should be the first one there.

So to all of you whom I have not commented on, I want you to know that I have read your posts and that you are not forgotten or ignored, I am just feeling very wiped out right now.  Luckily there was my nieces second birthday this past weekend, the arrival of spring in Montreal and many more happy events to come to cheer me up. Every day it gets better. As of next post, I will be back to my happy self and not mention any more sad events…life is for the living after all!Once again, I apologize for not commenting as much.

I send you all a big, big hug and wish you all the best.




  1. Dear Giac. My heart is heavy for you and your family. My sincerest and deepest wishes for you all. You will be your happy self again I know but allow yourself to grieve. Big hug back, Carrie.

  2. You and your family are in our thoughts. So sorry to hear such sadness came your way.

  3. Dear Giac,

    Brian and I were so sorry to hear of your sad loss. Our thoughts are with you, Jo and your family.


  4. Es muy duro ver el sufrimiento y cuando es cercano mucho más, lo lamento mucho, en estos momentos la familia es lo primero. Un abrazo:-)

  5. My dear Giac,

    Your post brought tears to my eyes. There are no words to express Andrew and my sorrow for you and your family.

    Don't worry about not posting, we know you are with us in spirit.


  6. Ciao Giac, mi dispiace sentire tutta questa tristezza in questo momento per te, proprio tu che hai una parola di incoraggiamento per tutti. Sentite condoglianze per questa perdita a te così cara. E speriamo bene per il tuo futuro lavorativo. È dura la vita un po' per tutti, per quanto la vita sia una cosa bella. Sono rimasta colpita da queste belle cose che stai facendo in questo momento triste. Il mini-mondo aiuta ad affrontare il mondo reale. Fantastica questa tua mini riproduzione della celeberrima "Peacock Room" che ispira anche me per la mia casa. Dove le hai trovate? Sono interessata a quei pavoni. A presto! Un abbraccio dall'Italia!

  7. Giac- I am so sorry to read this-my sympathies to you. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts- I very much hope that your Mother starts to feel better and that you are able to keep your job ♥

  8. it is heartbreaking to see loved ones have to go! Will be thinking of you!

  9. Giac siento lo de tu padrino y entiendo tu tristeza. Es doloroso ver como alguien al que quieres tanto ha de sufrir para marcharse. Por otro lado , me alegro de que tu madre ya esté bien. Lo del trabajo tiene solución, eres joven y seguro que tendrás buenas oportunidades en la vida, tu vales mucho.
    No te disculpes por no comentar los blogs, a veces se puede y otras no, así que en este caso, estás más que perdonado.
    Te mando un beso y mucho ánimo. Estaré deseando ver esas fotos de la sala de música, seguro que son espectaculares, como siempre.

  10. Oh, Giac. I'm very sorry! Life can be really hard sometimes. Do not apologize for not commenting.
    I can't comment for weeks sometimes because of various reasons. But I love to read all of your and other people's post. It makes me happy and I feel like I belong to a nice little group of friendly and like minded people ... but maybe it's just my imagination ;-). And I think everyone understands that sometimes it's just not easy.

  11. Oh, Giac, we all go through tough times when loved ones are sick or die, I lost my beloved mom-in-law five years ago to cancer, in the end I was glad her suffering lasted only for little while.

    I am glad your mom is well again, mine has been in hospital 3 times since last June and she has serious health issues now that can't be healed and has to be lived with now on a daily basis.

    So I for one understand about the bad days.
    Big HUG

  12. You are understandably sad. What a great idea to put the pictures in your prayer room, it is always a comfort to memorialize loved ones gone. Thank you for posting, hoping we all can make you feel better too ---

  13. Dear, dear Giac. I should not be using the keyboard and mouse a lot right now but I really have to comment on this post of yours. It moved me very much, for my father died of cancer in january this year after weeks of terrible pain and suffering. I look after my mother a lot since then. I feel for you, and for you the loss of your godfather. I wish you all the strenght in the world to carry on, despite the sadness about your loved ones and despite the worries and uncertainties about your job. I hope my tiny painting may console you just a little bit. I feel so honoured you like to give it a place in your amazing doll's house. Be well! Big Hug xxx Liduina.

  14. First of all, so sorry to hear about your sorrow. The idea of prayer room is lovely. Your pictures of the floor and peacock panels are stunning, as ever. Hugs Sanne

  15. Lo siento mucho. Un gran abrazo en estos momentos difíciles y mucho ánimo

  16. Dear Giac,

    Please accept my deepest sympathy at the loss of your godfather. Having his portrait in your prayer room is such a beautiful, moving tribute.

    Those whom we love, live in our hearts forever.

    You, Jo and your family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers.

    With much love,
    John & Glen

  17. Life can be very tough at times, I'm very sorry that you're going through such a period. All my sympathy. I think it is a lovely idea to have photos of your loved ones in your prayer room.
    Warm hugs

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Dear Giac
    I'm so sorry you're going through a period of suffering and uncertainty.
    Life shakes us from time to time.
    I sincerely hope that you recover the spirit soon.
    Warm hugs

  20. On partage les moments heureux et joyeux mais on peut aussi partager les moments difficiles et douloureux .
    Je fais rarement de commentaires parceque je ne parle pas anglais mais je regarde tous vos messages .
    J ai une pensée affectueuse pour vous .


  21. Sorry to hear that you have such a hard time with your loved ones. Sorry about your loss of your godfather. Hope your mom feel good now, so that your life becomes a little brighter soon.

    Also hope everything works out with your job.

    Hug from Lil on Lilsdolls

    Hug from Lil on Lilsdolls

  22. Giac, I am very sorry for your loss. I'm likely to lose another family member soon myself.

    BIG hugs to you, and may I just say that your teaser made me gasp?

    Good luck with your job situation, your mother, and everything else in your life.

  23. I feel very sorry for you now after hearing all these bad news. My best wishes to you and your family! Take all the time you need for more important things, although we all miss your posts and your visits on our blogs we can stand to miss you for some time... as long as you're coming back! ;O) It's a wonderful idea to add portraits of your dear ones in the prayer room and I can't wait to see the music room in it's full glory. The peacocks were a real teazer!


  24. Giac I am so sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Give yourself time to grieve and take care of yourself. My thoughts are with you at this very sad time.
    Big Hugs Maria

  25. Giac, mi dispiace per la tua perdita, conosco benissimo questo dolore, nessuno può capirti meglio di me. Ti sono vicina con tutto il cuore.

  26. Hello Giac

    Condolences on the death of your godfather. I wish you and the family strength to handle this loss. What a terrible months you have behind you. No wonder you do not have time to blog .... Your floor and paintings have become beautiful.

    Strength with everything and I hope you will soon know more about your job

    Dear greetings from Xandra

  27. Lieve Giac,
    wij... Willem en ik wensen je alle liefde en sterkte toe.
    Geef jezelf de tijd en geweldig om foto,s te plaatsen in de gebedsruimte.
    liefs willy

  28. Dear Giac,
    Please accept my condolences for your loss. What a sad time this must be for you. At least it's good that your mother is well now. I hope that the job problem is solved by now.
    The peacock panels and the floor are beautiful. Following your stunning work is a great delight. I hope you will soon be able to do more work on this great project.
    A warm hug, Drora

  29. It is you who need a big big hug, I give you hereby a HUGS.
    My condolences with your godfather death, I am sorry for you and your family.
    There are many challenges you face right now. Remember to take the time it takes for you to grieve. We here in blog land is here when you're ready.
    I wish you and your family a lot of strength to get through the next difficult time. I send you many thoughts and hope the best for you in terms of your job situation.

  30. Hola Giac, siento mucho los malos momentos que estás pasando ahora. Te mando un gran abrazo y ánimos.

  31. Hi Giac!
    A Big and warm Hug to you! My condolences for your loss. Sorrow and grieve take time. Happily you have your relatives: niece and the gorgeous Victorian project and your wonderful talent waiting for the right time: The floor and the panels look stunning!
    Best hopes also for your job situation.

  32. Dear Giac,
    I'm sorry to read this news.
    I wish you all the strength you need at the moment. It cost a lot of energy, your mom, your godfather hereby my condolence and the question will you still have a job is also killing.
    Take your time and rest. I don't know what works for you but I can only be creative when I have a clear and peaceful mind.
    Lots of strength and hugs Dorien

  33. Dearest Giac,
    So sorry you have had to endure so much sadness and sorrow, thinking of you and your family.
    Big hugs from downunder

  34. So sorry to hear of the tribulations affecting you and those dear to you Giac. My thoughts are with you and yours. Take care.

  35. Hi Giac. My heart goes out to you having lost many special people myself to cancer. Keep looking at the positive and think of the wonderful memories you have of your godfather. Your 'teasers' are very exciting images and I can't wait to see the completed music room.

  36. Ah querido Giac, eu sinto tanto sua perda, que pena. Que Deus conforte você e sua família.

    Gostei muito da prévia do que você vai mostrar quando a sala ficar pronta.
    Um forte abraço.

  37. Dear Giac, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Godfather. It is very difficult to adjust to such loss, and it can take a while to get back to feeling like your "old self". I hope you are able to take time to mourn... but also keep your balance and continue to find the Happy moments of Life. We have to remember that the loved ones we miss so much would not want us to be sad.... they love us still!
    When you do finish the Music room and show us more of the Fabulous details... I hope it will be with a Happy heart! Sometimes our favorite "hobbies" or projects can be the best medicine! Those glimpses you have shown are Gorgeous.... I really want to see it all put together now!!!
    A Big Hug to you, my Friend!

  38. Dear,Dear Giac,

    My heart goes out to you....I feel I understand your pain, what a difficult time it has been for you not only work and your mother being ill but to loose someone so close to you, I can understand you feel wiped out. It is so painful to loose someone you love and watch them suffer till the end.

    Please know you are in my thoughts dear friend....I will be in contact soon.

    Huge hugs,

  39. Dear Giac,
    My condolences for the loss of your godfather ( his is very important in life, he is a second father ) . I hope that you will reduce your pain, your godfather rests in peace, he no longer suffers .

    Your idea to make a room where gather all your loved ones can be a good "outlet" ( I don't know if it is the good word, in French we say « exutoire » . )

    Remember also that the people we love are always with us ( in our heart, our thoughts ... they are there ).
    Take good care of you, Giac. ♥ Hugs, Léa

  40. Giac, may I offer my condolences. I am so very sorry for your loss. It's so painful when those we love leave us. To have his photo in your prayer room will be a wonderful tribute to him. At least you have the consolation of knowing that his suffering is over. Please take care of yourself! You will be in my thoughts and my prayers.

  41. Awe- - - hugs. Is there any thing we can do to help. It must have been tough to let go of your GOD Father. My husband is sending his condolences as well. You take care of yourself. At times like these we do tend to neglect ourselves.

  42. Dear Giac, l am so sad to read about all you have had to face lately, life really does lash out sometimes. I wish you all the very best and days ahead full of happy events. Look forward to your next post, blessings, Pam

  43. Giac, I am so sorry to hear about the upset with your mother while unwell and the loss of your godfather from your life, especially knowing that he suffered. Life has certainly targeted you with all the bad recently and I only hope that things turn for the better. Having the photos will be a comfort. Be gentle with yourself.

  44. My sympathy to you and your family Giac, you have really had a rough time but you are lucky to have your family close by for comfort and support. I always welcome your comments on my blog and hope you will be feeling happier soon. Look forward to seeing more of your music room. Hugs,

  45. Dear Giac, I'm very sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.
    I hope that your work problems are resolved soon.
    Your peacock panels are little treasures.
    Hugs, Faby

  46. Hi Giac, I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you really need to take the time to grieve and rest. I'll look forward to your comments when you feel well again. I'm also looking forward to seeing your music room when the time is right. Blessings! xo Jennifer

  47. Oh Giac I cried when I read your post Im so sorry for your loss, Im sure you are really wiped out right now..please take some time for yourself everything else can wait a bit.

    you are in my prayers

    Hugs to you and yours

  48. I am so sorry Giac, sometimes seems that every bad thing joins in life at the same moment.
    Of course the worst pain is when one of your dearest ones pass away, I know how painful and tough is. Just time help us.
    Hope also that you keep your job and if not, well… just think that new opportunities are waiting for you.
    17 months ago I lost my job two days after my mum’s funeral and sincerely I didn’t mind because I knew that I could have another job (In fact I am working again) but not a new mother (she is still terribly missed).
    So do not worry for not commenting, everybody understands. Just come back when you feel it.

  49. Caro Giac, ho letto con attenzione quello che hai scritto. Mi dispiace che hai alcuni problemi che ti assillano e che la perdita del tuo caro ha contribuito al tuo triste stato d'animo. Ma anche se ti conosco da pochissimo tempo, dal tuo scritto si riflette un uomo dal carattere sensibile ma forte ed equilibrato che sicuramente riuscirà a superare questo doloroso momento.Purtroppo l'ho vissuto anch'io e capisco cosa si prova. Un grosso abbraccio Manu

  50. Caro Giac, non ci sono mai parole sufficienti o giuste per momenti come questo.
    Ti mando solo un abbraccio, forte forte, e un bacio fraterno.
    Stai più vicino possibile a tuo marito, i nostri cari sono la miglior cura ed il nostro conforto.
    Con affetto, Rosanna

  51. Dear Giac,
    im so sorry to hear all those kind of things coming on in your life at the moment. Remember that life always carries you on. there is still something good- i wish a lot of wellbeing for your mother, at least she is well at the moment, and that is a big thing. I often think, that our loved ones never actually fades away, they are near to us in everywhere. Big big hug and warmly thoughts to you.
    allow yourself time, whitout no stress about commenting. Take the time to heal and recovering after those things, and remember that there is always good things coming just around the corner after bad times.
    hugs hugs,

    ps: i love your peacocks.

  52. I'm so sorry to hear from your loss Giac!
    And you always have a bunch of those bad things happening at once......what is that!?! It's a shame your godfather will be the first one to be put in your dollhouse.
    My mother in law was my first one, luckaly a dear friend, profesional painter made me a wonderfull miniature painting of her to put in my dollhouse and every time I see her(daily) I just smile at her.
    Take care

  53. Dear Giac, I am sorry to hear about your loss and all other problems that you are experiencing at this moment of your life. I wish you a lot of courage and to go through the hard time, and the floor that you have finished looks tremendously beautiful. Mini hugs, Natalia

  54. Bellissimo ed originale il pavimento che hai realizzato..mi piacerebbe vedere i tuoi lavori dal vivo...)
    Sempre bravo Giac!!!
    Un abbraccio!!!

    1. Mi dispiace per il momento che stai passando...anche il mio non e' dei migliori...spero che tutto vada per il meglio.

  55. Dear Giac, I am so sorry you are going through such a difficult ime right now. My condolances on the loss of your godfather. Hold on to the good memories you have of him. I think the prayer room is a beautiful idea, even though you'd rather wish his photo wouldn't be in there.

    I am thinking of you. With love, Josje

  56. You are right! we must go on, and live to honour the memory of those we love.
    A big hug, from Portugal.

  57. Mucho ánimo. Las cosas pasan y cambian con el tiempo y la vida hay que vivirla , por los que se han ido y por nosotros mismos.

  58. Dear Giac,
    I am so sorry for your loss, please accept my condolences.
    I just hope you, Jo and your family will find the strength to cope with this loss.
    In thoughts I'm with you.
    However I am glad your Mum is well now.
    Your life is in quite a turmoil at the moment.
    Take all the time you need, we all understand.
    Big hug and take care,

  59. Querido Giac, cuánto siento los momentos tristes que estás pasando. La pérdida de un ser querido es algo que únicamente se supera con el tiempo. Yo perdí a mi madre el 8 de Marzo y sé por lo que estarás pasando. Desde entonces, a mi, se me han quitado las ganas de hacer miniaturas y además no encuentro la inspiración de qué hacer ni cómo hacerlo. Te deseo todo el ánimo para superar estos momentos de tu vida tan difíciles. Un beso

  60. hello Giac, im so sorry for your loss we are always caught off guard, nothing i can say take your pain, be strong my friend unfortunately life sometimes is not fair. curage my friend Giac.
    best regards,
    see you soon
    fernando cunha

  61. You are an amazing man, Giac. I enjoy your blog so much. You are like Brea from who is also so creative and does her own cutting, etc.

    I just received a note from a friend because I had a stroke in Jan. of this year. It says, "When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on."

    So, dear Giac, hang on.


  62. Dearest Giac, I am so sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Give yourself time to grieve and take care of yourself.
    Hugs, Ilona

  63. I'm so sorry Giac, lots of encouragement, and a big hug.

  64. Hi Giac. I love your blog and your wonderful dollhouse. I admire your big talent and I think that you are a very charming person. I´m so sorry for your loss, sometimes life is hard, but we have to get over and look towards the future, always with the memories of our be loved.
    A big big hug.


  65. I am truly sorry that you have lost a person dear to you! The long-suffering, salvation was death. Will live forever in your heart!
    The music room project, it might help to distract your thoughts! The fabulous peacock, gold and blue combination is sumptuous!

  66. Sorry I understand you.
    Lucho contra la enfermedad día a día y cuando pierdo un paciente, siento la sensación de que podría haber hecho más.
    Los seres humanos no mueren, se transforman en energía que nos rodea, solo debes permitirte sentirla

  67. Dear Giac,

    Please accept my deepest sympathies for the loss of your Godfather, I am sure you will cherish the memories you have of him.

    It's a lovely idea to commemorate your loved ones within Dewell Manor!

    I must say that the sneak preview of your floor and peacocks are stunning, so the room itself will be wonderful to see!

    with love
    Andy xxx

  68. Hello Giac, my friend! What a blow to you and your family! I am so sad with you. I am becoming familiar with cancer as an unwelcome visitor within my own family members and with other friends. It is a struggle that so many seem to have to contend with. My deepest sympathies at your loss and God's blessings on you to grant you peace at this cross roads in your life.


  69. Dear Giac,
    I am so só sorry for your loss.. I can't even begin to describe how sorry I am, this must be an awful time for you. I wish you and your family all the strengh to deal with this. It is heartbreaking to have to loose someone you love so much under those circumstances.

    And don't worry at all about us, there are more important things right now, we all understand and we'll see you again when you are ready.
    Take care, warm wishes and a big comforting hug, Monique

  70. Dear Giac,
    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am sending you a big hug. Hang in there. It is hard to lose loved ones, but in time the grief grows less and we realize how lucky we were to have had them in our lives.


  71. Dear Giac,

    Such sad, sad news. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you and your family are doing well and healing. Be gentle with yourself in this very delicate time. I hope all is going better.

    Many healing blessing for you!

    All best,

  72. Dear Giac. I`m so sorry for your loss. It`s a few days now since you wrote this post, I`m hoping you start to feel a little bit better. But it will go up and down with emotions when such a thing happens.
    Your floor is fantastic, can`t understand how you make it. And the peacock panels is wonderful too.
    Take care.

  73. Bonjour Giac
    Il y a des moments épouvantables qui font malheureusement partis de la vie. Nous avons un bon médicament "la miniature" alors cela n'efface rien mais donne de la couleur a notre vie . Je te souhaite beaucoup de courage

  74. I am so very sorry to hear about this Giac. I can imagine how much of a difficult time this is for you. You are so blesssed to have people to love and love you back. That is the blessing in the sad part.
    Only worry about communication on blogs if it makes you feel better.
    You are one of my most loyal followers and it is important to me that you heal and feel better.
    Major Hugs,

    1. I want to add it is important to me because you are important to me. I thought about it and thought Giac is not just a follower, but a sweet friend.
      Major hugs.

  75. Dear Giac, I am too , so sorry to hear about your suffering and lost. It is okay for you take some time off if you need it, grin, we all will be back and see your marvelous work despite of the time that you may need.
    I havent been a good blogger , and pardon me . I love to come visit your site and read up everything at least twice and marvelous over your pictures too. I love the way you plan things and go along... it is so inspiring. grin
    I will have to come back and sit for while and read up about your trip to Barcelona... your projects are making me anxious to see what you will do next, BUT no hurry... we will all wait for ((( you)))

    Warm hug on your way....

  76. Dear Giac, my condolences for your loss. But remember that your love will always be with you, love does not die. I'm glad your mother is as well. And I'm sure you conserved your job or find a better one, is young and inteligente. A large and very big hug on all my affection

  77. Dear Giac, I came by for visit and read your post. So sorry to hear about your Godfather. He must have been a wonderful man. We are very close with our family members too. I can feel that in your writings. Our loved ones never leave us. They will always watch over us. How would you wish him to see you dear? He would not have wanted to leave sadness and pain in his passing. Give yourself some time to heal. In time you will think of the good times that you've shared and I hope that they brings you joy. We are all here for you. Write when you can.
    Take good care of yourself Giac. The world needs your kindness and your outstanding talents.
    Big Hugs,

  78. Gracias por tus palabras en mi blog
    Espero que te encuentres mejor
    I hope you feel better

  79. Siento mucho tu perdida.
    Intenta recordar todos los buenos momentos, mientras pienses en el vivira.
    Hacer miniaturas te servira mucho.
    besitos ascension

  80. Thank you very much for your lovely comments,I send you a big hug and encouragement!

  81. I am so sorry for your loss.

  82. Poor Giac, I feel very sorry. Please take care of yourself.

  83. Witaj:)
    Pięknie perfekcyjnie wykonany parkiet :) Pozdrawiam

  84. Siento mucho la pérdida de tu ser querido, es verdad que es difícil y doloroso. Piensa en los momentos alegres vividos con él. Cuídate. Un abrazo, Arantza.

  85. Cuando estamos tristes por la pérdida de un ser querido, no hay ánimo para las miniaturas. Te comprendo perfectamente porque yo también estoy pasando por esos momentos. Mucho ánimo, Giac. Ellos siempre estarán con nosotros. Cuida mucho a tu madre para que tarde mucho tiempo en irse. Un beso.

  86. So sorry to hear your news Giac. Stay strong and look after yourself. You are obviously having a tough time in more ways than one at the moment.Celia

  87. Je n'ai jamais vu un si beau parquet;quel travail remarquable! Vous êtres un vrai artiste!!

  88. Oh Giac!!
    I'm so sorry I'm so late in giving my love and thoughts. I feel awful !
    What a terrible time you have had recently. I can only pray things will settle for you very soon.
    All my love and best wishes to you and Jo and the family.
    Si xx

  89. Dear Giac,
    Im so terribly sorry for my late response as i only read your sad news just now. Non the less im genuinely taken by the loss you had to deal with. The pain from your words are felt here too, so my heart goes out to you and you have my deepest sympathy. I noticed you've posted later, focussing on miniatures (which are astounding as ever) and reading you're getting to grips with the new reality again. It tells me you're a strong and positive person.

    Know that real friends are there, not just in good, but in bad times as well.
    With lot's of love,

  90. Giac, I am so sorry for your loss. I too have seen people in pain at their passing. My hubby is dealing with pain on a day to day basis, it is hard to watch, I too try to keep a good attitude and know how hard it is to do sometimes. You are amazing in your attitude. I am older than you and find your attitude very refreshing in one so young. You take the time to deal with your loss, grieve and will bounce back stronger for how you are handling things. Please keep how you deal with things through the years because life throws us such horrible curves sometimes. I must say your miniaturist talent blows me away over and over again. We are lucky to have ways to channel our joys and our sorrows. Mini hugs, LJ

  91. Hola Giac, vaya... lamento esta mala racha por la que estas pasando, siento mucho la perdida de tu padrino... espero que poco a poco vayas superando ese dolor, aunque al principio parece imposible!! con el tiempo lo recordaras con cariño y una sonrisa, mientras lo recuerden siempre estará presente.
    Un abrazo enorme y todo mi cariño.
