Sunday, 18 September 2011

Door Frames, Great room panelling and Library Carpet.

Hello everybody. I hope you all had a great weekend.

I finally put together the door frames for the 1st floor! I needed to get them installed so I could start work on baseboards and panelling.
Because the first floor is 14 inches high I wanted all the doors openings to be 8" high by 4"wide, and each one has an opening for a stained glass transom on top, about 1 3/4" high.

I started by gluing the basic frame together out of 1/8" bassewood and then I added the decorative molding, corner pieces and plinth blocks. To make sure everything was at exact 90 degree angles I used the best tool I could find...Lego building blocks.

 They help get perfect angles and then you just have to wash them in hot water to remove any leftover glue .
I then added miniature quarter round molding in the transom section to hold the piece of stained glass..eventually!
When they were dry I painted them according to the room they are meant for.

The next BIG project was the panneling in the Great Room. I cannot tell you how painful this was for me. The deepest part of the Great Room is 34 inches . I had to litterally get into the room to attach the moulding strips...I felt like Alice in Wonderland when she drank the "Drink Me" bottle!

Don't laugh! I'm 6 foot 2 and I was like this for over 8 hours today! It was like a sick form of yoga!

I started by gluing the bottom and top strips to the wall, as always with The Ultimate glue and drops of gel super glue. I then glued on the vertical molding strips using lego blocks to keep them as straight as possible.

Then came the long, long task of cutting the horizontal pieces.  Again I used Legos to help keep the pattern accurate

When all was in place,  I added the baseboards, decorative molding to the top of the panelling, and a picture frame molding strip at the top of the room.

I can now work on the columns and the arches that will seperate the game room area and the drawing room area. I took a break in the afternoon and went to a fabric store to look for curtain material. I found a beautiful red velvet fabric I thought could work in the Library. I got home, glued it onto my illustration board subfloor with spray adhesive (this is about the only time I use spray adhesive. I have had much trouble with it in the past. I loathe the stuff)
I love the look of the carpet with the wallpaper and think it will look quite good with my mahogany and black leather furniture, but I'm just not convinced it's exactly what I want...I'll leave it in for a week or 2 and make my decision then.

I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes...I'm just too tired to go over the post tonight.
Have a great week everyone!


  1. Está genial, te está quedando un trabajo genial!! Enhorabuena!!

  2. Giac,I have to confess: I laughed!
    Great job and the room is incredible, it looks so real!even better than real.
    May be the carpet is a tad too red and that's what does not convince you.
    Buona giornata, Rosanna

  3. I have to say I'm very very excited I found your blog! I love that you build so much from scratch and that your work is so detailed!
    I totally recognize the weird yoga positions :P I was rudely called the dollhouse gynaecologist by family!
    I honestly love what you are making here, the fireplace is amazing. Are those figures real woodcarvings or did you use some technique? it looks stunning!

  4. Hello Giac!
    Enjoyed reading and seeing your lastest progress on the house. Are not Lego's the greatest! The finish of the paneling in the great room really starts bringing all the elements of that space together nicely. Can't wait to see the arches.

  5. More excellent progress here. The pic of you doing your "Gulliver" impersonation really gives an idea of the size of the room - it's just marvellous. I'm a fan of Lego too but wouldn't have thought of using it as a spacer - that idea has been pinched and stored for future use!

  6. Good morning!
    Thank you and muchas gracias all for your great comments...what a lovely way to start a Monday!
    Ray, I could not have done it without your articles in Miniature Collector. You and Scott are my saviors!
    Rosanna, I fogive you for laughing! I admit I laughed at myself all day.
    Anneke, thank you for the sympathy! I made the figures using air dry clay. I used tooth picks, sewing needles and a few basic clay carving tools. when the clay was dry,I glued them onto the fireplace using gel super glue. Lastly I covered it with a coat of gesso, then faux-finished them.
    Have a great week everybody.

  7. Your work is fantastic. I have to say it is a funny picture of you lol. But wow look at the result. Hugs Maria

  8. :-D
    Let's say that in this post you have shown us your best side (I'm referring, of course, your skill of miniaturist ...).
    Giac, apart from the fact that you are a talented, should be really fun to see you work :-)
    The room is nothing short of fabulous and only now I realize its real dimensions ... WOW!
    BTW as Rosanna, I also think that red carpet is too bright ...
    Ciao caro amico, Flora

  9. Hello, great work congratulations, please continue, because I learn from you.

  10. Obrigado Cunha! I'm glad my blog is of help!

    Thank you everyone, I really appreciate the feedback!
    Have a great day!

  11. Un trabajo espectacular, ¡PERFECTO!. Besos, Angela.

  12. Giac, the sight of you crawling inside your house made me spit my coffee through my nose! Too funny! But your efforts sure were worth. The room is amazing. The arches will send it over the top and I can't wait to see them!


  13. Thnak you all for you very kind comments and welcome to all new friends. I'm trully humbled that so many people `apprecitae my work.

    John, sorry about the coffee!

  14. Hi Giac, I am so glad I found your blog today, as I love building progress reports and your house seems to be a beauty! Great funny photos of you trying to fit inside your new house. Love the paneled room and those columns are beautiful.

  15. Thank you Josje,
    I just looked over your website and I am very impressed...absaolutely fantastic work!
    THank you for the feedback!

  16. WOW!! Amazing dollhouse,love the decoration!!! Miniregards rom sunny Spain,Sonia.
