Sunday, 1 April 2012

Dressing Room and Montreal Miniatures Show

Hello Everyone. I hope you all had a woonerful week. It's been a while since my last post. I just want to thank you all for your wonderful comments and taking the time to follow my work. It means a lot to me and your kind words keep me inspired and focused. So to everyone who has been following my adventure, thank you so much!

Once again I underestimated how long the Dressing Room would take. 3 weeks later I finished:

The room measure 20" x 24". The windows on the fireplace wall overlook the ocean, the back door leads to the Bedroom Hall, the door on the right leads to the Master Bedroom, and the wall we're lookin in from will have a large window overlooking a rose garden.

The room is pretty simple: Wallpaper and ceiling paper, large baseboards and chair rails. I was afraid the room might be a little boring, so I thought I'd put a little extra effort into the floor.
You might remember, when I made the Gallery floor, I glued down one piece of wood with the grain going in the wrong direction. After it was shellaced is stuck out like a sore thumb. I figured I could use different grain directions to make an interesting floor. I drew 1/4 of the design on graph paper and printed several copies. I then put the paper on the wood veneer and cut out each piece with an exacto knive, making sure I payed attention to the direction of the wood grain.

I first glued down the dark wood circles to create the medallion outline. Next I filled in each section. I cut 4 pieces at a time and glued them in place. I think about 20 pieces fit the first time , every other one had to be adjusted or re-cut. When that was done I glued the dark border around the room that matches the one in the Master Bedroom.

The next step was to fill in the the rest of the floor. I went with diagonal slats. Once again I wanted to use the wood grain to create interest. I've mentionned the wood veneers before. You just heat them with an iron to activate the glue. I prefer to touch the wood side of the veneer strip to the iron  for 5 seconds and then put it into place. When I've done about 10 inch section I go over with the iron so the edges my fingers were holding stick down.  
The final step was applying 3 coats of shellac, waiting 30 minutes between coates, and voila
I left it overnight and went over it with Dark floor wax. There is a natural color floor wax, but I like the dark one because it fills in the cracks and makes the floor look used. the next day, I glued it into place.

The fireplace is from Unique Miniatures, and was my very first attempt at faux marbling over a year ago.
The room is big for a dressing room, but in my mind a lot goes on there.

The lady of the house would sit here to have her morning tea listening to the ocean before choosing what to wear. The Corset is by Pedrete. The pictures do not do it justice. It is exquisite!

She would go over the accounts with the housekeeper, approve the menu for the day , and give her instructions for the staff

And finally she would sit at her vanity and get ready, always looking out at the water. The overmantel was made with the window and door trim, crown molding, and a leftover piece of the frieze from the Dining Room

And that's ot for for shopping.

Yesterday was the yearly Montreal Miniatures Show. I had a lovely time and found some great pieces.

I know exactly which chandelier I want in each room and was happy to find the Sheryl Renee from the Getzans for the Dressing room at the Little Dollhouse Company. The Tea set was an impulse buy from the lovely Janice Crawley...again it was perfect for milady's tea in the dressing Room. The potatoes and trouts I purchased from martha Mclean. She has spectacular pieces.

I love going to the show, but it always makes me antsy to finish construction. I'm enjoying every minute...but I look forward to the day I can just buy accessories to my hearts content. I'm dying to get floral arangements from Martha Mclean, accessories made by Julie from Westwinds Miniatures and...pretty much everybody...Well there's always next year.When I look at the Manor I think it will take me another year to finish it, then about 30 years to accessorize it.

Well, that's it for this week. I've been asked which issues of Miniaturas Dewell Manor is featured in. So far ssue 167 showed the Great Room, 168 the Entrance and staircase, and 169 the Library. i believe they are out in Europe, but not sure when they ged accross the ocean.
 Before I start work on the Attic floor I decided to build a butler's pantry in one section of the kitchen. If I'm not done by next weekend, I just want to wish everyone a very Happy Easter, and happy weekend to those not celebrating, or celebrating the week after. As always, I look forward to seeing your work. You always inspire me with your amazing talent and creative ideas.

All the best my friends, I send you great big hugs,



  1. Ma quanto sei bravo ..., ammiro molto le tue opere d'arte. Ciao Giac

  2. The floor is gorgeous.
    I find the room very nice
    The tea set is really very beautiful,I see the Lady of the House drink her tea from the small cup
    Nice that you've had fun at the fair.

    Fine week, Alexandra.

  3. Hi,
    this room looks very cool. i love that floor. and furnitures.
    have a great week :)

  4. Splendido! the floor is gorgeous and I love how the room looks till now.
    I have your same problem: I spend far too much at fairs cos I don't like budget things :o(( so I'll need 20 years to decorate my house as well.
    I saw a chandelier similar to yours by Little Dollhouse Company in Milano last February but couldn't buy it. We agreed that they will take it to Paris for me :o)) If can set some money aside.
    A presto con il tuo meraviglioso lavoro, Rosanna

  5. The floor is lovely. What a perfect job you have made of it!!!

    I am having a bit of a giggle because you and I have approached it in opposite directions. I suppose I put the cart before the horse. I made and bought all the accessories first. LOL

  6. Marvelous work Giac, your floor is just stunning, worth all that hard work you put into it. I love reading you blog, you have such an eye for detail in building and decorating. Enjoy slowly adding all the little details, houses evolve and grow and should never be static, I think we will always find something else that is just perfect for a certain room.

    Have a wonderful week

  7. This room is wonderful. I like the floor and ceiling.
    The purchases are very nice. I'm curios to see the progress.
    Bye Faby

  8. Es una maravilla de habitación, felicidades!! El suelo es fantástico y muchas gracias por enseñarnos la realización del mismo.

  9. Felicidades por todos tus trabajos. Son de lujo, my señoriales.

  10. Hello Giac,

    Your manor house is a tour de force…what wonderful work! The marquetry floor is so beautiful.

    I am looking forward to your next post.



  11. the style is great!
    Blesed patience you have by doing this soil...

  12. That floor! I love how you took a "mistake" of wood grain direction is a previous room and turned into a wonderful design style here (changing grain directions).

    I can see why the room took so long -- the attention to detail was worth the 3 weeks.

    Milady is one lucky Lady-- this room is beautiful, as are all your rooms. And she gets to look over the water from one window and a rose garden from another. It doesn't get any better.

    Budgets are a real drag on the spirit of shopping and sometimes they have to be ignored.

    Cheers and have a great day,

  13. El vestidor ha quedado precioso, los muebles, la chimenea, los sillones, los papeles de las paredes ...todo es perfecto. El suelo lleva mucho trabajo y te felicito porque te ha quedado extraordinario. Las compras me ha encantado, sobre todo la lámpara. Besos

  14. It looks like you found some nice treasures. Great job on the floor! Thanks for the tutorial and the update.

  15. it took u long but its fabulous. Keep the good work.

  16. je suis toujours grandement impressionnée par ton parquet !

  17. Love the floor, Giac! I wish I had half your talent!

    Love your Montreal purchases as well. I have that same Janice Crawley tea set--so English.

    Just a quick clarification, though. Martha McLean is still selling miniatures in the Canadian market--as she did this past weekend at Montreal, and will do at the Ontario Miniature Enthusiasts of the Guelph Area
    and the Miniature Enthusiasts of Kingston & Area's Bi-Annual Show in May, as well as the MET show in Toronto in October. Martha sold her international website business to me, which I named Small Treasures Miniatures. I also bought some of Martha's inventory, to which I have added over the past year. We often shop together and carry many of the same artisans—Martha has been so generous to share her contacts and her impeccable taste with me over the years.


  18. My dear friend,
    Once again, you have gone 'over the top' with your design, workmanship, and artistry. It is ALL lovely. The floor is particularly beautiful. I hope to order my curved staircase today, and then hopefully the Thornhill will once again get some attention. Meanwhile, I am enjoying all of your wonderful work and take great pleasure in admiring the results of your incredible talents!!

    Peace and love always,

  19. Your Dressing Room is just lovely and that really are a master craftsman when it comes to the detail in those floors. I love them! I also like to see your rooms finished before the furnishings are put in.

    I'm also very taken with your little tea set. In the words of John ....."It's Gaw.....juss!!" It's such a dainty little piece and I've never seen one with the little tray for the milk and sugar.

  20. Giac your dressing room is fantastic. I adore the floor its amazing. Your work is a feast for the eyes :) your buys are beautiful. I love the little tea set perfect for this room. Thank you for all your lovely comments on my blog I treasure them. Have a wonderful Easter my friend dont eat too much chocolate : D
    Hugs Maria

  21. Hi Giac,

    Great work as ever. The floor is simply amazing! a real work of art! It must have taken ages, but the final result was well worth all your effort.

    I like the little tea set and chandelier, perfect! The food looks good too. I think the Little Dollshouse Company come over to the UK for the Kensington show, Their stall always has some great pieces to choose from!

    Look forward to seeing the butler's pantry next!!

    Andy xx

  22. Hey Giac
    What a great job you have done, I love it!! It's so nice to see some ofthe pieces you got for CHristmas in situe (I want those wing back chairs ;-) ).
    The floor is a total triumph, you have such patience, it puts me to shame - always looking for an easy option!
    It's incredible to me when I look at your rooms that you built all the structural things yourself.
    Like with John's post, it was great to get a full on update and see so many pictures. I particularly liked the fish you bought at the fair.
    Keep up the great work
    Simon x

  23. Un trabajo fantástico, felicidades :)

  24. Hola Giac, como siempre un excelente trabajo, el suelo maravilloso, toda la estancia magnifica. Las compras son interesantes.


  25. Oh, Another room I wish I could just come sit a Spell... to hear the waves crashing on the cliffs and smell the Roses wafting in the open windows....! I'll just take some more Tea... and maybe I will cancel any appointments for the day... find a good book and..... Dream a while!:)
    And that Floor! What an Accomplishment! Your work continues to amaze me!

  26. Hi Giac,

    Taking the woodgrain mishap and turning the idea into a gorgeous floor --in true, badass, Honey Badger style! That's why your fans adore you so.

    What an exquisite room! It's too fab to be simply called the Dressing Room. Let's call it: The Interior Illusions Ultra-Lounge. That's a little more snappy, right?

    LOVE all your treasures from the show. I've made purchases from The Little Dollhouse Co too, and trust they'll be in Chicago later this month? That chandelier is particularly wondrous.

    Spectacular job, honey badger!


  27. Hi Giac,

    When ever I look at the work you do I beautiful and so well crafted, it leaves one feeling a little bit hopeless........

    BUT we must solder on and and turn the feeling around to inspiration!

    I just love your dressing room and all the beautiful thought out details, the tea set is just delightful and I love Pedrete's corset, just wonderful. It a lovely room, and that floor is incredible.

    ML Fi xx

  28. You do not have any hurry to finish the House, relax and enjoy. A big hug and congratulations!

  29. The room is wonderful. And floor the floor - an impressive... And furnitures... All - so cool :)

  30. So beautiful room, I love the floor, is a great work! Congrats!

  31. Just an afterthought... I wonder if there would be any way to carry the circular motif that you created on the floor, up to the ceiling?

  32. Hello Giac,

    That's a wonderful floor. You use shellac. I do remember my father used shellac on our living room table a very long time ago. I wonder is it a difficult technique ?
    I also like your fireplace.
    I'm going to marble the stairs again.....;-)


  33. Wow Giac, la camera è uno splendore! I mobili sono bellissimi, ma se devo dirti la mia sincera opinione, anche se non avessi messo nessun mobile la camera sarebbe stata splendida, perchè il pavimento che sei riuscito a creare è fantastico, non ho mai visto nulla di così bello ed elaborato in vita mia, già da solo riempie ed illumina la sala.Complimenti anche per gli splendidi acquisti, il lampadario è un sogno!
    Buona Pasqua a te e a tutta la tua splendida famiglia

  34. Hi Giac! your dressing room is wonderful! the floor is are very talented!!!!! I also love all your Montreal Miniatures Show purchases!
    Happy Easter!

  35. El salon te ha quedado precioso !!
    Es amplio y muy elegante .
    El suelo que tiene es una maravilla ,y ha denido que darte mucho trabajo ,ya que no parece tarea facil realizarlo.
    me encanta !!
    Las compras son preciosas sobre todo la lampara .
    Enhorabuena por tu trabajo !!

    ** . * . . . . * . * . Un besito
    .. * . (\ *** /) * . * cielo
    .* . * ( \(_)/ ) * * . que tengas
    .* . * (_ /|\ _) . * . un buen
    .* . * . /___\ * . . * dia

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Las dimensiones, el suelo, el techo, el mobiliario y la decoración... Impresionante!! Un trabajo completo, felicidades!!

  38. What a stunning floor. It is magnificent. Fantastic job - so elegant. Best wishes Carol

  39. Hi Giac! Your floor is magnificent! That wallpaper is so beautiful! I find that wallpaper is so difficult to chose! I love the painting over the fireplace and how you have constructed the frame and done the artwork.

    Of course, the furniture is rich, exquisite! The corset is a delicate and feminine touch to any lady's dressing room. The tea set is so dainty and I am certain that milady will be so pleased with it. The chandelier is, of course, breathtaking!

    Your work is magnificent, Giac, so original! I look forward to seeing the progress!

  40. Stunning work Giac! I love your blog - you are amazing!

  41. Wow, your floor is so gorgious! Your room is going to be great, so very tastful. I also looove the chandelier and the tea set you bought.
    I wish you a Happy Easter.

  42. Elegant tea set and the most beautiful floor. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge. Gill x

  43. Nice work on the floor Giac! I really like the way you have used the grain of the wood to create the different shades of the wood. And I love the little tea set!

  44. Witaj, jestem pod ogromnym wrażeniem to wszystko jest cudowne. Pięknie wręcz perfekcyjnie wykonane. Prawdziwy profesjonalista. Pozdrawiam z Polski :)
