Saturday, 11 June 2011

In the beginning

Hello all,
My name is Giac and welcome to my blog. I've been a miniaturist since 1997. In the past I've built 3 dollhouses from kits and have decided to try building one from scratch. The hobby is not very popular in the Montreal area and I thought this blog would be a good way to share my ideas, what I've learned and get help and feedback from others. I started construction on the dollhouse in August of 2010 and am now confident enough to create this blog. I hope you enjoy my work.



  1. No conocía tu blog y me parece sencillamente genial!! Tienes un talento asombroso!! Enhorabuena!!

  2. Te felicito por el blog...y por tan maravilloso trabajo!!, me encanto ver cada un gran trabajo!!!
