Monday, 6 February 2012

Grand Staircase Bay Window, Ladders and scullery

Hello everyone,
I hope you've all been well. I've been putting in way too much overtime at work and not getting enough sleep, but I did manage to get a few small projects done.

Gallery and staircase Bay window
The first project I got done is the staircase window. The window opening is 12 inches high by 6 inches wide. I started by making a simple frame out of basewood. In the next picture, I cut the ends of the angled pieces at 45 degree angles. I glued them with carpenter's glue and gel super glue.

When the angled pieces were set I glued the vertical frame pieces, then the smaller horizontal pieces. In the next picture you see the window structure put together.  

When this was all dry, I glued on 1/4" x 1/8" pieces to create the sashes to hold the window panes. To finish off this window, I cut crown molding into thin strips to create the gothic arches at the top of the window.

I'm going to glue this window in using just a few dots of hot glue. Since this section of the house is 12 inches wide and 34 inches deep, I want the window to be removable in case I need access to the staircase for cleaning or repairs.

The next project I worked on were the ladders for the Library Bookcases.

I simply took 1/8" by 1/4" lumber and drilled holes the same diameter as my dowels 5/8 inches apart.
I glued them together with The Ultimate Glue . I then painted them to match the library wood. I was lucky enought to find necklace clips that were just the right size for the hooks to hold the ladder onto the bar at the top of the bookcases.

I'm currently working on cutting wood strips for flooring, and I'm working on the scullery. Here's a look at the plate rack and the wood sink. The sink looks exactly like the one I saw in old pictures, but it doesn't translate well in just looks too bulky so I'm going to start it over.

And that is all I've done. I'm hoping the insanity at work has passed for a while so I can spend a little more time on Dewell Manor. 
I haven't had much free time to comment on your blogs and I apologize, but rest assured I am going through them and as always your work never ceases to amaze me.
I hope you all have a wonderful week, and I will try to have the scullery finished by sunday.
I wish you all the best,


  1. Beautiful work. I love the window, Dewell Manor is a masterpiece!


    1. Thank you Victoria! I appreciate your comments.
      Have a great day,

  2. Hi Giac,
    The bay window looks good and photographs even better! I like the library ladder too - are you going to put wheels on it? The plate rack is nice too - I may have to try my hand at one of those for my cabin. Keep up the good work. Your work is inspiring.

    1. Thank you Troy!
      Yes, I plan on adding wheels. I just haven't found anything that would work the wai I want it to.
      Have a great day,

  3. Bellissima la finestra, un lavoro impeccabile, come sempre!!!

    1. Buongiorno Mely,
      Grazie mille , sono contento che ii piaccia! Il tuo braccio come va?
      Tanti saluti,

    2. Caro Giac, il braccio non mi fa più male, ma non riesco ancora a piegarlo e a tenere oggetti pesanti, ci vorrà ancora un pò di pazienza, ma non mi arrendo!!
      Grazie del pensiero,

  4. The window is looking really great Giac!!!! This is going to one special house!!!!!

    1. Hello Elga,
      Thank you so much, your words really mean a lot to me.
      All the best,

  5. What a great job, the window is beautiful done! Your work is amazing, Giac!! I've looked on your blog: it's amazing.
    Kind regards, Ilona

    1. Hello Ilona,
      Thank you for taking the time to comment! I'm really happy you like my blog.
      All the best,

  6. Hello Giac!
    I don't know how you manage it but "Dewell Manor" just keeps getting better. The bay window makes a wonderful statement in the staircase. Very Grand! It also appears you have spent some time making books for the library. Looking forward to more!
    Warm regards to you and Jo

    1. Hello Ray,
      THank you so much! I really appreciate all your encouragement! I made those books a while ago for my Foxhall mother got the house but I kept the books! I think I have 200 books but need about 100 more to fill the's long work, but most likely better then making the shingles!
      All the best toyou and Scott,

  7. Hi from Finland!

    Im speechless...really. You are so skillful. I'm glad to be able to follow your amazing project :)

    Have a nice week and take care

    1. Hello Heidi,
      Thank you for taking the time to post such the wonderful comment. I appreciate it.
      Have a great week,

  8. Hey Giac. You have been so busy! It all looks wonderful, I really like the window! You clever chap!!
    Go get some rest...

    1. Hi Si,
      Thank you so much my friend! That particular window was very important to me, I really wanted to get it right.
      Trust me, after 19 hours of overtime last week, I plan on resting whenever I can.

  9. Espectacular!

    acompanho a construção com imensa curiosidade.



    1. Agradeço-lhe Tina,
      Dprecio suas palavras muito

  10. Hi Gaic,

    your talents never cease to amaze me. I love the bay window. I enjoy seeing how you made it. The ladder is great. I have been wanting to make a dish rack but had no idea how to go about it. I will give it ago, although Im sure my efforts will be a far cry from yours.

    The library looks great!!

    ML Fi x

    1. Hello Fi,
      Thank you so much. In my next post I'll be talking about the dish rack. It wasen't too hard to do...just took me a while to figure things out.
      What nonsense! I've seen the work you are capable of and I know you can build a dish rack to rival anyone of ours!

  11. Fantastic work, your window is beautiful. I`m impressed!

  12. if I had all that work to do I think I'd run away from home but I absolutely love it, it reminds me of proper british manor house.

    Marisa :)

    1. Hello Marisa,
      Thank you very much! I really work hard to create that british mano feeling and your comment means the world to me! There is a lot to do, but I always look at the project one room at the time. I've never been overwhlemed by anyhting yet...except the idea of shingling the roof!

  13. Un laborioso trabajo el de la ventana, esta quedando preciosa.

    un saludo

    1. Muchísimas gracias Pepita,
      Estoy tan feliz que al igual que mi trabajo. Abrazos,

  14. I'm so impressed with the fact that you make your own windows! The step by step photos are appreciated. I also like the ceiling in the first pic, it's very effective.

    1. Hello Irene,
      Thank you so much , I always look forward to your feedback. I didn't originally plan on making all the windows and doors, but the only commercial ones available were way too small for the look and feel I wanted for the Manor. I'm also glad you like the ceiling, I really wanted to recreate the wonderful plasterwork of the old british manors!

  15. Your work is amazing! Thanks for sharing the building process. So happy to have found your blog!

    1. Hello Kathi,
      Thank you for your lovely comments! what a great way to start the day. I'm glad you like the building process. I really created this blog to share ideas to those who need them and get some feedback on my work from people who are as passionate about miniatures as I am.
      Have a great day, hugs,

  16. The library is spectacular! I like that ladder to get to the books on the top shelves. I love that bay windows--actually, I like all the windows in the manor.


    1. Hello Iris,
      Thank you very much. It means a lot...the windows were A LOT of work.

  17. Hi Giac!

    The window is beautifully crafted as usual! I really admire your attention to detail. Great ladder too, looks perfect in the library!

    The plate rack is exactly like ones I have seen in big country houses, and the sink is good too, the supports are quite big, but don't look bad, but if you're not happy with them it's best to change them before fixing into place.

    have a great day!

    Andy x

    1. Hi Andy,
      Thank you so much for the great feedback. I've been going crazy trying to find authentic victorian kitchen and scullery pictures. I finally foiund a british series that gave me a tone if informatrion.
      I remade the sinks and I think the new ones look much better. Can't wait to get your feedback when the csullery is done.
      Happy weekend,

  18. Hi Giac! I LOVE that window! It is SO Majestic! That whole staircase is Gorgeous... it's almost a shame that it is so far back at the end of the hall.... but I am sure it looks beautiful from where you see it! Like Irene, I am impressed that you make all the windows!
    Your scullery rack is WAY more than mine! LOL! And I love the ladders for the Library too! It looks like you got quite a bit done in spite of working too much!

    1. Hello Betsy,
      I'm glad you approve! When I was making the plans for the mano I really tried to rework the staircase so that it would show, but in my mind it had to be at the back so it would be the first thing you see when you open the front door. I'm looking forward to attaching the chandelier over the staircase. It has 8 bulbs so I'm hoping the detail will stand out. Also, I haven't ruled out lighting the windows from behind to give the illusion of daylight going through the stained glass windows.
      Your rack was perfect. Mine is for dishes and yours is for laundry. I was going to make a laundry rack also, but I think there will be a laundry house on the estate not far from the manor.
      Have a wonderful weekend,

  19. Hello Giac somehow i missed this update sorry. The window is gorgeous. Your work is always amazing i admire it so much. I love to visit your blog. I have a little gift for you on my blog.
    Hugs Maria

  20. I also missed this post! The window looks fantastic. Love the whole staircase, all that wood is something I really like.
