Sunday, 30 December 2012

Happy Holidays, Renovations and a Dewell Roombox

Hello Everyone!
First of all, I am so sorry not to have written this post earlier. I want to wish you all the Happiest holidays ever and I wish you all the best for the New Year! I can't thank you all enough for your incredible kindness to me. It has been a real privilege to get to know all of you and to be inspired by your work, ideas, and the wonderful people you are.

I feel very guilty not having commented on your blogs very much in December. But Real life decided to test how hard headed I could be.

Dewell Manor has not changed the past month. At the end of November I made the painful decision to put the Manor on hold and concentrate on renovations. My father in law started working on reconfiguring the 2 bedrooms of out house in September. Unfortunately Jo's 94 year old grandmother fell and broke her hip. she is recovering very well, but renovations got put on hold. To make a long story short, by the time December came by I be came determined that everything be done in time for Christmas Eve when I always have both sides of the family over for supper. We all jumped in and put in crazy hours on the weekend all month. The last week  before Christmas I woke up at 5:30 as usual, went to work, then got home and worked until 1 or 2 in the morning. My house was a mess as both bedrooms had to be emptied and everyone kept telling me we would never get it all done in time, but they underestimated my determination.

This was our dining room in December. We had the bedroom floors refinished on the 11th, so we squeezed in our queen size mattress and slept here until December 23...not fun.

We finished renovation work December 24th at 3:15 am. I woke up at 7:30, put the turkey in the oven, and put up the 2 Christmas trees, decorated the house, and set the table. By 1 pm my Dining room was back in order and the meal was served at 8 pm...late, but what can you do

It was hard work, I have been exhausted for 2 weeks now, but the bedrooms came out just the way we wanted. we only have 2 closet doors and closet shelves to put up left

Second bedroom, and hopefully the nursery one day

The old owner had closed up the closet in this room to make an inefficient walk in in the Master bedroom

Master bedroom. The new wall of closets we added gave us more storage then we thought. Originally the only place a queen size bed fir was in between the 2 windows so the bed was right in the middle of the room where the dresser with the mirror is.

Master bedroom. The left side of the nook used to have a ridiculous walk in closet. It had to go. When we bought the house they had turned 2 rooms into 1 big master bedroom. The had put a simple wood plank to cover where the wall used to be on the floor, so we tried to make it look better and came up with the design you see.

 We were glad it got done because we were going crazy, but we were most concerned about Ozzy who seemed totally lost the whole time. Luckily he's back to himself again

And this is why, my dear friends, I have not been as present on your blogs. Once again I apologise but will catch up on your blogs as soon as I've caught up on some sleep.

Christmas Presents:

Once again Jo and both sides of the family got together and I was spoiled rotten.

Jo has a list of the Getzan chandeliers I want for each room. I got the 2 Versailles chandeliers for the Music room and the Princess Pat (on the left) for the Dining Room. The breakfront also goes int he Music room. The living room set is a present I ordered myself and will go in the Morning room in the attic. I had a set for the room, but it felt a little too modern. Unfortunately they sent me the walnut set instead of the Mahogany, so it will have to go back this week so they can send me the right one. Jo also got me the 2 first seasons of another one of my favourite shows, a British series called "Waiting for God". I was a very happy Giac indeed.

Room box:
Another reason I have not worked on the Manor is because I started a room box the last 2 weeks of November. I have a wonderful friend who has always been very encouraging and helpful with my project. I wanted him to have a small piece of Dewell Manor so I decided to make him a room box inspired by the Great room of the Manor. I had to stop work on it, but It is almost finished.
Here is a look at the almost complete room box. the fireplaces are very similar to the Great room, the wallpaper is from the Master Bedroom, the floor is the pattern I used in the Gothic Hall and since I wanted it to be a bit more modern I made a side table inspired by the Chinese Tea Room

I used lumber from our hardware store and double thick illustration board. The left section has built in shelves and the right section has a window.

When the sections were assembled I painted the base coat for the faux-walnut finish which Ray showed us how to do. Once that was dry I painted the marble fireplace using black base with 2 shades of green sponged on. The firebox is illustration board and magic brick.

When the marble was dry I taped it with masking tape and faux finished the wood

The fireplaces of the Great Room have figures I made to represent the 3 Graces. For this room box I made 2 Greek figures in super sculpey, baked them, and then painted them to match the faux-walnut

When the figures were glued into place I took out my molding pieces and built a smaller version of the Mantels in the Manor.

When all the sections were done I assembled the structure and glued on the wallpaper with regular wallpaper paste (works great on Les Chinoiseries wallpapers, not so great on other thinner dollhouse papers) I still need to glue in the ceiling paper

When the floor was done (again, I used iron on wood strips I cut out of rolls from the hardware store) I built a table to go against the side wall. The marble parts are basswood with molding I painted, and the chinoiserie part is a block of left over lumber from the renovations and the drawer fronts (non opening) are just 1/16 x 1/2 inch lumber which I painted with delta ceramcoat paints. The swans were dollar store finds I've had for years.

And then, I stopped for the renovations. I still have to to add the ceiling paper, curtains, a large painting over the table and some accessories, then it will be ready to send.

And that is all my friends. At first I was rather pleased I got everything done, but if truth be told it took it's toll on me. I go back to work on Wednesday, and hope to be working on the Manor by next weekend.

For anyone looking for a something to read, I bought a really great book about the Thorne Rooms on Amazon.

The book was rather inexpensive. It has wonderful pictures of the Thorne Rooms and a lot of interesting reading for each room. I am really happy I added it to my collection.

On that note, I promise I will be back commenting on your blogs very soon. I've been dying to see what you've all been up to.
I wish you all the very, very best my dear friends: health, happiness and prosperity. May the kid inside each of you be strong, and may you always smile with your hearts

Big, big hugs,


  1. Awww, what a sweet message, Giac! I'm wishing all of that for you too, my friend. I'm amazed at what you've been able to accomplish in the last few weeks. Please get some rest and take care of yourself. I'll look forward to your visit to my blog once you're all rested up, OK? Beautiful work, in all areas of your life! xo Jennifer

  2. Gosh, Giac, I am exhausted after just reading about all the work you have done :-)

    The house renovations looks great and I love your dining room all set up for Christmas.

    And the room box is just stunning, as always!

    Now take a deep breath and rest a bit, you surely deserve it, and may 2013 be a wonderful year for you and your family.

    Big Hug

  3. My dear Giac, what an epic post!
    I can't believe you got through all that and still managed to publish such a comprehensive post. You must be utterly exhausted.
    I must say though it is a relief to hear from you. Now that the renovations are complete, I hope you are able to recover some semblance of "normality".
    I must say, I love the blue colous you have used, and it was good to see your dining suite again - a cherished heirloom, if I remember rightly?
    God willing, the nursery will be filed soon...
    Seasons Greetings and much love to you Both
    Simon & Scott

  4. Wow, Giac! You have been Busy!!! I am glad you were able to make your Christmas Dinner happen even against such odds!!! Please take care of yourself and have a couple of days to rest! (Here I am sitting up late reading your blog while I wait for the furnace repair man to arrive.... it has been a wonderful distraction!)
    Your room box looks fantastic... I hope your friend knows what a Treasure he is getting!

  5. Wow! I really do like what you did home and in miniature! I am impressed! And would have nothing against getting such a beautigful roombox myself! ;)
    Enjoy your Holiday and have some rest Giac! May the New Year be for you and your Family happy and filled with love.
    Big hug

  6. Wow, if anyone deserves a rest it is you! Well done!!

  7. Hallo Giac,

    Niet te geloven wat jij allemaal in een maand tijd voor elkaar hebt gekregen. Je 1:1 huis ziet er prachtig uit. Dat je nog energie had om een kamer te versieren voor de kerst. Wat een prachtig maal staat er op je tafel. Je roombox wordt ook erg mooi. Wat zal je vriend daar blij mee zijn. De komende maand zul je wel nodig hebben om uit te rusten :) Ik wens je een mooi en creatief 2013.

    Lieve groeten van Xandra (die graag een beetje van jouw energie zou willen hebben...)

  8. Dommage que les journées ne soient pas à rallonges!!!!!!! conjuguer vie échelle1 et 1/12 éme n'est pas toujours facile!!!! et je trouve que les travaux avancent tout de même très bien et que votre imagination est toujours aussi débordante!!!!!!! je suis fan de la déserte avec les cygnes! je ne me lasse pas de regarder tous les petits détails de votre travail.
    Je vous souhaite, à vous ainsi qu'à toute votre grande famille" une très belle et merveilleuse année 2013"
    A très bientôt!!!

  9. happy new year to you and your family ! You certainly have been burning the candle at both ends but the results are truely beautiful.I hope you get some rest before returning to work as Im sure all the hard work has taken its toll. All the best wishes for the comming year

  10. You have done a monumental work, and the results - great! Happy New Year and wish you all the best!


  11. Happy New Year to you and your family, Giac. The work that you have accomplished in the past month is amazing! The real house looks great.

    I love the room box. Your friend is very lucky!

    We have a nice collection of the Thorne rooms here in Arizona. They are even more wonderful in person, than in the books. When I lived in Phoenix, I spent a lot of time with them. I have that book and it is worth every penny that you spent!

  12. Hi Giac, You have been one busy bee as of late but looking at your photos your time effort and hard work has been very well rewarded, its always difficult and sometimes tiring dealing with real life issues but i think all of your followers know that, we all have to take some timeout sometimes ;) Your work as always is faultless and so inspiring my friend.
    I wish you and all of your family a happy and healthy 2013. Tony

  13. OMG,Giac hai fatto un lavoro fantastico, sia in mini che nella vita vera.
    Mi unisco a Simon augurandovi che la nursery abbia presto un abitante e vi faccio tanti tanti auguri.
    Un abbraccio grande grande,Rosanna

    PS dal momento che in casa mia NESSUNO mi regala mai miniature ( possibile che non sappiano che mi piacciono???),mi presti Jo il prossimo Natale ? ;o)
    Auguri di buon Anno Nuovo :o))

  14. Wow Giac you have done a fantastic job on your house. I love the colours you have used. How did you get sooo much done and not collapse lol. You now deserve a good rest :) Your roombox is stunning you friend will be over the moon with it. Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2013 full of love health and happiness and may all your wishes come true.
    Hugs Maria

  15. Hello Giac,

    How hard you have worked! The results are look wonderful (in both scales ;->).

    The room box is going to beautiful and I am very impressed with your sculpting of the Graces and with your Chinoiserie painting on the console table.

    I hope you, Jo, and your family (not forgetting Ozzy) had a wonderful Christmas and that the New Year brings you all much joy.

    I am looking forward to seeing the roombox when it is finished and for more instalments in the wonderful Dewell Manor saga.


  16. Hello Giac!
    Wow, you have done some miracle and fantastic job for your house! I can understand how busy you must have been!!! But it was worth it, I am sure your Christmas was very enjoyable with your Families!
    The 2 Versailles chandeliers you got are really fantastic! Congrats!
    And The Roombox is Stunning, your friend will be Very Happy!
    Happy New Year and Good Health to you and your Family!

  17. Dear Giac,
    I'm sorry to read about Jo's grandmother. Your house looks amazing. It's a wonder you finished all of that work in a short time.
    You've got wonderful presents....and the room box is also amazing! I love the Greek figures. Thanks for sharing.You can use a holiday I guess after that amount of work.
    I wish you and your family a wonderful, healthy and Happy New Year.

  18. Sempre piu' bravo Giac... ti auguro un sereno 2013!

  19. Happy New Year to you and yours too!
    I bought the book too, it's fantastic. I too love the Greek figures.

  20. ¡¡Descansa un poco!!. Has hecho un fenomenal trabajo en tu casa. Espero que tu abuela esté ya bastante mejor. La escena está preciosa y me encanta como ha quedado esa chimenea. No trabajes hasta 2013.Hoy,descansa. ¡FELIZ 2013!.

  21. Tantissimi auguri a te e alla tua meravigliosa famiglia Giac, con tutto il mio cuore,

  22. PS I went on Amazon and bought the book,if it is something advised by both you and Casey it is something I need to read.
    Minihugs, Ro

  23. I'm really thinking of calling you "Supergiac" from now on... all that work and dertimination! Congrats, you've done a fantastic job, your bedrooms look just right both for healthy sleep and sweet dreams and I bet you've had a wonderful Christmas in this beautifully decorated room. Your friend will be over the moon with this roombox, you're a true wizard! Please don't stress yourself because of feeling obliged to visit our blogs and leave comments, we can wait for you until you feel good enough after all this renovation business. Best wishes for the New Year to you and your dear ones!


  24. Hey, Thanks for the post and tour of your house! I wish you the best on all of your endeavors this New Year. ( Great presents too!) Troy

  25. Great work and gifts!
    Happy 2013!!
    I hope that your dreams come true...
    Bye Faby

  26. Greetings Giac,
    All the best to you and family for 2013. What a whirlwind time you have had! Very nice your family spoilt you with the chandeliers and very nice that they acknowledge and support your hobby.
    Following with interest.
    regards Janine

  27. What a wonderful post! Amazing what you had to go through to get ready for Christmas, and as someone else said- tired just hearing about it :) The room-box, after I picked myself up off the floor......wowwww beautiful! Your work is incredible---
    ps happy new year

  28. Impresionante trabajo Giac, yo me hubiera vuelto loca , pero su comedor para navidad le quedó de lujo.
    Sus trabajos en miniatura siempre espectaculares.Me queda desearte lo mejor para ti y toda tu familia , mis mejores deseos para la abuela que se recupere pronto.
    Un abrazo:)

  29. Giac,

    Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all the best to you and Jo and the rest of your wonderful family!

    WOW, you did some wonderful renovations and in time, too! You are amazing -- can I rent you by the hour? I am trying to get some renovations to happen--and finish!

    All our love,

  30. OMG Giac, you have done a lot of work: it is unbelievable!! The house renovations looks great and the room box is really stunning!
    I wish your family and you a very good and healthy 2013!
    Hugs, Ilona

  31. Wow! Sounds like really hard work. Everything looks fantastic!
    Wish you a Happy New Year...

  32. Giac you are incredible!!

    SO much work achieved and your house looks amazing!! I don't know how you do it, to finish the renovation and then serve Christmas supper for both families that night is quite a feat!! And then you still have miniatures to show us.

    Thank you so much for all your encouraging comments through out the year, you are nothing short of inspiring!!

    Happy New Year!!

    ML Fi xx

  33. I'm amazed at the amount of work you have managed every time you post, but this one takes the cake! The roombox looks wonderful, and I'm in awe of your renovation abilities. I hope you have a wonderful, restful(!) 2013.

  34. Hi Giac!
    A lot of work done in a very short period of time! Congratulations! The rooms and the "mini" room is amazing. Sikerekbn wish Happy New Year!

  35. Wishing you a Happy New Year, Giac. May all your plans for the coming year work out! Your house is looking great! Your table is beautiful and those tarts look delicious! I assume they are sweet potato tarts!

  36. Giac,
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful work with your readers and I also thank the great care and attention you devoted to my little posts in 2012.
    I wish for you and all your loved ones a wonderful New Year!

  37. Impressive. A fantastic work you have done. It must be amazing to sit in your beautiful and well-set table and enjoy the company of family. As always, an impressive work you have done. I deeply respect you. Now, I hope. that you enjoyed your work, so you also get relaxed.

    Very beautiful gifts you have received. Your room box is so complete, the receiver will be so happy.

    I hope for you that you are well into the new year and I wish you all the best for 2013.

  38. Hi Giac,
    Good to hear from you; I hope the New Year brings you and yours nothing but good things, in health, finances, relations and luck! "smile with your heart": what a beautiful phrase...

    You have done an amazing amount of work, but ...erm.... it is not quite healthy to wear yourself out like that.
    So I'd prefer it if you did not wear yourself out like that again.
    Having said that, on to the credits for your work: the renovations improved a lot, and I can see why you wanted it changed. Kudos to you!
    Lovely Christmas table, and I like peeking into houses so that's a really nice bonus :))
    You got spoiled rotten indeed, those chandeliers are to die for! And speaking of spoiled rotten... your friend will be too, according to the photos of this beautiful roombox!
    Hope you weren't only tired these holidays, but had a lot of fun too!
    Now get all the rest you need my friend and enjoy all you've accomplished.

    PS: I have the Thorne book too, amazing rooms!

  39. What a great post Giac. You've been so busy you'll be meeting yourself on the way back!

    It's been great following your blog and picking up all your inspirational ideas and I'm looking forward to much more of the same!

    A happy and healthy New Year to you.

  40. Un trabajo espectacular, todo precioso. Feliz 2013

  41. Dear Giac,
    I'm wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2013!!
    I`m looking forward to see all the beautiful things you will create this year :)

    Hugs Mieke xxx

  42. I think I fainted right after the second photo of your dining room, if I had to do all that work I would have just torched the place and gone out for Chinese..your house looks wonderful and hopefully you will be able to set up your nursery soon.

    I still can't get over how great your roombox has turned out I really like've almost inspired me to finish up mine

    Hugs and Love for the new year
    Marisa :)

  43. Primeiramente feliz ano novo. Muito perfeito o seu trabalho, muito lindo!

  44. Blessings to you and your loved ones Giac, hope you have some quiet months!

  45. Giac,
    Happy New Year! Your energy and passion for both life and this miniature hobby is truly infectious!
    You have a very lucky friend - it is a lovely gift you are making!

  46. Wow, you've been very very busy, get some rest! You did a great job at home. I hope your grandmother is much better. The miniatures, I love all, your work is very beautiful and I love how it has become such a fireplace. Take a good rest now and get strength for the new year. Happy 2013! Hugs

  47. take it easy sometimes friend! :)
    you have done extremely much - i love the chandeliers and furnitures you got as christmas presents! and you "own" home is looking now quite elegant too! renovating is hard work :)
    i whis all the best and a lot of lucky stars shining in your path this year!

  48. Happy New Year,
    Your houses, both large and small, are looking lovely.

  49. Ya veo que has estado realmente ocupado,tanto con tu casa grande como con la pequeña,pero lo bueno es que has podido disfrutar con tu familia y amigos.Ahora tras un descanso bien merecido,espero que el nuevo año llegue lleno de ilusión y cosas maravillosas para ti y los tuyos!!! Espero que la abuela ya este mucho mejor!!!!

  50. Carissimo Giac, Buon Anno!!!!!!!!!!!! Ma quanto hai lavorato amico mio? Sei incredibile, non è facile trovare un gran lavoratore come te. La tua casa è meravigliosa e immagino che ora ti godrai una grandissima soddisfazione.
    Complimenti per tutto e per tutta la tua famiglia, ovviamente Ozzy compreso, Vi auguro un sereno e lieto 2013
    Un grande abbraccio

  51. has trabajado mucho estos días pero las reformas te han quedado preciosas, tienes una casa muy bonita. Te deseo para ti y toda tu familia un Nuevo Año lleno de felicidad y que sigas deleitándonos con los progresos en tu preciosa mansión.Besos y espero que la abuelita siga bien

  52. Hi!
    Fantastic house you are building! I have followed your blogg for a while and see forward to see more :)
    Titti in Sweden

  53. Feliz Año Nuevo, Giac! Has hecho un magnífico trabajo!la casa es preciosa..espero que tu abuela siga bien..un beso

  54. Wow! You do marvelous REAL life renovations too! Your new rooms look fantastic! :D

    Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my blog. You are a good friend.


  55. Tu casa esta preciosa y esa pequeña maravilla que estas creando estoy deseando verla terminada.
    Gracias por tus visitas.
    Feliz Año Nuevo!!
    besitos ascension

  56. Que hermosura de trabajo Giac, me ha encantado la chimenea con las dos figuras!! Es maravilloso ver lo bien y lo pulido que trabajas. Tu casa también me ha encantado, tienes un gusto estupendo. Espero que tu abuela se recupere pronto. Un abrazo enorme y feliz año para ti y tu familia!! Isabel

  57. hello Giac, I just saw this project now and its wonderful, your friend is a lucky man,congratulations

  58. Increíble trabajo, como siempre Giac.

    Gracias por compartir tus creaciones y tu arte.


  59. Goodness Giac, you have been busy! No wonder you have been exhausted, RL renovations always take so much energy and then Christmas right after that! Your house looks very good though, the bedrooms are beautiful!

    What a wonderful gift for your friend! Did you give it to him yet? I'm sure he will treasure it!

  60. Tu trabajo es espectacular, no paro de mirar y mirar, me pasaría horas en tu blog. Ya tienes una fiel seguidora más.

  61. Happy New Year!
    I have only just found your blog and I'm so excited to have a good read about all you've worked on in the past, your workmanship looks amazing!!
    Hugs, Mins xx

  62. Happy New Year and Good Health to you and your Family!
    Hugs maija

  63. Happy new year Giac! Your compliments make me happy because I think you are very very very talented, for me is always a great pleasure to see your works!!!!!

  64. feliz año nuevo , me encanta la mansión , es preciosa , felicidades por los regalos , tu casa muy bonita , espero que la abuela se recupere pronto , un abrazo

  65. Hola,
    me encanta tu blog y tambien tus trabajos...
    feliz ano nuevo!!

  66. Hi overthere! Thanks so much for visiting and commenting! I hadn't seen this post internet at home for nearly two months, makes one feel totally "cut off"! :) Yes, real life is quite demanding right now...but that's the way it is! You got my "Santa-idea" absolutely right..having him around all year..we can all make him realize our wishes over and over again!!!! :) Best wishes and greetings also for the new year! health and happiness...the rest will come some day!!!!

  67. Your work and your skills are amazing!

  68. Hello Giac! Thanks for visiting my blog - I am so glad I found yours. I am in absolute awe of both your real and dollhouse sized houses and can't wait to see and read more!

  69. Giac, Thank you for your visit and best wishes for the new year! I wish you and your family a very blessed year and a wonderful productive miniature life too, grin, afterall we all know how stress released these minis can be, right?grin

    I looked at your pictures first , and was wondering if was miniatures...hahahah.,... the reason IS because your miniatures are so perfect scaled and detailed that it confuses me some time!:)

    I love how you did the relief on the wood walls, the entire room is beginning to have its own feeling... exciting , no?

    If you like horses, come to my blog when time allows you!grin
    warm regards,

  70. La decoración navideña de tu casa preciosa al igual que la casa, y la mini un encanto con piezas muy especiles dignas de las mejores tiendas.
    Me ha gustado mucho y ya soy seguidora para no perderme las novedades.
    Un abrazo

  71. Gracias por tus palabras.
    Me alegra que tu abuela esté mejor.
    Luego de ver tu trabajo....el mío es muy humilde
    Tienes una creatividad exquisita y unas manos expertas.
    Reconozco que debes tener poco tiempo para escribir, pero aún así nos regalas palabras de aliento
    Gracias otra vez

  72. No te preocupes, todos vamos mal de tiempo y a veces es imposible comentar los blogs. Yo me alegro de que tu abuela esté mejor, que Ozzy apareciese, de esas reformas tan divinas que hicisteis en la casa y de esos trabajos y regalos de los que sé que tanto disfrutas. Un beso enorme y feliz año!!!

  73. Hello Giac! I love it when a person with your mad woodworking skills, can use both fabulous woods with $ store swans! That is thinking outside the room BOX! You Rock!

  74. Wonderfull work!I ´m glad to finish your home for Christmas. Beautifull chandeliers and roomboxes. Hugs

  75. Hi. Your work is absolutely amazing. I love your greek statues. I just started my blog and would love for you and anyone else to stop by and have a peek. Its just started so not a whole lot yet, but hope to be! Thanks


  76. Congratulations on the successful conversion, the bedrooms became very pretty,
    Your work on the roombox is beautiful. The two statues and the fireplace look so real. Thanks for the link to Ray.

    I wish a happy new year.

    Hugs from Craftland



  79. Ciao Giac ...passo per un saluto e grazie per le belle parole...
    Ti abbraccio!!!

  80. Oh, Giac - wonderful works as ever! Your friend will be delighted with this stunning room-box.
    Best wishes - Magda

  81. Congratulations for your work in 1:1 and 1:12. Thanks for your visit to my blog.

  82. Giac,
    I dont know how I missed this post before, but glad I got to see it. I can see why your minis are so gorgeous. They are a reflection of your own home.
    Thanks for sharing!

  83. your work is amazing. Love what I see.

    I´m a sister to Lilsdolls. :)

  84. My dear, I completely missed this post and then I did not know what was challenging the month of December for you and your entire family.
    First of all, I hope that the grandmother is better.
    And then, what wonderful work you did at home.
    I think it's worth it to have as much discomfort. In any case, it was a bit like working on the manor but ... in large!
    Great gifts you received from Santa :-)
    Mini lovely hugs, amico mio

  85. I love the Thorne Rooms...always have ever since I was a child.

  86. Wow! That fireplace is just amazing!

  87. I'm catching up hence my belated reaction. But if there has ever been an inspiring post, be it on RL or mini's it's this one. My dear Giac, i'm left in awe and admiration of your persistence, dedication and care, in both facilitating your guests, the reno and the gift. You're amazing

  88. Wowwww... Those chandeliers are GORGEOUS!!!
